Thx, Fran. I think only a few of us, now, are experiencing constant assaults on our livlihoods. I reckon half as many as a year ago. So in our view it’s just a matter of surviving until the enemy finally weakens enough to fail to affect us, any more.
Google/NSA may just be in a reactionary mode in the face of humanity’s general rising awareness and also humanity’s growing disgust toward the ancient rule of parasites. Meanwhile, attrition is working in our favor, too. The last generation in American history to express numb loyalty to this parasitic, corporate regime in Washington, DC, are the alcohol-enamored flag-waving Depression Babies, for instance. Not many of them are still alive, which is to say that the government doesn’t have an enthusiastic, unquestioning base of support any more, but during the Vietnam War period they were generally content to let their sons be conscripted for cannon fodder in a demonstrably useless war.
White liberals, particularly ex-hippies who work in the ‘public sector’ (deadweight bureaucrats and academics, for instance) only support the gov’t because they think that they’re ‘getting their way’ by forcing everyone to follow Rockefeller-prescribed environmental protocols and to ‘protect democracy’ in countries where the corporate order wishes to steal all of the natural resources and destroy Islam. They’re just as brain-dead as the Depression Babies but at least will only support the alleged gov’t as long as they are under the happy illusion that the gov’t is doing THEIR will , which I think is why these chumps felt that the current appointed president, Obama, was the Second Coming. National Public Radio, meanwhile, the Rockefeller-financed, atheistic propaganda outlet for western democratic liberals, is the most bloodthirsty proponent for war against Islam. It’s all quite weird.
My money is on people under 30 who grew up with the internet. Even though the sewer rat agencies have packed the web to the bursting point with disinformation and are able to nearly disappear empowering sources with their Google monopoly, which works in conjunction with WiCIApedia, by the way, the propaganda that works on everyone else has very little effect on the young. I feel very hopeful for them and, meanwhile, it only takes a tiny, tiny percentage of the rest of us to carry this empowering movement forward. That small percentage (the ones who usually manage to improve the course of human history in spite of the parasites) will find the empowering information that not even NSA/Google can actually excise from the internet. The benefit of all that disinformation and search manipulation, if I may say again, is that we don’t have to waste time dealing with people who are merely curious but will never commit to doing this work because they prefer to allow charismatic agency/theosophy/masonic-sponsored Pied Pipers lead them by the nose.
The other positive aspect of having a suppressed livelihood in our case is that wealth and notoriety for empowering people is pretty much the kiss of death until the Old Parasite has weakened enough to no longer be capable of destroying us. Slow, steady growth is better, in my view, and this happens in cycles. If you weren’t steadily gaining notoriety in Spain they wouldn’t need to field new disinformation sources and air that stupid TV episode repeatedly, for instance.
Maria of in Hellas (Greece) went through a similar process a few years ago and came out on top.