New Plan With The Orgonites In Migori

Hi readers

Right now farmers in our area Migori are really benefiting from our effort and to that effect we are also making a good business.Farmers in our are who do plant maize finger millet and tobacco are really preparing their Gardens so that they may be ready to plant in good time .So we are also going to supply them with the orgonite.Also most of the rivers in our areas we are also going to gift to minimize some environmental hazard like excess minerals that might conterminate the streams and make them not fit for consumption.

Since our areas are also next to mining areas as it’s our effort to gift such areas and also give them zapper for the people living in such places are very much notorious in immoral practices so the zappers will help them in a great deal and further change their life styles ,at the same time all the funds that they had been using in health purposes they will now transforms them for their own development.

Thus i hope that soon all the bad places in our areas we are going to try by all the means to transform them so that they may turn to life supporting instead of being life hazard.We can do this through collective work of gifting and through other material support that may be available.I hope much cooperation will work it out.
