Hi all,
Been wanting to write a followup to this post http://www.ethericwarriors.com…ences/5077 for a while, as old and new observations kept making sense suddenly. Other people might have noticed the same thing but I haven’t read about it. As you can read in this post, previously gifted antennas linked to a high-voltage electricity distribution facility showed signs of ‘fallout’: I had to regift them for then unknown reasons. Turned out in fact that about half of the city of Apeldoorn in The Netherlands (150.000) I gifted completely more than 7 years ago was in need of regifting!
I could psychically ‘read’ the antenna map and sense which antennas were now DOR again even though gifted. I was very surprised because I had never seen anything like that on such a massive scale (but turns out I did on a smaller scale- not talking about regifting because of removal). I did not feel very motivated somehow, the only thing I still wanted to gift in Apeldoorn was the site of a typical ritual sacrifice in broad daylight that happened in 2011 which you can read all about here https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009_attack_on_the_Dutch_Royal_Family or elsewhere on international newssites. The dutch royals were involved and this probably was very much needed to them as I had gifted the nearby royal palace in 2007.
Old grid lines go through there which I have been having fun with some 30-60km further down the line lately.
So I set out to regift really pissed off starting with 2 EP’s near the sacrificial ground
(check that street map! http://www.google.nl/search?si…e-gws-hp.3…0l2j0i22i30l3.1887.6059.0.7147.…0…1c.1.64.mobile-gws-hp…0.16.1877.3.A-0p1LWmbGQ )
and then all the previously gifted sites I recognized from 2008 or thereabouts. You might guess the outcome already. I should have waited for those EP’s to have their full effect and trusting my non-being-motivated to regift. I redistributed about 30 to 40 tb’s that day before returning home leaving the rest for another day (also because it had started raining). Turned out those were all wasted because when I checked the next day all the DOR antennas had turned POR again, including the not regifted ones! The conclusion (which had crossed my mind as a possible explanation for the ‘fallout’ in fact!) being that the atrocity commited had influenced the whole grid dramatically, gifted antennas included! Putting an EP in the right spot had reversed the whole gifting ‘fallout’, I just should have waited to see the effect instead of going against my intuition and start to regift immediately after putting the EP’s.
I never thought satanic ritual could be so ‘effective’ as to reverse thoroughly gifted antennas. In fact, when I was regifting, I was stunned by the amount of TB’s needed to reflip them. The EP’s were not in full effect, yet, and the satanic energy is hard to take out from a distance. I was thrilled because a) I did not need to regift b) the pattern of fallout antennas was completely in line with the geographical location of the ritual site, concentric more or less, but also -interestingly- at a distance where the high tension distribution site was (there were POR antennas between the fallout antennas of this site and the satanic site which indicates some ‘highway’ or ‘shortcut’ of the DOR satanic energy. Think leylines and the like.
When thinking about it I have observed this ‘cluster fallout phenomenon’ already in three (!) other locations, all of them electricity plants (non nuclear) and surrounding antennas that I had to regift over the years. I recently came across rumors of child sacrifice near one of those which leads me to conclude that the same thing happened there. Satanic ritual overshadowing the effects of my gifting.
The more or less important conclusions for me are:
satanic rituals are able to undo good gifting work. The interaction between old and new grid gifting has always been one of my favorite interests and my understanding took a leap. Terroristic attacks or suspects events like rumors of (child) sacrifice in areas you gifted should have you check the status of your gifted grounds. They might be trying to take back etheric territory. Of course ‘normal’ accidents can be the source of suffering as well.
Check back already gifted areas regularly, on site or on a map if you can. I could have discovered this years earlier if I hadn’t taken my gifting for granted.
-Checking the antennas that need to be regifted on a map it is possible to locate or suspect sites of satanic ritual. Those will often be concentrically influential or - at a distance - bypassing still POR antennas according to how the etheric energy flows, thus unflipping electricty plants/facilities in this example. Seems logical to me to look for castles/churches/masonic temples and other suspect places.
EP’s are great and one well placed one can be worth 100TB’s or more.
The need to overgift electricy plants. Adding an EP seems essential to me.
Intuition (my lack of enthusiasm to regift) often has its place
Even when you are first gifting an area: gifting castles (Europe), churches and other places that might have been the place of satanic rituals is important! Put an EP right near the place of a terrorist attack site if you can! They have ruled and influenced without modern tech for centuries. Bust those antennas but take back what has not been ours for a very long time too: ‘old grid gifting’ is cool!
Hope to have been clear in my description and of service sharing my observations.