LOTS of rain in the middle of the Sahara!

Got the following from ‘Rachid’ who has been doing a lot of gifting in Morocco:


This is the weatherforcast for the next days for Africa, it’s a card for the rain, the more blue, the more rain is expected. There will be rain in the middle of the Sahara, 1500 km to the south und 2000 km to the east. This is a stunnig event, rain on three million square – kilometers in the desert! Only tiny parts of this are no desert, they are semi-arid or arid at the coastlines. I would guess that 90%-95% of the downpour will kiss the rocks or the sand of the desert…

There is constant rain since my giftingcampaign in Marokko, but this is the nicest event so far. In the central regions of the Sahara, there is normally no rain for decades. the chances for the reversal to green land, maybe huge grassland for cattle in the middle and more forestlike land near the coast, are very real.

If you like, bring this in your forum as an encouragement for all gifters in the world after what happened to steve.

Talk to you, Rachid

Christof sent the following (Thanks!):

Hi Don,

there is currently a strong southwestern air stream in the Sahara, bringing a lot of clouds and rain.

You can see it at

where you can watch the last 6 hours if you click on the “24”.

Last night it already brought a lot of rain to Libya, now to Mauritania.

Normally the wind there blows from the Northeast, but in the last months there were a lot of southwestern winds, that brought quite a lot of rain to the Sahara.



I read the comment from Christopher, this is interesting.

What I couldn’t do was Dakhla, simply because it’s quite far away from where I gifted, another 1500 Km to the south. There are lots of huge military radars. I mentioned this to one of my gifting buddies and I suspect that he brought orgonite there or rather found someone to do this, because I gave him about 20 TBs ans a couple of HHGs.

If you look at the map then you can see the rain many times concentrated around Dakhla, a city in the desert. Imagine some important radars flipped around in a region where you find nothing else, the effect must be astounding! Maybe this attracts the humidity from the ocean. It would fit to their conviction to be silent about good deeds, because they do not seek any reward but from Allah. This is really a true Muslim!

Another word to the direction of the wind:

At least in the northern part of marokko, there is normally a constant wind from the west, but no rain all summer long. I always thought that this was due to the fact that this air from the ocean is being heated up over the land and the clouds all vanish, because warmer air has got a lower relative humidity. This means that a constant westwind doesn’t necessarily mean rain in Marokko. If Christopher has got some more climatic explanations I’d be interested to know them.

Thanks for the feedback, Rashid


Thx, partner! Good info. He evidently did ‘treat’ those weather weapons.

Who is the German who tossed loads of orgonite from his sailboat off the Atlantic coast of Morocco, several years ago?
