Lisa Blakemore Brown is a psychologist who drew the ire of the medical mafia for writing a book and saying vaccines cause autism. Her professional body, the British Psychological Society are trying to declare her paranoid (ie mad) so they can pull her licence
Nasty bunch indeed, and I gifted their Leicester HQ and then their London office, and was surprised to see Tavistock in the same place, who are the main mind control group in the world, by all accounts.
These are the characters on her back:
Dr Trevor Friedman, (psychologist)
Gaius Davies (psychologist)
Liam Byrne (politician)
John Hand (high powered lawyer)
Penny Mellor (nasty pharma shill)
Jonathan Gornall (journalist)
Trustees … s_home.cfm
They are also persecuting Jayne Donegan MD who is anti-vaccine. She is up before the General Medical Council (GMC) who presumably want to pull her licence also, and get her out of the way before the big one–Andrew Wakefield.
I gfifted the GMC and Allopath HQ–the Department of Health.
This is the mafia man on her back-David Salisbury
who is in charge of the gov vaccine programme–Director of Immunisation. So he is probably the main man for Wakefield as well, along with his henchmen, visible anyway.
It takes real guts to go against the mafia if you are an MD, in the Group, as you can see by the fact only one MD has dared to be anti-vaccine to the extent of Jayne in the UK. Wakefield was sort of thrust into the limelight by chance but he has stuck to his guns and is one of a handful of doctors who is actually studying the children–the gov just study statistics to cover up the MMR autism connection. He had to leave the UK, while hundreds of vaccine bowel disaese kids can’t get any medical attention, and mention of vaccines and they get shunned.
I was reading a book about dr Issels, a German who had a cancer therapy–they put him in jail and tried to break him so they could go after the 100 or so other docs who were using alt med. If they break these 3 then they will be back on top of their shit heap, crowing about how MMR is safe, how vaccines don’t cause autism etc, and carry on causing thousands of kids every year to have autism and horrible bowel disease, not to mention life threating asthma (as happened to a friends daughter), diabetes etc.
All for absolutely no reason, as vaccines never saved one single person from anything, and vitamin C would protect and cure anyone from infections like meningitis, measles etc, which they wont use of course as they can’t patent vitamins, and it would expose their shenanigans over the last 200 years—the way they have suppressed the vitamin C discovery for 50 years, and the fact malnutrition is the main cause of infectious disease deaths, along with heart disease.
the main journalist on Wakefield’s back is a Sunday Times journo, Brian Deer
This is pic from his website
This man is doing more to cover up vaccine disease than anyone and yet they write this drivel! he even has the gall to write that DPT doesn’t casue brain damage when the UK gov has paid out for 900 such victims!