More and Worse Jesuit Suicide Rituals?

I got the following from one of our trusted psychics (thanks!), who feels it’s inappropriate/too-risky to share his/her name at the moment. I’m posting it because I don’t want to see a repeat of what happened last year–some unfortunate deaths in Japan among gifters and a near-death of a European gifter.

If you’re a heavy-duty orgonite flinger and are getting suicide thoughts, bear in mind that these are probably NOT your own, okay? Hit back! These black-robed parasites are quite vulnerable to us in the Etheric. If they’ve managed to isolate you from the rest of your species, start emailing some of the EW posters, please. A little networking can also dispel these un-natural strivings. We don’t want to lose any more good friends. Be tenacious like the Africans! No matter how horrid their lives might be in the moment, they generally won’t consider suicide. Our fellow EWers in East Africa were on the threshold of famine a little over a year ago, before they busted through all that and started producing orgonite for farmers and fishermen.


Hi Don,
Particularly last night I’ve been watching Suicide rituals being aimed
at the EW network, by the Jesuits. The operators let me fight them
off for about an hour…the Jesuits seemed to be working out of books
of spells, which I was able to take from them each time. That was fun
taking over the books and reversing them.

Anyway- could you get the word out? If people start “feeling” this
way I’d like them to know it’s fake. It takes so long for me to piece
together a post. What a back up I have of stuff to write!

I caught them sending suicide dreams to me…obviously fake so I
jolted awake and caught Jesuits leaning over me.

The fun part was when I called for a sword, it appeared in my hand and
when I hit the Jesuits it sliced right into them, as they hung over

The Dolphins warned me about the same thing last summer, but these are
much more serious.

I was targeted last year over several months. I fought back with anger, which only made things worse. It got so bad I started hearing voices and was subjected to terrible mind-games.

For instance, I wanted a glass of water and I would hear a voice saying the water was poisoned. I ignored it and drank the water anyway, and started to feel weird. So I rushed to the doctor thinking I was going to die(couldn’t find my zapper), who found nothing wrong and concluded it was stress. Basically the attackers were just sending me a frequency which tricked me into thinking I had been poisoned. All an illusion, and they were laughing at me for believing it.

Because of the repetitive nature of the harassment, and fast response time to everything I was thinking and feeling it became apparent I had been hooked up to a machine. A very intelligent computer that came up with mind games no matter what I was thinking (at one point they said it was the Beast computer, but that could have been just another one of their lies). The radionics frequencies they were sending me were so strong I had to flex my stomach muscles to resist it. This lasted for some days and I couldn’t sleep, and the voices were threatening me and said they would wipe my memory so I wouldn’t know who I was anymore. Alongside such threats they were sending a strong sense of urgency which made it difficult to ignore it.

Eventually it came to the point where the voices were yelling at me to jump from the building I used to live in. They tricked me into thinking that they would bring me down to their level and use me to murder my own family if I didn’t jump. At the same they tricked me into thinking that the only way to get free was to kill myself, so my spiritual guides could help me get out of this mess on the other side. I didn’t know what to think anymore, all I knew I couldn’t stop the frequencies they were sending me. And so in a very poor state of mind I took the plunge and fell seven stories down to what I thought would be a certain death.

I don’t remember the actual fall, I found myself on the ground with my left leg broken and I couldn’t move. So I started yelling for help, and after maybe five minutes some people came to my help. I remember the paramedics came, and I was transported away and I lost consciousness. I was told later I had been transported with helicopter to the emergency ward. I was unconscious for a few days, and when I came to it I was still being harassed mentally while I had the physical injuries to deal with as well. During my rehabilitation I learned to be non-responsive to the harassment and it weakened over some months. My fall happened last July, and I’m now out of hospital and can walk again although I won’t be the same.

I’ve only shared a small sample of what they did to me. If this happened to me all over, I wouldn’t have jumped and would have waited until the radionics attacks weakened no matter how bad it was. I know now the games they were playing were illusions, even though they felt very convincing at the time.

