Mrs Odondi Needs More Orgonite for Kisumu, Kenya

It’s been awhile since I heard from her, due to a lot of hacker interference on her end, apparently, but she’s been doing well but dearly wants to do some more gifting in that very sad, tortured city, where AIDS has decimated the population.

Mrs O, a self-employed widow, has been shot by police, flooded out of her home and otherwise punished for doing this wonderful work but has remained constant and cheerful in spite of all that. We were at least very happy that she and her son, Billie, were able to go again to Mombassa to meet and give orgonite to the dolphins last year. Don’t you wish you were that fortunate?

Kisumu is on the shore of Lake Victoria, which Dr Kayiwa had extensively gifted over the course of a week, two years ago, in a rented boat from Tanzania. Before the gifting movement got going, which is when my wife, Carol visited that city, people were advised not to even step into the water due to the presence of aggressive parasites but the entire, vast lake has apparently gotten healthier and cleaner and more full of fish since then, thanks to our African cohorts’ efforts. This is in line with what has been publicly acknowledged to have happened in other large, gifted lakes, including Lake Geneva and Lake Ontario.

David Ochieng, in Migori, which is about an hour’s drive from Kisumu, has been making his own orgonite but I’m hoping that someone in the West will find it advisable to just send Mrs O a boxfull of towerbusters. David organized the two trips to Mombassa and in the later safari (that means, ‘journey’ in Swahili) our Sudanese gifting friends, Salva Kirr and Christine Oginya, a young married couple who live in Yei, were able to go along.

I think those two historic, exemplary dolphin-gifting reports survived the latest CIA-destruction of this forum [Image Can Not Be Found]. I’ve asked Mrs O to send me a report after she does her next gifting exposition and I’ll share it here if she doesn’t want to post it personally.

She’s been getting whatever has been sent to her, though it usually takes about a month to arrive.

Her address is:

Atieno Odondi
P.O. Box 427
Awendo 40405

Kisumu is 200 miles from Nairobi and I don’t know why all the addresses have ‘Nairobi’ in them.

Sending orgonite to our African friends is kind of like priming the orgone pump for the entire continent. I think a lot of folks agree, which is why so much support has been extended to African gifters in the past. Things happen more slowly there than in the West but progress is generally more sustained and integrative in Africa than in the West, where it always seems kind of shaky and beset with world-odor infiltration and sabotage. Maybe that’s partly due to the ancient, relatively stable culture of Africans and partly due to the fact that the world odor doesnt’ spend a lot of resources on mind control, there.

It’s taken almost three years for David to finally reach the stage of making his own orgonite, for instance, and in his case it can be considered a minor miracle or even direct intervention by The Operators that he managed to find all the materials where he lives. He’s very resourceful by anyone’s standard, though.

I hope you can envision, as I am, that before very long there will be orgonite makers in every village throughout that continent and poverty and sickness will be seen as just an ugly, very temporary phase of history, then. All of that has to start somewhere and at the beginning stage of every progressive movement the world odor employs all of its resources to preventing or subverting human progress in that area.

If you see the African gifting effort in this light you’ll agree that sending orgonite to our impoverished associates, there, is a grand investment in humanity’s future.


Don, I am going to send this lady a package of orgonite. I will send her several TBs, a half a dozen or more orgonite medallions to protect her and her friends while gifting, and some extra powerful HHgs.

I hope this will help.



The first parcel I sent to her 2 years ago came back after a more than a year, unclaimed. So I think it’s important that she’s made aware of what’s coming. Can you either post her email here or make it avialvble to those interested in sending orgonite.
I want to try again of course.

I send her and David money (this month) by Moneygram, David wants £60 next month to finish paying off a computer–I can’t help next month. His e mail is [email protected] , he can give you town to send it to. You just give him the Moneygram payment number. Costs £5 from Uk which is way cheaper than the other way–£12, western union, I think.

I did think of sending parcel of metal to her but cost too much to post, and she was seemed OK about finding some there. One friend just told me sending stuff is fairly dodgy as regards getting there.

