So, who’s left? The personality-based forums soak up the more vocal minority who are more inclined to bare their souls (to strangers, no less [Image Can Not Be Found] ) and beg for help than to do the work, of course, and so the ‘top posters’ on these forums are able to do their poisonous work by posing as the elite and regulating the discussions, effectively limiting the efforts of the unwary.
Since these boards are mostly avoided by more prolific gifters they don’t attract a lot of attention from substantive people but it sometimes takes years for these forums to die from neglect and lack of substance because the ‘top posters’ are skilled, tireless workers and use behavior modification techniques to keep those forum efforts limping along.
This morning I woke up with the realization that when STuart Jackson’s stable of ‘top posters,’ who are mostly now featured on the old Yahoo forum, where they have no alternative than to slander each other in the absence of substantive contributors, had finally put me in a corner nobody else on that board came to my defense. They were obviously afraid to back me up because the ‘top posters’ had successfully painted me as a pariah. John Kilroy sent incisive, very encouraging and erudite emails to me in my defense, which I posted until Stuart banned me from doing even that. Meanwhile, the ‘top posters’ had full reign to slander me in posts. That effectively silenced teh good folks on that forum who might otherwise have backed me up.
The point I tried to make to Georg about this activity is that if one is in that position the only alternatives, unless one is willing to let these ‘top posters’ grind us down to powder, is to boot them or close the forum. Closing the forum is an admission of defeat and booting them, after they’ve gotten that much influence over the ‘good folks,’ might seem repugnant.
I’m only mentioning this, now, because I think I figured out why I’ve suddenly been hearing, every day, from people in the past month (since that evening in Dooney and Stevo’s parlor when we got the ‘new information’) who are active on those other boards—all of the surviving compromised forums, in fact. I’ve experienced so many similar initiations that the only reason I think this one was particularly significant, socially, is that the agencies are putting so much effort into derailing us at the moment.
Before that, I heard so little from or about these groups that I had the impression that they were essentially gone. The agencies are apaprently ‘breathing new life’ into them, lately in an apparent bid to derail our attempts to share the new, empowering information. When you see how simple this new stuff is, by the way, you’re going to laugh.
So, please consider that no matter how much noise is made on the compromised boards by the very vocal, slightly neurotic minority, most gifters are not compelled to create a public profile/nuisance or to incessantly whine about their lack of undertanding of these simple instructions; substantive people of all ages simply read the simple instructions and get busy with it, like you and I do. Those who lack confidence for making their own field orgonite buy it from vendors, at least in the beginning.
I’d like to call a little more attention to the parasitic world odor’s tactic of inserting personalities into otherwise progressive grassroot movements in order to subvert and devitalize them. Here are two examples in history:
Leibnitz made huge advances in the field of physics in order to validate deeper spiritual truths. The world odor, which was then based in London, plagiarized this contribution, removed the spiritual aspects and used their polluted version to promote Newton, instead: a showboat and irrational mystic. Here’s a case where empowering information was polluted and turned into a bulwark for materialistic science.
Tesla made advances in science that were so far beyond his generation’s understanding that we’re only now starting to figure some of it out. Einstein, meanwhile, was being promoted as the ultimate example of ‘scientist’ while only advancing theories, all of which have since been proven to be inadequate or even mistaken.
In Tesla’s case, his contributions were mostly weaponized and those weapons, apparently including the death towers and HAARP, are now arrayed against humanity. I don’t think the sewer rats can grasp his free energy tech because that’s obviously POR-based. It’s just not dirty enough for the agencies’ sewer rat scientists to comprehend.
So, if you’re one of that small minority who feel that you need to be associated with a charismatic personality in order to be effective in this movement, please consider disengaging from that personality for a little while and listening to your own heart’s promptings, instead—try it for just a month or so and see if I’m right, okay? I predict that you’ll do more gifting, then, and will finally get the confirmations that other gifters are talking about. There’s no need to denounce anyone, of course. Every war has camp followers, after all (read your history–lawyers, prostitutes, con artists, pick pockets, clergy) and they’ll always be following behind the real warriors, patiently waiting and watching for opportunities to exploit them.
Miraculously, even the best efforts of the world odor all eventually fail, though they might do a lot of damage along the way and may keep entire populations in the gutter, meanwhile. These days, the world odor is getting less and less effective with their subversion tactics, I’m happy to say and you might have noticed this on your own, especially if you’ve systematically created positive changes with orgonite where you live.