For sure losing you is just like losing our own lives money can buy material thing but cannot buy life therefore we need to fight all that may tend to terminate life by all means.All that happened last year we may wish such a life discouraging attempt to repeat itself in your life or in the life of any of our EW readers or gifters. What i would wish to advice you to adopt is to try to re-organized your programmes not to be too much that would finally over exhaust you,since all such situation we can easily avoid them by having required rest
Also you need to delegate most of the works in order to have good rest for your mind to refresh. Our East Africa friends were very much happy to see that you can now post messages after a longer period of time.

Mrs O

Hi Frode

That is some unfortunate event that happened to you. I am very glad that you are ok and becoming healthy again.

I am sure many of us would have boosted you and blasted your predators had we known you were in trouble.

Many people do not know that you have contributed money and materials to the cause of gifting Orgonite
in Africa, Malaysia, Thailand, Los Angeles and even to me to bust the death towers in Florida and Washington D.C.

I know you have helped others that I can’t think right now, but we all owe you a big debt of gratitude.

I am not surprised that they went after you with all sorts of negative energy, you seriously piss them off.

Please post more often when you feel they are attacking you.

Tusen tak ,


I must second the motion for all readers – please do reach out if you are experiencing things you can’t handle. I was experiencing what I subjectively concluded to be concerted psychic or radionic attacks at night, as I was trying to sleep. ‘Psychic’ attacks would be driven by an ill-intended person, and ‘radionic’ would be driven by an evil computer/machine set in place by an ill-intended person. I know this stretches the credulity of many, but I and others believe it to be the state of affairs at this time.

I soldiered on myself awhile, tried to beat the attacks off with my own meditations/boosting efforts. I finally reached out to two different folks on this forum who I knew were psychic, gifted in that way, and they helped me out on the etheric side, also assisted me with guidance re: where to place TB’s near my house to block or mitigate the incoming ‘signals’, waves, call them what you will.

I don’t have those skills, myself, and can attest my friends here on EW ‘fixed the wagon’, straightaway. I think that learning about subtle energy, boosting, etc. is imperative if someone wants to take up gifting, it’s not difficult, go to if you want a quick primer. But ask for help if you need it.

Well, Frode, you made it to here, and those ‘Thank You Frode!’ family pictures and barrel inscriptions in Gare’s magnificent thread must provide some solace. Way to not back off, man.

Hallow Frode,

Frode to me i just come to know you in the Etheric grassroots forum and for last few days that i red through your article i was emphatically convinced that you are a fellow worthy in various sectors.Now my point of concern is, as i red about what happened to you last year , for sure losing you is like losing a million friend and thus we should tackle all that may create in you sense of distress that at times might even make you to resort to suicide as the last resort in life something that make you to conclude that you are not worthy to continue living.
For one me i m an African a place best known as the region of severe hardship famine is now a part of our life style, frequent sickens and diseases ,stress of frequent wars among other pestilences.This is how we manage to control them even though we cannot manage to clear them in our environment.For one when something approaches we assume and center our focus upon our previous success and we just sail through.
At times we may encounter severe ill-thought like one time i was faced by a bad dream in the night that recurred almost three times ,it really disturbed in that whole night but what i did i went and switched on the music player that really soothed me with hymn song that praised the how God is able and can overcome every situation no matter how heavy they can be.
Also in the times of distress adopt the desire of reading stories of people who also had the same problem and they managed to control and the use that same method and i m sure you will be well.Finally before you decide upon something speak it out or write it so that other readers may help you to overcome i m very sure all of them will not be difeated.Otherwise thanking you in advance

Thank you for the kind and supporting words.

I can recommend it to anyone who is not a prolific gifter, to support those who are (people with good track records). It is rewarding to see one’s money converted into orgonite in a different part of the world.

I’m very glad that you made it thru those experiences, Frode. I’m also glad that you were able to post about it. I think it can mean a lot to those who experience similar things, whether as severe or not. I’ve been of the opinion that crimes by the dark side should always be exposed. But I admit that it hasn’t always been easy.

Just the other day I was reading the article about the NSA “Citadel of Evil” by the late Stephen J. Smith where he writes about the psychic warfare of the NSA, and also wrote about the daily routines of the psychic slaves kept at their various locations. Probably good hints for gifting by the way.

