Lots of Questions

I got an email from an accomplished, prolific orgonite flinger in Southern California who had not been in touch with anyone else who is doing this work. It highlighted, for me, how we’re all guided in the field and in our inspiration even when we’re isolated.

I told her that it would be productive for me to answer the questions here instead of just privately since a lot of people have these questions. She’d have been posting reports by now but I think I got hacked while trying to register her. Dooney will sort it out.

Here it is and my answers/comments will be italicized:

After you did the desert reversal east of the sierras they fought against it? Sometimes when we get a lot of towers they drop a lot more chem trails than usual. Do they remove orgonite after busting death towers or what do they do to overcome it?

More specifically, immediately after I dropped orgonite along the high ridge just north of the I-10 going into the pass through the Sierras from the east a severe drought started in California. That was three years ago: February, 2013. While that drought was starting to the west, the valley directly east of that ridge began to get record rainfall. Dr Reich had set up a cloudbuster in that pass in 1954 and caused rain to fall throughout the Sonora Desert, which includes Phoenix and Tucson, where abundant green grass began to grow for the first time since the arrival of white folks.

Carol and I returned there a year later and I dropped more orgonite from my little airplane in the Salton Sea & for a long distance along the east slope of that ridge, also to some more remote targets in that range that she’d discerned as being important for reversing the desert. The airport I chose to take off from to do the Salton Sea and mountain targets east of there was so eroded from heavy rain that the runway was closed. I had to dodge big, eroded ruts when I was taking off and landing . The ‘California Sahara,’ which is what the region east of that ridge is called, was covered with green succulent plants for tht first time. By then, your drought had reverted the San Joaquin Valley back to desert, again and LA was dry and brown, again. A year before, when I drove through there, that big valley between LA and Sacramento was as green as Ireland, most of the sage brush had been displaced by grass and there were cattle grazing along the highway. This was some years after the feds turned off the irrigation water to a huge part of that agricultural valley. At the time, Southern California was vibrantly green as I’d never seen it, before. When we started doing this work in the region in 2001 it was quite depressing to drive through there on account of the dense smog (which is almost entirely gone, now) and the lack of non-irrigated greenery.

Orgonite can’t be overcome; it just keeps working as usual but when the enemy erect more death towers nearby or install a lot more weaponry on a busted tower one simply has to go back and drop more orgonite in the vicinity. We keep track of that activity around here, including Spokane, a large city. We did this area in the fall of 2002 and very few new death towers, etc., have been erected since then. I think they’re afraid to build too many of these because they’d risk waking up the sleepwalkers (majority of people) by doing so.

On rare occasions the enemy have been known to excavate all around a death tower in an apparent attempt to remove the orgonite and that’s just one reason we advise against putting orgonite close to a tower. It hasn’t happened in a long time, as far as I know. Even though the enemy have endless material resources and wealth their bottleneck seems to be man[sic]power

Since chemtrails never drop to the ground, any more I assume that the increase in spew activity is just a psi op. As I said, they have endless resources and so waste isn’t much of a factor for them except in terms of manpower.

For some reason, the enemy seem to be unable to find orgonite, even with the help of their own psychics. I suspect it’s because they all choose to be parasites, which seems unworthy of the human spirit, to me. Parasites only understand decay and death and the old oligarchs, including the international bankers, exemplify that degradation to me. Also, metal detectors don’t easily find orgonite even though it’s full of metal. We once saw a fed outside the fence of a tower site with a metal detector who was evidently trying (and failing)Cool to find one of our towerbusters.

A lot of the times that we get a tower we will see people working on them a day or two after. One we got recently i saw a truck at that looked like they were doing maintenance then after I saw three work trucks at it.

Congratulations! This is one of the finest confirmations for success in the field. Many observant orgonite flingers like yourself have taken note of this. The enemy are fatally addicted to secrecy so these field technicians are evidently never told about orgonite, though the techs who are also sewer rat agents seem to know, we discovered. They’re a minority of field techs on the towers; most of them are just contractors and they don’t know anything about this weaponry. They get paid a lot to install and service the things and if they ask questions they lose their jobs so of course they’re unlikely to be curious.

What was Georg’s charge for? I saw a video of a guy talking about how police were talking to him after he tower bust and he was warning people that the government was trying to make orgoniting a terrorist attack. I sort of thought the video was posted to make people fearful, but also wouldn’t past the government to make it a terrorist attack. That’s too bad he lost the heart for it but that is reasonable after being incarcerated.

Georg and friends (including Carlos of orgonite-portugal.com were never charged, though they spent three months in jail in Mozambique, awaiting trial. They were arrested for flinging orgonite from a vehicle ferry across one of the reservoirs on the Zambezi River. They were going to do it from Georg’s motorboat but one of the engines had been sabotaged so they did it from the ferry, instead.

