My answer to someone who prefers the term, 'chembuster'

D****, we prefer the term, ‘orgonite cloudbuster,’ mainly because disabling chemtrails is not the primary purpose of the device; it’s a balancer for the upper atmosphere. We were making a lot of rain with our first one and plowing blue paths through rows of dark thunderstorms in our travels before someone mentioned to us, in June, 2001, that a CB evidently disables chemtrails, in fact.

Also, as far as we can tell chemtrails haven’t done real harm since 2002, by which time there were several thousand orgonite cloudbusters with interlocking fields in the affected countries. The seeded clouds that the omnipresent chemtrail jets now generate may be toxic for a few minutes but since they don’t come to ground and since ordinary ultraviolet light disables organic toxins quickly I can’t credit the CBs with destroying it all, though they do seem to generate or enhance a negative-charged static field in the upper atmosphere, which also detoxifies organic pathogens. The CBs are certainly responsible for the chemtrails no longer coming down to the ground, at least, but I don’t really know why–maybe a function of the healthier static field? Smog exists in a positive-charged (diseased) static field, for instance, and before orgonite was around smog only dissipated after a thunderstorm or other healing event in the atmosphere. Parasites in the human body (worms, viruses, bacteria, fungi) generate a positive-charged static field in order to create a ‘secure’ environment for themselves and proliferate. The constantly excrete acidic toxins to accomplish that. I suppose the corporate world order constantly excretes acidic toxins in our atmosphere for the same end but as you mentioned about seeing the Sylphs overhead, they’re evidently failing where you live [Image Can Not Be Found]

I hear from a lot of people who say that I’m wrong about all this, simply because they see chemtrails often. We see them over us every day, or nearly so. I’ve never said that CBs get rid of chemtrails, in fact.

None of these people seem to have noticed what chemtrails looked and behaved like before 2002 when there were no orgonite cloudbusters. You might be one of the very few who do remember when chemtrails quickly blotted out blue skies, destroyed all of the cumulus clouds a few minutes later and then kept the hospitals and clinics full of respiratory distress sufferers, also killed a lot of old people and infants. is certainly responsible for the orgonite cloudbusters’ early proliferation, of course.

What I’m trying to express to you is that it’s useful to take a broader view of this subject than what is currently offered on the ‘Chicken Little’ websites about chemtrails, which only started to proliferate in 2004, awhile after the threat from chemtrails had apparently passed.

There are probably ten or twenty thousand orgonite cloudbusters, now, and in terms of balancing local weather that’s not enough to treat every locality, in my view. The range for affecting weather is only twenty or thirty miles; the range for affecting chemtrails is a couple hundred miles and more. Psychics who can see the energy field of an orgonite cloudbuster describe it as a cyclonic, shifting form that spreads out very far in the stratosphere but comes down in a narrowing field to the top of the device; the ends of the six pipes. The energy of the CB’s orgonite base is described as egg-shaped and only extends a few yards.


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