This week the shitbirds tried to intimidate my sister. She is a young music student at Tatuí Conservatory. When she was exiting from a friend’s house one night, all the electrical power in the block was suddenly shut down. Them while they were walking their way back to my sisters home, street lamps would shut down when she came close. This happens to both of us very commonly, so no big deal. When she arrived at her home, the kitchen’s lamp became burnt out.
This saturday night, 2 o’clock in the morning, after she cooked in her home, where she lives with other friends, she surely shut properly both burners she used and went to sleep. A friend of hers woke up the about 6 in the morning after a woman with eyes all black ( a typical reptilian partial shift feature when they are performing black magic) scared her in her dream.The house was locked and she immediately noticed a strong smell of gas, and shut one off the burners, that was wide open. Perhaps shitbirds were hopping she would ignite the gas. They did this to blame my sister, who’s known to be a forgetful person sometimes, but even their PJ friends have noticed this was an unnatural incident.
It’s worth to notice that Tatuí Conservatory is a place of strong political opposition to current phony government, and the state governor wants to privatize the place against the will of the students. There were protest some months ago that ended with some students unlawfully charged for “public disturbance” in a draconian move by local police state force. The city is right now half-gifted. It is likely it also has additional occult importance to the parasitical order.
This is not the first attempt on the life of some of my family. This is likely to be a reprisal for our current chat initiative, as both me and Cyclingflinger noticed an increase in recent attacks, including timely fly overs. It gets worse before it gets better. Well, they have just given us some new targets