Most of the material about empowering subject matter that you see on the internet, especially on YouTube, is disinformation and fear porn. Nobody has ever been arrested for flipping death towers as far as I know but there was a brief period in late 2002 and early 2003 when orgonite made the news several times and in the same way. I don’t talk about this much, publicly, because some people who used to be close to us instigated it.

They had introduced a Rube Goldberg device that had a little orgonite in it and were promoting it as something that makes ordinary towerbusters obsolete. They looked like pipe bombs and this was a year after the feds blew up the World Trade Center, so police agencies were keening for some real evidence of terrorism. In several states, police were made aware of these pipe things by people who found them. They were each put in places where they were easy to find. In each case, the cops told reporters that they were harmless but that they blew them up, anyway and in each article the same prominent disinformation website about orgonite was published.

This scam had damaged the orgonite movement so severely that Carol and I went to Atlanta and got rid of the ugly smog by flipping all the death towers with simple towerbusters. That was in the spring of 2003 and that somehow ended the ‘pipe bomb’ scam as we’d hoped it would. The fact that we don’t know how this worked so well may point up the importance of following through on one’s intuitive hunches. We had a hunch that doing Atlanta would accomplish it and we went ten grand into debt on that little gamble . A couple of years later, when we went to Florida on another hunch to attempt to disable the growing hurricane agenda (we succeeded within a year) Jeff McKinley, who worked closely with us throughout the campaign, told us that he’d followed the bad advice about the ‘pipe bombs’ and then had to go and re-do all of the targets where he’d left these cumbersome and expensive devices becuase they didnt’ work. That was a hard lesson for him which nobody has to repeat these days, thankfully.

I will distribute orgonite to wherever you think it is most needed and I won’t think of it as a sacrifice in the slightest way. I love gifting orgonite. I have made over 200 in the last few days all intended for gifts and field work. We are going to Gem and Jam festival in Arizona so we will be taking some there to give away. When you toss the of a pier will the dolphins always sense them and find them? Or do you have to wait till the dolphins come before dumping them off the pier? My sister was just in hawaii for 3 months and she got to swim with 50 spinner dolphins, she had orgonite with her. I told her about dolphin balls and she got really excited. She wants to help distribute dolphin balls to dolphins. I am interested in sailing and distributing db to dolphins as well. I used to sail with my dad. Your stories of sailing in the bahamas are intense but sound very exciting and adventurous. I used to think my dad and I would have a lot of boat troubles till I read your journal entries haha.

Apparently, the Callfornia drought ended some time ago. Until you told me [in a later email than this one ~D] about how green it is where you live and how the grass is again displacing sage brush, etc., I was feeling pretty keen to toss a bucket of towerbusters off a pier in SoCal. Carol had dowsed that this was all that would have been needed to disable the weather weaponry on the seabed that had evidently been used to generate and maintain that weird drought. To answer your questions, dolphins seem to take orgonite to target areas and if I’m correct, this is a symbiotic arrangement because many of those weapons are also being used to murder dolphins and whales. We went on scores of missions in and around Florida and part of the Bahamas when we were ruining the hurricane mass murder agenda and we never failed to see dolphins around us, sometimes even quite far up a couple of rivers. I recommend swimming with that dolphin pod in Captain Cook Bay on the Big Island, which I assume is where your sister went. They seem to be the most interactive dolphin pod in the world and it’s heaven to swim with them, I can tell you personally. If one will get out in a boat and toss orgonite often enough in a certain area I think one will get introductions to the pod living there or near there. I think dolphins will find orgonite anywhere you toss it in the sea. While we were waiting for the delivery of our Zodiac in Florida we used to shoot towerbusters out beyond the surf line at several beaches with a spudgun and we also swam out with it. They swarmed our boat and the nearby police boat that was following us in Miami Harbor in water that I thought was too shallow for them. It distracted the happy cops so much that they didn’t see us leave.

You may find at the Gem and Jam festival that a lot of people know about orgonite, there.

I just got 8 towers yesterday in the hemet, ca area. I can get some on the way to Tuscon, Arizona this week. I’m not sure if it will be needed though if its good energy from Touson to Texas. I have gotten a few towers in the mojave desert when I go out to full moon gatherings. Its great to hear you stopped the tornados and hurricanes. Do you know where the California offshore source is that needs to get neutralized, I would love to help.

