Lots Of Dead Whales!

The international whaling commission is having a meeting later in June and from what we’ve found out, its looking like they’re going to approve open hunting on whales and the word is, the vote to do so is going to happen on June 22 (which is a bad-guy “power” day I’m told).

The chat members are doing what we can to try and prevent it, but your boosts would definitely be appreciated.

Also, if there are any EW members or guests who gift who live in the vicinity who might be able to quickly gift the meeting place it would most certainly help the cause.

The meeting is to take place in Morocco here starting on June 21:

Centre de Congrès
Les Dunes d’Or

If you can gift the meeting location and would prefer to remain anonymous please email Don at the following address to let him know you’ve gotten it done so he can pass the information along to all of us:

[email protected]

For those of you who don’t know, whales (cetas as we refer to them) are very etherically active and very highly evolved creatures (like the dolphins) and very powerful allies of ours and they help the chat team diffuse mass murder attempts by bad guys all the time. We need to do anything we can to stop the approval of legalized mass murder of our “friends”.

How anyone could want to kill such majestic creatures simply boggles the mind and all for a buck.


Looks like Japan is at the center of this all.

Here are a couple links with some interesting information that points the finger their way (mostly).

[Japan Offered Prostitutes to Sway Whaling Votes/url:37qz8tg3

[Japan warns it may quit whaling commission if no progress made in easing of ban/url:37qz8tg3

At this point, all we can do is boost the IWC as often as we can during the meeting and expect this to make a big enough difference that the vote swings the right way (to keep the ban in force).

