NEW DAWN IN CENTRAL KENYA (Ng'arua, Karuga & Nyumba Tat

I had been away for a longer time gifting mission, and for the last three weeks, I was not able to access internet where I could share the reports that I had from the regions where I visited. My first attempt to go to these very areas failed, since I had not established contact with these people. I started by getting a few residents who took me to the places that I wanted to. Because these people belong to these regions, I found it easy to get to the people, and for the first time, I have gifted a place and introduced Orgonite without much opposition from the people in that very region.

Having got some Orgonite with me from our central base in Kisumu, I managed to distribute Orgonite, both for personal use and for field. The major intention of gifting the three areas, Ng’arua, Karuga and Nyumba Tatu was to reverse the abnormal climatic condition, apart from just introducing Orgonite for the first time in this region.

The biggest achievement that I can now quote is that the region is receiving very serious rainfall that has never been received before. The place used to be abnormally cold and dry, with a lot of smog, covering the atmosphere. I think Geographers call it a leeward side of Mount Kenya. That means that the region cannot receive much rainfall, since the moisture carried to the region remains on the opposite side of the mountain.

For the first time after applying Orgonite in the region, very heavy rains have been experienced in this region and the sky is very clearer most of the time. For the last two days before I left the region, the sun was shining from around 8.00am in the morning till 2.00pm. It is after that that there is a very heavy rainfall. The people in this region are now planning to try if the crops can do well if planted at a time like this. This is very abnormal, since the people here usually practice farming, crop growing to be specific once in a year, and that it around February up to August (Relatively longer than other areas because of the temperatures).

I had a public meeting, and after that many people have shown a very positive attitude towards Orgonite. I already have phone calls from the customers who want me to give them some pieces for their personal use.


Benedict, this has important implications for every dry or desert region that is in the lee of tall mountain ranges.

When Dr Reich was reversing the desert in Arizona and California in 1954 he discovered that a similar barrier existed along a ridge in the eastern range of the Sierra Madre Mountains in Southern California. To the west of this ridge, in the direction of the prevailing winds, the land was forested and green and to the east, halfway across the continent, was mostly desert. The driest part of the desert was nearest the ridge and covered Southern California. He believed that the desert was ancient but when the Spanish explorers arrived in the late 1500s much of it wasn’t yet established. "Las Vegas’ means, ‘the meadows,’ for instance and when they arrived that’s what they saw; Las Vegas is a desert, now, but the upper elevations of Mt Charleston, nearby, is still covered with tall trees and meadows.

The main reason that I feel that the arid conditions in the region where you are working are artificially-generated is that there is smog present. We’re conditioned to blame smog on heavy industry and automobiles (certainly absent in that region by Mt Kenya) but in fact the smog disappears in any large city where someone has busted all the death towers, as many of us have directly discovered by now. Nairobi was one of the most smoggy cities Carol had ever visited (2001) but within four years Judy Lubulwa and Doc Batiibwe (he flipped all the weather weaponry first, then Judy went mostly on foot and did the hundreds of death towers later). got rid of that smog with their orgonite. In Judy’s case this carried unfortunate consequences after we lost touch with her in 2007.

Dr Reich felt that this was an ancient, artificially-created barrier intended for creating that vast desert and after operating his cloudbuster on that ridge for a few weeks it began to rain throughout the ‘California Sahara’ and grass grew everywhere. He had already seen green grass begin to grow in Arizona, earlier, even before the cloudbusters had generated rain, there. As soon as he left the desert was re-established in those places.

Grass is growing throughout most of that desert, now, but this has happened gradually over the past eleven years, since people in the region began making orgonite cloudbusters and flipping the death towers with simple, usually home-made orgonite. It’s probably only ten percent done because there are so few people in America who are willing to do large-scale, strategic work like the kikundi’s. Since it’s been much more gradual, here, it lacks the public-awareness impact that some of the kikundi’s related accomplishments in Africa are achieving with your focused and coordinated maneuvers. Some of the Europeans are beginning to work together this way, I’m very happy to see.

Most of what we all do is probably unbelievable to the average person but it’s still very important to have a public record so that when the world catches up with us we will get due credit. You’re very fortunate to live on a continent where the corporate order’s mind control is not as entrenched as it is just about everywhere else.

I wanted to thank you all for the work done in your land becaus it has certainly improved the goodness in the wind that comes from Africa across the Mediterranean sea. In this particular time was one of the very important factor that halped the European region to go through the terrible punishment directed to Europe last summer. That was a plan of large scale in which the coprporate rats even choose increasngly apocaliptical names for every heat front and tried everything in order to sudue all the nations to vile conditions. The population remained healthy and not soccumbed.
Maybe it is not realized yet, but the green vegetation in this late part of the year indicates much healtier condition than ever.
It also a big blow fot the GMO Big Pharma pesticides fertilizer industries.
It is thanks also to orgonite gifted in this continent but also opportunistically from healthy orgonized winds coming from somewhere in Africa.
Thank you all kikundi our hearts are touched as our lives are being preserved in a stance called humanity.
God the father creator was who made you born and be there.
All of you and your supporter I will be thanking endlessly.

Thanks a lot Benedict for your high determination in gifting these regions of Mt. Kenya.In fact that are of Mt.Kenya i know will continue receiving good rainfall due to the mbolea that Nancy had previously distributed. I know it will continue doing very well because of even the Orgonite which have now distributed.
Have you receive the orgonites which i sent you?
Mrs O