Thanks, guys! I remember that a lot of stuff we first started sending to Kenya, two years ago, didn’t reach the destinations but after David and I became acquainted with a postal official in Nairobi, Mrs Nyakundi, things went more smoothly and David even got the cloudbuster base that Georg had sent him a year before that. I think our collective persistence (a whole lot of international chat time had been devoted to removing world-odor barriers to this grassroot movement in East Africa) had finally busted through what was apparently a Jesuit/MI6 sewer rat surveillance/interference infrastructure there, perhaps mainly by exposure

These parasitic world odor types REALLY prefer not to be spoken of publicly, after all.

Whenever anyone sends orgonite it might be worth considering that gifters in Africa get the most bang for the buck with the simplest devices: towerbusters without the frills and as many as feasible. Anyone who’s gifted in Africa notices that the effects of orgonite are quite magnified, there. I’m sure your pendants will be especially appreciated, too, Louis.

I hope that more Westerners can go to East AFrica, especially, to work and exchange expertise and insights with our good friends in Kenya, Uganda and Sudan, not to mention witnessing the phenomenally grand effects that orgonite has there on the environment, climate and populace, of course.

It’s always a good idea to boost any packages we send to risky areas, of course, even to ask our unseen benefactors to guard them. This does a lot to keep the stuff out of the lustful little hands of the MI6, Jesuit, CIA, Mossadomite, Chinese military and KGB criminals who wish to stand in the way of human progress by stealing our property en route.

Mrs O’s email addy: [email protected]


John, thanks for your continuing, unselfish support of the Kenyan gifters’ efforts. As I see it, it takes quite a lot to help any African reach the status of economic independence but it’s still a whole lot less than it takes to help our own kids get there.

David Ochieng has demonstrated a lot of self-sacrifice, resourcefulness and courage in pursuit of distributing orgonite intelligently in his area of Kenya and also in the sea around Mombasa in recent years. He’s managed to finally get to the stage where he can have a computer at home and here’s what he emailed last week:

> Much greetings to you Uncle hoping that you are doing fine over there.
> With me am doing fine too
> Dear Uncle I manage to bought a computer that I will be using at my
> place, I was using the public ones which was giving me hard time to even
> write my reports or post them to EW due to their high cost charges.
> The only problem that I have now is to connect it to the internet and I
> really need your contribution to be able to do that.
> The cheap connection is called Dial-Up connection, it cost ksh 15,000
> which is equivalent to USD 238,So please I need your assistance as
> you know net working is very important to us.
> Right now am making some orgonite to do the gifting in my area again.
> We have brought a great change here in our country by Orgonite.Mainly
> drought is being stopped and the whole ambience takes on a fresh and
> revitalized feel.
> Its been a quite hard for me to go through all this, but thank to my fellow
> members of EW especially You Uncle and some who are funding my gifting
> project here.
> I will start posting my gifting reports personally once I connect my
> computer to the internet.
> Once again thank you very much and am expecting to hear from you.
> David

I have an old photo of him that I’ll scan and post soon. We’ve been in touch for almost three years. He moved recently after the Kenyan version of the FBI attempted to extort money from him at his home, by the way.

We gifters in the West (those of us who take risks equivalent to the ones David and Mrs Odondi are taking) put up with overt surveillance, poisonings, psi assaults, hacking, mind control of our family and friends, theft and sabotage of our mail, ad nauseum but, so far, none of us have faced the overt physical threats from police and soldiers that some of our African cohorts have encountered. I think these Kenyans have earned some material support from us and sooner or later they’ll all be able to pay their own way through the local and perhaps international sale of their own orgonite creations.

If anyone cares to help David get securely online, you can send via MoneyGram to:

David Ochieng
P.O. Box 662 Suna
40400 Migori

Then email the particulars to him at [email protected]


I"m asking our readers to indulge me by tossing energy at the package that Georg has just sent to Mrs O:

> A parcel with 30 TBs was sent to Atieno Odondi per EMS, tracking no.
> EE020732185ZA on 3 december.
> Declared Value 16 USD.
> Address
> PO Box 427
> Nairobi, Awendo 40405
> Kenya
> Georg

In the past, this moderate but timely group effort has helped packages keep moving through the guantlet of Jesuit, MI6 and other parasitic agencies who stand in line to steal or hide packages to our African friends [Image Can Not Be Found]
