I guess this is an indicator that business will finally pick up after nearly six years of active suppression.
I won’t name the person who threatened to kill me on Monday but after reporting it to the local Sherriff Department I decided to post this in order to cancel a possible CIA/NSA plan to use this person as a blunt instrument to end me. This one has a very long history of Monarch programming of the most brutal kind and I know that he/she is capable of carrying it out.
This was right after I told my friend, Carlos, of orgonite-portugal.com that we haven’t had to deal with people like that in many years.
The sewer rat agencies used to throw deranged people at us on a regular basis in the early years but none of them connected, thankfully. There were three creepy related events:
…an apparent attempt by the Moscow, Idaho Police Department to plant drugs in our home, which I defused by directly confronting the drug dealer next door, who admitted that the cops were pressuring him to do that to us. The problem went away immediately.
…in December, 2002, I woke up with scratches on one arm, a strange lesion on the other and deep scratches on my chest that looked like upside-down sevens. On the same night, three or four other people across the US (including DB in Pasadena) who I was in touch with experienced exactly the same thing. I’ve personally met all but one: ‘Stan Man,’ who I’m still in touch with. He was in South Carolina at the time. That’s the only time a ‘night visit’ made me physically sick but I was back on my feet in a couple of days. I think they dosed us all with radioactive poison but the zappers and orgonite evidently took care of us all. Carol remembers them putting sleeping gas in the house and coming in. DB’s chest markings were so deep that they turned into scars.
…DB emailed me in 2002 to say that the Vril Society were setting up to use a clone of me to commit murder in our town, publicly, so that I’d be arrested and imprisoned for it. We happened to meet an MKid (college student–her mom was evidently her CIA handler and was a professor at the university) who told us that she’d seen a fleet of new vans with sequential license plate numbers parked at a local mansion and that the people looked and sounded European. Carol and I were accosted by one of these fellows, which was interesting. We dropped orgonite all around that mansion and even in the fountain in front of the house and a day later the place was deserted–another problem solved.
I’ve felt since May, 2002, after I posted simple instructions for disabling the then-new death towers and had witnessed the very fast, global spread of orgonite cloudbusters (disabled the chemtrail agenda) that if I were to die at any moment I could at least feel content that I’ve done irreversible damage to the rule of parasites in the world but I sincerely hope not to be assassinated and I’m a bit spooked at the moment.
Meanwhile, Carol is recovering nicely from the latest attempt to kill her, thanks largely to Dr Stevo’s considerable skill.
I’m getting a lot of hacking at the moment