Some of the stuff in his article might have some bearing what has been said in this thread.

One central concept in understanding their psychic warfare is the concept of psychotronics:

Definition – Psychotronics: The study of the interaction between matter, energy and the mind, especially the supposed relationship in Para-psychological effects.

Stephen J. Smith then describes some of the problems they (NSA) were facing in the use of psychics, as for example control issues (apparently when the psychic was used in the field) and then he writes:

A solution was sought, and eventually found. By using a combination of microwave radiation, modulated with EEG (Electroencephalogram) brain waves of the psychic, and aimed at the desired individual/location, it was no longer necessary for the assassin/spy/agent provocateur to be anywhere near his/her intended target. Furthermore, the telecommunications industry could be covertly enlisted to transport the modulated microwave signal to any remote location desired.

Mr Smith writes about the daily routine of the psychics and how, when time has come for a psychic task, they are set up in some sort of control room and hooked up to the psychotronics console. The way I understand it, is that the psychic influence is going thru the machines out thru satellite dishes and transmitted to the the local area of the target where the influence is then broadcasted from the (alleged) cell phone towers. This is my understanding of how it, in brief, works in this case.

He also supplies brief info on a number of other equipment and methods that could be used, such as portable devices. This in subsequent articles.

Its some horrid reading (more so in part 2 and part 3 of the NSA articles). I was hesitant of recommending it at all, but probably it is a good idea to at least read the first part of the three articles in the series in order to get more info on the workings of that particular type of psychic warfare. (It might be that most of you already have read it though).

By the way, the link to his websites on the forum frontpage doesn’t work properly. Here is a link to the saved websites of Stephen J. Smith:

Also there is the article titled ”Remote Mind Control” that’s probably applicable in this context, although I haven’t read all of it yet.

I said in the beginning that it hasn’t always been easy to expose attacks.

I have occasinally had the idea that by not telling, I would not be giving the culprits valuable information about any effects, or lack of effects. But now I think this is not a sincere standpoint. Rather there are a bunch of other considerations entering the picture, such as issues of credibility, feeling uneasy about being a “victim”, etc. Besides, they will eventually find out anyway what happened or not happened to you as a result of their criminal attacks.

And remember, they probably want you to make mistakes that you can feel bad about and so isolate yourself. But it doesn’t really matter that you made mistakes, no real person is going to think less of you for it. And, that’s why I have so much respect for Frode and all those others who told their experiences.

For my part, beginning sometime during the first week of January this year I was targeted at nights. I would wake up several times, usually just a couple minutes after a full hour on the clock, feeling somewhat heated, a sort of whining in the head, like I was being beamed, probably by microwave. This kept on for several nights. Then one morning I had to go up early for a job. By fortune of some kind, I ended up going out a side door from my apartment complex that I had not intended to use. The time was now a couple minutes after 5 o’clock. There, just by the corner was a van standing with the engine running. As I approached the van, the driver looked at me with an expression of mixed surprise and terror (I wonder what kind of things they might have told him about myself [Image Can Not Be Found]; ). He made a tearaway start of the van and took a sharp U-turn and drove at high speed into the lanes of nearby bus terminal void of buses at this early hour.

The behavior reminds me of a deer caught on a forrest road. Something i realized when I was later reading Eric´s comments to his pictures of surveilling agents. (Thanks for posting that!) Wonder why they all seem to look the same, by the way. Even down to the day-old whiskers, like this one also had. (I think the whiskers are there for them to ”blend in”). Later I had a good boosting of this man. One of those rare, fine boosting moments of mine. Wish I could do it more often. I have no hard feelings against this man. I get the idea he sort of feels caught between two sides… (my subjective feelings here).

After the early morning encounter, I had two nights without attacks. Then it started again, not quite as much as before though, and that’s when I started to go out and reinforce the orgone field in my vicinity. That’s another story, but to make it short, after dowsing the map and two gifting runs in the neighborhood, I haven’t been experiencing those attacks (knock on wood).

Take care all of you,