Finally, here it is, there is rain in Marokko again!
The draught in the recent months is being caused by severe chemtrailing over the Golf of Biskaja. It causes draught in northern Africa, Spain, Italy, eastern Europe. This is why we need more support for the Golf project.
Recent developements in Marokko:
One corageous guy gifted the dangerous drug region around Chefchaouen. I managed to convince my Ex to bring another 20 TBs to Marokko, together with some remaining stock in Kenitra this is worth two or three important gifting tours. Closing gaps or hitting important spots sometimes brings huge effect when a country is relatively well busted.
By the way Marokko is the only country where the criminal warmongers could not create war! Nice confirmation!
Look at Algeria: Can you see the rain south of Algier in the desert? This is the project desert greening, they work with orgonite, unfortunately also the “old” way like Wilhelm Reich did. This poisens the water below the desert. Thats why we gifted the ground water near the Algerian border at a srategic very important spot, there all this DOR is constantly being reversed into POR, which has a huge impact all over the western parts of northern Africa!
After we did that, there was a huge downpour all over Marokko and snow in Spain until the middle.
If the psychics want to look at it, I would like to know if this theory is true. If it is, then we know where to place more orgonite.
I appreciate that your theory it’'s true it works even us at first when we started doing experiment in draught hit regions like Somali Land Ethiopia and Sudan things were quite worse ,but after a thorough distribution of the orgonites these regions are quite healthy .They receive sufficient rain fall.In Lake Victoria even now is experiencing sufficient rainfall through through the cloudy wind from the west African regions which comprises of Algeria Nigeria among other areas which had been under attack with draught. In Kenya the areas as Kisumu and Turkana they had been very dry areas but after a thorough distribution of the orgonite now they have turned to green and grass land.
This made us to have confidence even in expanding our gifting and very soon i do believe that the whole of Africa which even includes the Northern parts of Africa which is still dry will be reclaimed and be productive.
Thanks for your good research.
Orgonite had been in good record here in our Eastern parts of the Africa,since we started gifting in these areas we are really getting enough rainfall and i m very sure that within some years the whole of Africa will regain her almost lost glory,the area will be covered with green land and thick forest due to the adequate rainfall.
Mrs O
Hi Habibi
Really your experience is very true even recently i got one of my friend who is a missionary from Morocco, in fact he told me that the rain is torrently raining in Morocco than in the previous seasons. We much times with him and what really surprised him in that nation is the positive change of climate from hot sunny to humid and rainy atmosphere.This made me to realized that all the works which Habibi had dome in that nation is having a lot to be admired.
So the only thing that i would urge Habibi to continue doing is thorough gifting regardless of the slow improvement in some areas just as what we have experienced in some parts of the lower parts of Africa.