Weather radar shows that the weaponry is several hundred miles southwest of LA. I don’t recall the exact area but I figure the dolphins know best. If Carol discerns that it’s still a problem when we go to Santa Barbara in June I’ll toss a bucketful off the pier, there. When we were doing all that work in and around Florida, Dave Emmett was tossing thousands of TBs around Barbados in the sea and Carol and other psychics tracked a lot of this going almost to the coast of Africa where hurricanes are born, also throughout the Caribbean. They saw a lot of ours moving east into the Caribbean, too. You’re already doing a lot more than you realize. I hope you’ll also tell about the ‘rainmakers’ when you start posting your orgonite field reports.

I am still a little unclear if iron oxide still helps the orgonite be more powerful. I thought iron oxide is just powdered metal and it would work well to fill in the gaps between the shavings, because I mix it with the resin before pouring it into the molds. As far as it being affordable to keep putting in field orgonite I don’t think it makes much of a cost different. I got a pound of iron oxide for less than $10 and ill easily have enough for 2000 orgonit I’ve made about 500 orgonite already since purchasing it and I’ve barely vut into the bag. That being said I still want to understand if its actually useful or not. You had said metal oxides don’t seem to add any energy qualities. I just am a little confused why they don’t if they are metal. I have seen some pretty ridiculous stuff in orgonite as bee pollen that just didnt make any since why they’d even waste space in an orgonite for. Also are terminated crystals better for tower busters than small terminated crystals? Which type of metal has the best effect?

Carol and others found that oxides and metal salts, such as iron pyrite, are poor substitutes for metal. Filling space between metal particles in orgonite with anything but catalyzed resin might be counerproductive. Iron oxide as a component for personal, interactive orgonite is probably appropriate for some purpose but I doubt it adds to the effectiveness of field orgonite. Any metal works as well as another for field orgonite. For personal orgonite various metals will add their own peculiar energy qualities if one has the skill and/or inspiration combine elements effectively. Reich was fond of galvanized steel for his orgone accumulators and Carol found that such metals as bronze and brass, which are a combination of metals melted together, also work well for personal orgonite.

Disinformants are or were promoting the use of iron pyrite and similar compounds in place of metal but I think the purpose was to persuade people to make ineffective orgonite. We’ve found people selling ‘orgonite’ at events such as the Gem and Jam festival that had no metal in it at all; it’s just resin with gemstones in it. Real orgonite will win out, I’m sure. Putting organic elements like herbs, bee pollen, bugs, tobacco, etc., can be useful for a specific purpose but that’s never necessary. Carol makes specialized pieces for specific elementals for such places as Kilauea and Mary Magdalene’s sites in Europe but that’s interactive orgonite. When someone has a talent for that and is in tune with these entities I think it’s a wonderful thing to do. I don’t make it because I’m not sensitive, that way.

I hope to make a clear distinction between practical etheric work with unseen entities and the abstruse, mystifying horse $#!+ that’s so pervasive on the web whenever one does a search on ‘orgonite.’ As always, one’s personal hunches ought to trump every other consideration in that line of work. We believe that we’re each well guided and protected when we’ll follow our hunches. This is not and will never be a personality cult, nor will it become organized as long as I’m alive, grid willing.


What was Georg’s charge for? I saw a video of a guy talking about how police were talking to him after he tower bust and he was warning people that the government was trying to make orgoniting a terrorist attack. I sort of thought the video was posted to make people fearful, but also wouldn’t past the government to make it a terrorist attack. That’s too bad he lost the heart for it but that is reasonable after being incarcerated.

Thank you for the great questions, I enjoyed it very much and hope you’ll be able to post directly here soon.

Regarding the question about the arrests in Mozambique I can answer that very accurately since I’m still in possession of the accusation papers 8-)

We were being accused of the following:

  • smuggling - they maintained we hid the orgonite* from Customs. Not declaring it is the same as smuggling (thus anyone can be accused of a crime).
  • “changing” the biology in the river (including food/fish). There was a ridiculous lab test from the company that runs the Cahora Bassa dam which stated the resin was harmful to the river. It could only have stood on a kangaroo court which we fortunately avoided.
  • sabotage - “for throwing and burying objects which could destroy or harm, within time, the dam infrastructure, mobile phone networks, electricity distribution system, and the river” (a real weapon a mass distruction, according to them). The prison locals were a little upset as they were told over the radio news we had wanted to blow up the dam but very quickly realised we were harmless. They had more sense than all the officials… but of course it wasn’t for lack of sense they kept us in shackles.
  • doing a non-regulated environmental activity - this one seemed like the funniest until I realized lawyers have no sense of humour. Of course “environmental activity” is so vague it could mean saving the whales or torching a forest. It’s also again the type of victimless “crime” that demonstrates how today’s overregulating governments have only to lift a finger to find someone guilty of something.

Not wanting to derail this any more I’ll open another thread soon about the documentation I have of this event ;-) Been wanting to do it for quite a while and now it seems timely.

*actually it might have been the GPS and satellite phone.

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