My close friend Elsa, is under Attack

My friends, this is the continuation of the War… Another Battle… They are going after her, as our deepening friendship scares them as our teaming up would create a LOT of problems for them and they are trying to derail the threat by taking her out… They are attacking the point of in her back where she previously suffered grave injury and which was caused as the result of what I can characterize as sever stress induced by the demonic/reptillian possession of someone very close to her.

Please help me boost her… I am organizing help for a chat session right now… If need be, you can reach her by boosting through me… If you sense her, do it directly…

Thanks :-)

The boogers have been attacking my health too. Have been referred to dr after dr, test after test, but the latest recommendation was pain pills, no idea of cause of problem. I use my zapper daily and colloidal silver, but I got so fed up I went to an acupuncturist. She rearranged my stomach and intestines (woo that one kinda hurt) did a full body acupuncture, and I haven’t had a “barfing” episode since. She wasn’t aware of possible poisoning from the buggers, but said I had a lot of inflamation/infection. yup hope your friends get better ASAP

I’ve known Coyote since 2001 when she started gifting. The timing of her report is interesting because I just finished watching Zakaos Breedwing Ewing’s video about the new forms of nanotech-enabled mind control that the sewer rats are using and that also ties in with their efforts to damage the health of targeted people, of whom I think Coyote is one. I think there are hundreds of thousands of people who are being savaged this way. This sort of stuff makes some people intensely uncomfortable when reading or viewing it but we can’t really fix this problem (the ancient, satanic corporate order in all its horror) without first confronting the reality of its existence and crimes and discussing it publicly. Many people who work with orgonite develop the habit of expecting easy and satisfying solutions and the solution to this old, debilitating global terror will probably present itself before long. It’s a wonderful time to be alive and proactive, I feel.

I’ve been trying to persuade Coyote to get clear of all this but it’s been a slow process. For some it’s harder than others. People who were born into the oligarchy, for instance, may never get clear of it. I don’t know if that’s her case and maybe she doesn’t, either. She’s been in this turmoil ever since I’ve known her and I’m quite sure the feds and/or secret handshake pedophiles and their family-hating female operatives are doing most of it.

If she weren’t able to accurately see subtle energy I’m quite sure her life would be smoother, which is one of a few reasons that I’m grateful for not having that gift. Every psychic and energy sensitive who isn’t working for one or another sewer rat agency (consciously or otherwise) gets this treatment and the untainted ones who don’t know about zappers often die of fast cancer at some point. Carol and I noticed this genocidal operation many years ago. Meanwhile, I feel sure that she’s entirely genuine and is reporting accurately.

I think she’s been gifting longer than most and is obviously committed to it. EW members who feel scandalized by this sort of reporting need to stretch their minds a bit and stop recoiling into denial. Because she sees subtle energy she was treated to a peculiar scam not long ago. It was posted on EW. A big death tower array not far from her was thoroughly gifted but she still saw dark energy around it. I think she went back there two or three more times, adding a lot of un-needed orgonite, though the earthpipes were probably needed for underground horrors. It was making her quite frantic, understandably. When Carol looked remotely at the problem she pointed to an area on the map, many miles east of Coyote’s location, from where the dark energy was being sent to the tower. I think the problem just went away after that. The only people I know who got scammed this way were psychics and it’s kind of rare–an honor of sorts Cool.


Hi Coyote,

A small but potent effort to help fortify the body against additional inflammation.

You may heard about the Paleo Diet. It’s a diet based on eating from the food groups our hunter-gatherer ancestors would have thrived on during the Paleolithic era. These foods include fresh meats (preferably grass-produced or free-ranging beef, pork, lamb, poultry, and game meat, if you can get it), fish, seafood, fresh fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and healthful oils (olive, coconut, avocado, macadamia, walnut and flaxseed). Dairy products, cereal grains, legumes, refined sugars and processed foods were not part of our ancestral menu. We’re talking about an era spanning from 2.6 million years ago to about 10 thousand years ago. The era is separated into 2 geologic epochs known as the Pliocene and the Pleistocene. Dr. Loren Cordain is the founder of the Paleo Diet. He along with his colleagues had demonstrated through decades of scientific research that the hunter-gatherers of that time were free from chronic illnesses and diseases that are currently epidemic in Western society.

Dr. Lane Sebring founded the Sebring clinic in Texas Hill Country. He’s a primary care and integrative anti-aging physician and is notably the first doctor to base his practice on the Paleo Diet.

Here’s an interview with Dr. Sebring.

There’s also the GAPS diet.

Thanks KSD! I admit, I love super sharp Tillamook cheddar, and kinda crave sugar which is a sign-post for pre-diabetes. I know they both seriously contribute to internal inflammatory conditions. I used to live in the Pacific Northwest and could eat that fresh fish daily! But in rural Arizona it’s questionable… even though I always buy “Wild Caught” salmon or cod. But after reading about all the contaminations of food producing and processing, and even the seas around China, I read the labels even closer. Boy wouldn’t I love to post about those atrocities!

My garden was attacked over and over last summer by deer and elk, hordes of insects, and an escaped herd of cows. I’ll have to fence it off this summer, but the bugs are overwhelming! PS, horse manure MUST be thoroughly composted, or the grubs will fill up every inch of soil, from monsters to miniscule. Hard to put up any veges or fruit if beasts ate them before I did. And it’s next to impossible to draw an elk tag here. Got a turkey once but it was a tough old tom. And chickens taste toxic, smell horrible! I’m sure there’s a way to get something fresher, healthier, and affordable with effort.

In actuality I think I was poisoned, or possibly got a nasty little implant, to slow me down. In one of the tests I went through, surgical clips from removing my gall bladder (monster stones in it, fascinating things I could use for dice!) and repairing a hernia, showed still there 15 years later. Hmm. guess the clips weren’t a biocomposite. wonder if they could be doing something funky. without a doubt there is a lot of internal scar tissue which my dear acupuncturist is re-arranging! About 5 years ago I heard a little phssst, from an aerosol, while leaving a theater. That night I almost died I was so sick, felt my soul leaving. Had to pray like crazy to stay in my body because I have a grandson and husband, plus a whole lot of animals to take care of. The buggers just didn’t like this gifter. They go after my family too. If they can disable one of us, it takes attention away from getting busy!

PS, some clients of my acupuncturist said they actually saw the non-humans while hiking on that mtn top we pounded pipes into. said the energy there was really negative… well, NOT ANY MORE!! much love, Coyote

Hi Coyote,

What I understand from Dr. Sebring is that he treats his patients by putting them on that diet and within 3 days, the patient is usually feeling better. I suspect the inflammation on the cellular level beings to subside. A family friend who is Mexican mentioned that she knows what herbs to gather to remove kidney and gall stones. I looked it up and found this site - specifically Doradilla : (resurrection plant, Selaginella lepidophylla an infusion has salutary effects on the kidneys and liver, and breaks up gallstones.

She also suggested Chanca Piedra to help pass kidney stones. This has helped many people suffering because as the stone passes through the ureter (kidney to bladder) the muscles around the tube contract and that’s the pain called renal colic. Anyway, that will relax those muscles while breaking the stone. Maybe this info can help others.

I’d like to hear more detail about the non-humans. I know GCEPeru catches humanoids and huge flying objects that look like white sheets but can bury themselves into solid rock.
