Here’s what Billy did with that new motorbike:
I was in Nyamira till the end of today, and am sure that one of the best works is done. I had a very nice motorbike, and so I managed to visit a new place that I had not visited ever since due to the terrain of the region. The place is hilly and stony. There is a rough road that is very dust, but at least with the motorbike, I managed to go there.
Nobody had ever managed to reach the place before, since the area was one of the worst that people feared. The place is called Nyamusi. Benedict told me about it sometime back, and he described it as one of the worst places in Nyamira District, that needed to be gifted. He could not do that because he was going to school.
I met new faces and they were very expectant about the Orgonite result, which they had already been hinted. Most of the people were very happy when I arrived. The news of my arrival was announced by a friend whom I knew earlier on before going there.
When I arrived, a found a very big crowd gathering, waiting for my arrival. The entire group came gathering around me so that if there could be any benefit, then they could get it first before the neighbor. What I did first was to open a forum of discussion so that I could explain what Orgonite is, since this was a new area.
My mum had given be several Orgonite pieces to take there and use them for promotion, so at the end of the talk I had to give them all the pieces as free samples. This was done in a very systematic manner, since I wanted that not only people from a small particular region could get the same. The distribution was spread as much as possible, and I was aided by the clan elder.
I promised that I would be there to see on how the Orgonite is doing with their agricultural goods, so that we make the necessary arrangements. Surely, it is very nice riding on a motorbike, especially when you are on a mission and you are carrying something precious. I came back and m mum is now preparing another box so that I can take to another neighboring area to Nyamusi where I went.
Billy O
You might recall that Nyamira District had developed a reputation for extreme cruelty, including ritual human sacrifices and cannibalism. All of that changed due to the distribution of orgonite and during one of the visits there were several Westerners there, evidently seeking answers for the sudden transformation
I feel very proud of Billy for his courage and resourcefulness, as shown in this report.
This year I’ve been sort of meditating on ways to acquire publicity for this African phenomenon and have even pursued some personal publicity to draw attention to it. Last weekend, for instance, I took my sailboat, which I named ‘Juju Njema’ (good magic), to the Wooden Boat Festival in Port Townsend, Washington (near Seattle) for that purpose, though since I registered late I wasn’t able to get a berth in the harbor so I doubt any publcity will come of that. I did get over the hump in terms of confidence in the boat, though, because I sailed with several others and saw that it points into the wind as well as any, moves very well in light airs and is stable in strong winds when it’s properly reefed (mainsail shortened)
It’s really pretty under sail and before I do a sea voyage, next year, I’m going to add some decking and make a Chinese lug sail rig for it.
So, I had no opportunity for an interview at the show and that was a little disappointing but ‘Don Croft’s Kitfox Lite’ was mentioned in the latest issue of one of my flying magazines and I found that the first day of the show. Synchronicity. Then over the weekend National Geographic contacted me, asking for a physical interview for an upcoming article. I refuse to ever meet with or talk to any mainstream journalists or media people, of course, because that’s going to be a setup until the corporate world order has been discarded. I learned from experience that my enemies can’t do any harm to me with slander as long as I don’t participate
Carol and I will keep accepting most radio interview invitations, though. I only ever turned down one of those and the milder disinfo radio show hosts haven’t done any harm.
So, when the assaults will begin against this network they’re probably going to target me, first. Carol said that this evident National Geographic hatchet job just indicates that enough regular people are talking about orgonite that the mainstream media are now being mandated to ruin this movement with slander. She showed me the most recent issue of the magazine, which features disinfo about murderous ‘superstorms’ in a doomsaying format [Image Can Not Be Found]
The first media slander, directed at orgonite, has been happening on Spanish television so congratulations to our orgonite-flinging friends who have been improving the climate and economy in Spain! Send a heart boost to Francisco Garcia Subirachs of, please–he’s been systematically and bravely tossing orgonite from his rubber boat along Spain’s Bay of Biscay coast over the past week.
[Image Can Not Be Found]
Gee, whatever happened to the sewer rats’ accelerating American/Caribbean hurricane agenda in 2006, heheh? Why are the Kalahari Desert and Death Valley now green?!
Meanwhile, since our African friends are clearly leading the way with climate, social and environmental restoration I’m going to keep directing attention to their work in email, radio interviews and reports.