Hello Don,
You must get a flood of mail, so I´ll try to keep this short.
There is a valley 500 km north of Santiago(the concrete jungle where I
live) called Valle de Cochiguaz, that I have been visting every summer for about
6 years. Last tuesday I went there with my love, Javi, for a month´s worth
of nature and a rest from the toxic city. This place is very special, it is
jam-packed with energy vortices, every single person who lives there sees
UFOs on a regular basis, it was a very important ritual center for the
Diaguita people (all masaquered).Some of the mountains here are composed mostly of copper and have cavernes
filled with crystals(quartz, amethist,
citrine, turmaline, obsidian, and a few others) so you can imagine the
kind of healing energy this place has, also there are no towers to speak of,
not even TV or radio in the area. Of course its been a little spolied by the
new age junkies who recently claim ownership of the place, but the local
inhabitants(huasos or cowboys for U gringos…jeje) are very awake and
centered people, there are also a few maya-calendar people(as I call them)
who are on the right track.Two days ago I was horrified to see a masive
chemtrail operation in this valley, before this I had only seen chemtrails
on the internet. I didn´t have a chembuster so I sent out a message with
all my passion, rightous anger/love to any slyphs that might help, I had never
seen a sylph in my life, so I was basically trusting the information on Ken
Adachi´s site about them. To my amasement a massive slyph that spaned the
entire valley apeared before my eyes and began doing its work, the skyes
soon cleared, I was in a stuppor, actually part of me still doesn´t belive
it. At the time all I could think was “thank you, thank you with all my
love” As a usual visitor to your site and newbe gifter I could not stay
there impotently watching this sacred place being desecrated by the sewer
scum… knowing how to combat them… so I talked the locals into
financing a couple of chembusters and raced back to the city to collect
materials….the people here were extreemly receptive to my mesage, I was
surprised, as most people I talk to in the city think I´ve lost my
mind….I would like to thank you for your work and inspiration as I previously
thought the fight against the world odor was pretty much hopeless, thanks
to those ego-junkies of the alex jones kind, not that they are ill-intended
people…just misguided perhaps. I have one practical question for you, Is
it necesary for the chembuster cristal to be double terminated?, I´ve been
having a hard time finding them… can the second point be polished by
hand/machine? does it matter if the pipes are a little old and banged up?
Any feedback would be greatly apreciated……. Thank you very much…….Alejandro…….
P.S. Attached to this email are a few pics of the chemtrails and slyphs
You can do with the picture as you wish
That’s a terrific report, thanks, Alejandro, and thanks for sending along the photos, too. You connected with those Sylphs in a direct way, which is the only way. There’s a fellow on Ken’s site who pretends to be the Sylphs’ spokesman and of course there is no such role. He also posted photos of demonic clouds, which are creations of the sewer rats, and called them Sylphs, so I’m doubly glad that you’re able to just recognize and allow a heartfelt bond to happen between you and them.
I’m not able to post photos, yet, but those sure look like Sylphs to me. You apparently got a deep enough bond with them that you don’t need a second opinion, though.
The way the chemtrails failed to spread out and cover the sky indicates that someone may have an orgonite cloudbuster within range of or in that valley but more is certainly better. It’s very good to know that you never saw them over Santiago. Lots of Southern Hemisphere cities have remained free of chemtrails for some reason so it’s possible that those chemtrails were spewed on your account.
It’s not necessary at all to use double-terminated crystals for orgonite cloudbusters, don’t worry. The only thing we ever use d/t xtals for is the Big Secret and Carol and I made ours five years ago. Well–the exception is that Carol uses Herkimer quartz in her dolphin balls but Herkimers are inexpensive and available to most folks and are too small to use for cloudbusters. Actually, she makes a mini Big Secret around the Herkimer in a dolphin ball
The reason I’ve never referred to our invention as a ‘chembuster’ is becuase bustjng chemtrails is a minor and temporary function of the device. The reason Ken Adachi introduced the term was because Trevor Constable, his friend, got mad at him for calling it a cloudbuster. Constable later joined Jeff Rense several times on the latter’s nationally syndicated radio show, four years ago to attack our work and warn people not to do it. They stopped suddenly as soon as it became clear that there were a lot more cloudbusters out there due to the broadcasts.
Though Constable apparently resents us I still feel that his books, especially the ones written before six years ago, are very informative and useful, despite his habit of proselytising for Theosophy. Reich hated that sort of mysticism, of course. I also feel strongly that if Dr Reich had known about orgonite he’d have adopted a similar approach to ours and would probably have abandoned the original cloudbusters, since they have a lot of potential to do harm. Ours, when made simply, are entirely harmless.
Trevor Constable is one of a small handful of people who have been able to get consistent, positive results with the original-style Reich cloudbuster, by the way, and the published photo records of his DOR-busting efforts in Israel and Sinai (1980’s?) are incredibly good. Desertification of that region actually increased since WWI, when the Jews started arriving in large numbers, by the way, and though they irrigate their farms the old prophecy that claims that in the latter days the deserts will bloom is probably unfulfilled. It’s going to be orgonite that will reverse those deserts, of course.
Dr Reich got even better results in Southern Arizona in 1953 but after he left the region reverted to desert again. Only orgonite will hold the territory taken away from the world odor.
The very arid region you’re visiting can probably also get more rain if you’ll gift it systematically. It’s possible that cloudbusters, alone, will achieve that but most deserts and arid regions are that way because of more distant dynamics. For instance, in order to get rain in Southern Arizona Dr Reich had to set up a cloudbuster in the Sierra Nevada, far to the west. He claimed that predatory aliens generate deserts in our world, apparently by stealing orgone and we sure agree with that, though apparently many or most of those predators live here and directly influence international corporations and major governments… I think we’re witnessing and even perpetuating the end of the rule of parasites, actually.
The western slopes of teh Andes are in a ‘rain shadow’ because prevailing wind is from the Atlantic, but as you can see from the ongoing reversal of the North American deserts, mountain ranges, upwind, are not necessarily able to remove the moisture from the atmosphere, downwind. The N American deserts were fertile pastures and forests before 500 years ago, or so, and I suspect that in the time of the Incas your region was also verdant. Empires aren’t built in deserts, after all. When Spanish settlers arrived in New Mexico in the late 1500s that region was prime farm land with plenty of rainfall. It’s quite arid, now, and partly desert.
I know that there are terrific gifters in South America but no doubt most of them are not conversant in English. I hope you’ll stay in touch with me because I think you’ll be seeing some amazing things from your efforts, more and more, and I want to hear about it. Most people who make or buy cloudbusters aren’t very interested in gifting but that shouldn’t be alarming. It doesn’t take a lot of gifters to revolutionize the condition of the world’s atmosphere, ground and oceans, after all.
You’re very fortunate to be vacationing in a small community where many people can discuss these things. The Pajama People, here, are barely starting to expand their awareness but they can’t be pushed. In Dr Reich’s day, teh PJ folks in America, who were an even larger and more homogenous–overtly fascist–majority than they are now, were violently opposed to expanding awareness so we’re seeing amazing progress in that area. This was starting to happen even before the US Government initiated the present terror campaign against its own populace in the mid-1990s.