Massachusetts being inundated!

Coyote thanks for bringing this topic up. I’ve been to Massachusetts and they have no real mountains there like here in the west. So all the moisture they get, hits the cities. It’s insane. I’m curious if anyone has gifted the huge haarp arrays up in Alaska?

The snow fall here in Utah is the same as Northern Arizona. very little moisture. All rain and no snow. Highs all through January were in the low to mid 50’s. And February has been low to mid 60’s. That’s Twenty or so degrees higher than normal. I wouldn’t exactly be putting that in the positive changes thread.

Personally it’s been great, but if we don’t get more snow in the mountains, we’re going to have burnt lawns this summer. There’s very little left up there.

I’ve set up my CB and have been gifting as much as possible around SLC, for the last month. I just got done today systematically gifting the majority of the death towers here. And another mountain top array. Also part of the NSA shitrat building in Bluffdale. Really hoping for more moisture as a result.

If anyone has any information about this, I would love to know also. I’m guessing weather manipulation. The real question is where?

There is plenty of Orgonite up and down Massachusetts and that is an understatement.

Haarp is directed supposedly from Hanscom afb in Bedford.

The snow here is really adding up, I will be glad to see it go.

Eric Wink

Great post I just got all my writing deleted trying to ad a picture of the pyramid and my post got deleted so I Say confirmation once again. So before I lose this Great post I enjoy reading from all of you, I noticed from my location in northwest CT on the border of Ma and NY we did not get hit as hard as boston. I had a dream a few months ago I wrote down the word Quabbin now I had no idea what that was. I was looking at a map in MA and Quabbin is the largest reservoir in MA. So i did a search on google and the site brings good intel and pic of pyramid in the middle of lake. 6000 graves moved for building this reservoir, houses flooded, sound familiar? Hows that for RIP? As for the target of ALaska indeed I agree Coyote we should put a bunch of barrels up there for sure but I stand more by doing local gifts when possible for I live at my home you know? I want it protected and I noticed that when these storms hit near the hudson river in ny they die down when they pass us. We did throw quite a bit of pucks in the water from albany down to newburgh. So I guess what Im saying is that there is a possiblity that the alskan harp can and will work in resonance with other transimitters, it is more important to work near our centers in my opinion, so we can protect ourselves and our loved ones. Its like removing the rug under their creepy legs or cutting the cords of their ghoulish marionettes. The local ones can pic up some of the resonance when they work together and everything is fine. Electronics fail miserably a lot! So orgonite helps them fail so they cant feel the big harps influence. Thats how I take it. Thanks

Alexander O’Brien

That old HAARP facility in Alaska probably has more orgonite around it than any of the other old HAARP arrays in teh world, though the one in Australia is also well gifted, also evidently the one in Riga, Latvia.

I think all of those may be more or less redundant since the Old Parasite erected countless thousands of other weather weapon facilities around the globe in the more recent past, including on the seabed. Several of us are planning to disable all of the coastal undersea weather weaponry along the US coasts this year. I think we’ve busted enough of them in the world, collectively, to make it obvious to even the most obdurate Pajama Person that ‘global warming’ is a scam. The Old Parasite’s academic/science whores are now calling it ‘global cooling,’ though that still seems to be a trial balloon since it makes them look as idiotic as they actually are.

Coyote told me that her pasture is a mud pit for the first time, by the way. That’s one of many indicators that Arizona is getting a lot of rainfall. We often pay more attention to the TV weather/climate reports and even to the Old Parasite’s ‘Chicken Little’ disinformants on the web than to our own eyeballs but that’s something we can unlearn, I think. The abundant green grass in Tuscson and Phoenix are my favorite indicators, though.

Gifters who travel a lot can more easily see the climate improvements. People who see the world thru TV and disinformation websites will assume that the world is still falling apart.


On the subject of odd weather and some comments on haarp:

The R and the P stand for research project, officially…At this point, how much of it is research?
also, would they make it public if the newer antennas had a new purpose? The term death tower is maybe a little dramatic for me. For one thing, once they are flipped they are POR generators. they, the ones having them built, just don’t know that really, they are building life force generators in the end. Certainly the towers are ugly, even evil looking, like maybe a tool of war. You don’t need special powers to notice that. Weather ware fare seems like a pretty good guess, but who knows maybe they could zap some one standing in their yard with those towers; killing them or just doing voice to skull, or whatever.

The metal particles floating high in the atmosphere interact with the energy of the sun, and theoretically work in tandem with the tower system as well. Who is fighting Whom and isn’t there a UN world agreement of some sort not to do weather ware fare?
HAARP is an acronym from the 70’s, and it was supposedly a technology used for communicating with submarines that are over the horizon, according to the old Dr. Bagich lecture. It is possible that what ever they are doing with all the towers these days is still called haarp, There are floating tower barges, trucked towers, underwater ones , maybe on a submarine, and of course there are arrays in many countries. Also, maybe the single towers are part of very large arrays too. * If for weather warfare, maybe they can alter the jet stream. That’s a lot of maybe, and they, the towers, are no doubt multi-purpose in many cases.

There is a jet stream anomaly which has created a 2 year drought in Southeastern Brazil. I found out about the drought from a sailing site because the olympics are going to be in Brazil, but there was recently a story about the leaders of San Paulo saying the water will need to be turned off 4-5 days a week. The story seems to check out if you search the web. The Amazon river is around there so droughts are rare. Too many trees down? weather warfare? over population of San Paulo? Gifting target.
That weird warm weather in the western US could be from the seemingly endless parade of pineapple express systems that have been pushing right by HI and up into the western US. Very weird winter here in Hawaii, but it is a nice mix of warm and chilly with some rain occasionally. The south wind with 50 knot gusts at the peak of each passing system has been harsh though. Last summer it was a parade of tropical storms from central america. Now this winter it’s a parade of systems blasting by from the west south west heading north and east.

My opinion is that making and distributing the orgonite is still important for the planet earth, and for me very gratifying, even fun since making stuff is what i do. aloha

Thanks for all that, David–very good grist for the consultation mill and this process is powerfully productive. I think the Old Parasite spends endlessly (and uses clever censorship on all of its media and publishing assets) to discourage everyone from talking intelligently to each other, especially on the internet.

Assuming that any of the chemtrail disinformation is valid is probably a mistake but we’re all prone to that. I’ve never come across any evidence of bad effects of the alleged spraying of aluminum particles in teh stratosphere for instance, and I’ve corresponded with thousands of observant people around the world. I’m always seeking objective observations of the atmosphere around them. The American deserts continue to get greener, for instance, and I can tell you that the sky is often full of chemtrails when we’re gifting in the desert. Most of the time, Sylphs gobble them up and/or turn them into inspiring and bright sculptures. I don’t think any of the Chicken Littles mention Sylphs Cool except to claim that ‘the devil made them.’

I admit to using some hyperbole in my writing but if I called these weapons POR generators instead of death towers then I’m sure that many of my readers would wrongly assume that these are no longer a threat and they wouldn’t flip their own local ones. It seems obvious enough, to me, that the intention of these millions of powerful energy weapons is to control and/or destroy humanity.
