I’ve found, over the years, that reporting sabotage tends to lessen it and I theorize that this is because the corporate world order, like any parasite in nature, loathes exposure of any sort except what it chooses to do on its own, like in movies or science fiction books.
Carol Two Eagle has been producing basic zappers for our distributors for several years and I’ve been buying the parts for her because as a pipe carrier and Lakota elder she was barely surviving constant sorcery and other (more overt) assaults, mainly by the masons, on account of her effective advocacy in the legislature and courts on behalf of native folks in North Dakota (her other name is ‘Porcupine Woman’).
Georg Ritschl originally set us up to buy the parts from his supplier in China. I get essentially the same zapper parts for several times the cost from a supplier in Philadelphia and he gets all of it from China but pays extra for the top-quality, military-grade stuff. We have to use the less expensive parts for the basic zappers in order to keep the price low. I’ve always felt that in the future (not distanct?) everyone on the planet will have a good, $5 zapper to use. Why not? Even in Africa most people now have cellphones and they cost a lot more.
Low price typically means low service but Georg has always gotten good work from them. Nearly every one of our orders from them over the years were sabotaged, though, requiring a lot of extra work (replacing tiny components) to get them serviceable.
This time, I asked Georg to order for us, since the basic zapper has the same circuit as his zappers do. He shipped 2,000 circuit assemblies to me a couple of weeks ago, then he got a notice from the shipper that the goods were in New York and that they’d be destroyed if I didn’t contact them soon.
Andy Schwarm, who sells the same basic zappers on his site, ctbusters.com, orders separately and in his last shipment, a few months ago, nothing was amiss so I think we’ve seen the last of sabotage within that company.
When I used the tracking number I saw that the box went from South Africa (Georg) to New York, cleared customs and then was sent on to England, where it was held a couple of days and returned to New York, where it didn’t clear customs. I assume that the CIA/NSA sent the box to MI6 to check out in an ‘honor among thieves’ context. MI6 is now apparently the main corporate/military agency for sabotaging our efforts in East Africa. These little zappers will be produced in Kenya by the kikundi for that market before long. They’re getting popular, there.
I called the shipper and was told to pay $127 customs fee. The price on the invoice was $1,000 and a customs duty isn’t required on parts, which is what those obviously are, but I paid anyway and was told the package would be immediately sent to me. That was Friday morning and today’s Sunday. The pkg is still being processed in Customs, according to tracking. If it’s not on the way to me by Tuesday I’ll post a progress report but of course I also heart-boost the package when I think of it. Carol Two Eagle relies on these sales and she’s about out of parts. This isn’t entirely charity in her case because we don’t spend anything on advertising or promotion but the basic zappers are very fine promotional items. I don’t even like to sell one of our zappers to someone who hasn’t been directly referred to us by customers, so I really push the basic zappers to everyone else to contacts me about zappers. Since it’s only $35 and I’m obviously not getting their money they tend to trust me enough to try a basic zapper and not risk being disappointed by one of our $134 ones. Nearly everyone who buys a basic zapper buys a Terminator before long.
On another note, Carol left for Europe on Thursday and a couple of days before that, her iPad was lost. She hadn’t taken it out of the house and she doesn’t want to consider that the sewer rats took it. She turned the place upside down looking for it because she was going to download a bunch of travel apps and had to get a bunch of books, instead. If it shows up in the house, the way her lost car keys did a few weeks ago, I’ll be vindicated in my assumption that the feds may have expropriated it just to show us that they’re still thinking of us.
A bunch of us have gotten this sort of treatment (some more than others) but in most cases people have been hesitant to consider that it was done deliberately. To know whether it’s deliberate or not can be empowering, I think, and exposing any sabotage event takes more power from the parasites who presume to rule us.