Recently shitbirds have been trying to hit my mother really hard. She had a heart attack 2 years ago and so her heart is already damaged. She suffers from high blood pressure takes “medicine” for it.
The cowards have been using this to their advantage and keep trying to murder my mother trying to make her heart beat fast or trying to make her blood pressure go high. Me and my sister boost the attacker and them everything goes well. I lost the count how many attacks we have reppelled this way.
My mother will have a heart surgery the morning of the day august 17 2012. With the date of the surgery aproaching, shitbirds have been attacking her even more, especially when she can’t get in touch with me or my sister (they block the cell phone signals all the time they can). Today her blood pressure has been high for most of the day, except for some few moments when we boosted. I’m very concerned with her. I’ve sent an e-mail to Don Croft, but can’t really say if he received it.
Anyway any boost would be really apreciated as those cowards are doing all they can to maker her die. Please send LOTS of love energy for the attackers as they have been keeping attacking her.
Any help would be very apreciated.