Hi all,
I was in italy for a short week with my mum and since I wasn’t going far from where Silvio is, we met and went gifting one day together. (btw. sorry Davide that I didn’t warn you too, I didn’t know you weren’t that far either, I thought you were in the south!)
I left with a bit more than 500 TBs and 2 HHGs I had left at home.
First thing I did was the main antenna where I was staying there (Travedona Monate)
For some days I just gifted by throwing orgonites along the road everywhere I went, also gifted the Lago maggiore in Arona and a road up the mountains somewhere close.
Some antennas we did with silvio
Silvio also planted an earthpipe near a cemetery near cadrezzate
We didn’t notice we actually gifted right at the back of the Ispra nuclear research center withotu knowing… Which is what we wanted to do [Image Can Not Be Found] I later went by again to add other TBs.
then gifted the lago maggiore in Ispra, then in Angera where we saw the thick overcast cloud cover open up for a while [Image Can Not Be Found]
Us near Sesto calende [Image Can Not Be Found]
This was a park that seemed to have a bad energy (old/stagnant) we gifted the lake from tehre too and the park.
Btw. just questiosn to otehr here who did gift lakes and water things in the past, I told silvio I personally just throw and throw orgonites in the lake/water/stream/pond until I feel a small breeze lift up (on days with no wind). We had that while gifting the lake, I’m just wonderign if others here use the same ‘signs’ to know there’s enough orgonties gifted in that specific place?
Anyway then I carried on alone the next days
They placed bees nests under high voltage power lines and near an antenna! How can they not understand this is bad for the bees???
And kept quite a lot (around 120 TBs) for one specific moutnain… I know this is way over-gifting according to the methods here, but that’s just how I like doing it, that mountain deserves it, Campo dei Fiori near Varese, it covers the whole area over probably 50km and more around.
There are three tops, all with quite a lot of antennas! One military zone, one for the TV transmitters of national italian TV and another spot for radio, mobile and otehr stuff I guess… Plus another 2 smaller antennas aroudn the mountain I didn’t get too close too, I didn’t have the time.
That’s one reason I overgifted, I prefer to see it as preemptive gifting, I know they’ll use that mountain to add more antennas in the future, there’s no doubt about it!
Some gifting…
A bit of sylphs
The sky was quite blue above the mountain [Image Can Not Be Found] Less so in the distance!
A bit later, whatever that is? chemtrails soup and sylphs?
And the rest. I placed the two HHG in that mountain…
And then some planes tried to come by, but right above there the sky was too energised for anything to work anymore…
Gifted the military antennas from another direction.
Then have at look at these, it’s REALLY important I think! You can clearly see the DOR/Pollution in the distance in contrast to the gifted moutnain I’ve just gifted. The moutnain is evidently fine now, but the surrounding areas are not [Image Can Not Be Found]
Here’s a map of the area.
The big blue dots on the top/center are the mountain tops with antennas.
green lines is water gifting
the small blue dots are antennas I gifted well by stopping there and planting TBs properly to be sure the TBs stay there!
The red overdrawings aare just random orgonites thrown along the roads and also to gift antennas along the roads which I can’t remember where they were, I probably gifted a good dozen that way too.
This map also includes gifts I did some previous years there.
Approx 400 TBs must have gone in that small area, I hope this might wake up someone there to continue what’s well started [Image Can Not Be Found]
The other ~100 TBs went in gifting in france while going there, two different tops in the Vosges. There’s a large air radar i completely forgot right in the middle tehre (Le Grand Balon), I’ll have to get back to that place one day…
Nice meeting you Silvio!! [Image Can Not Be Found] I hope it’s not the last time [Image Can Not Be Found]