New Warrior Emerges Unscathed From Disinformation Wringer

After you read this, consider how many folks (not you, surely!) stupidly allow their feet to be cemented to the information superhighway by charismatic showmen and agency-spawned Chicken Littles [Image Can Not Be Found]

Hi Don,

Hope you don’t mind me sending you a short chronicle of my progress as a gifter. I felt it might be interesting to someone who has been monitoring the health of this movement since the early days. Maybe you have heard stories like this before, but I would like to believe my experience represents an emerging trend. In any case, I have this urge to communicate with someone who can appreciate my journey so far and possibly be encouraged that many more like me are on the way.

Friday, August 28 2009, I was attending a Fantasy Football Draft Party. While frustrated at the negative trends going on around me my attitude was that there wasn’t much I could do about it. Plus, I was just too busy with my favorite distractions of sports, tv shows, drinking, and the like. Later that night at home and into the next day I had an epiphany moment that caused me to completely reevaluate my outlook on life (I sensed I had been close to death).

In September I made several ‘adjustments’ to my traditional Christian belief system. Not throwing away the core of it, I realized my laziness of letting “church leaders” tell me what to think. My faith bolstered higher than ever, I continued my pursuit for truth.

In October I was exposed to the whole scene of “what-is-really-going-on” information and dis-information on the web. Yes, I paid some dues getting sucked into the flashy and loud sites of doom and gloom. I came across people building up their stockpiles and others who are preparing to ‘run and hide’ when the time came. While getting up-to-speed on this very challenging news I couldn’t help but feel there had to be something else we could do to help ourselves and world to turn the tide of terrible deeds happening. It was about this time that I somehow came across information about orgonite and Don & Carol Croft.

After running the traps of other “informational” sites about the NWO, aliens, and the like I couldn’t help noticing the residual feelings of fear and hopelessness or otherwise weirdness. But the stuff I was reading about you and others working with orgonite seemed to scratch an itch I have to do something substantive to push back. Mind you, there is nothing much out of the ordinary about me. I married early; eventually worked my way through undergraduate then graduate school, started working in information technology and that is pretty much it. But something has changed with me on a fundamental level. I don’t want what I thought I wanted. I see the folly that is going on and it seems we need to go much higher as a people. In short, not wanting to settle with a ‘run and hide’ mentality I kept coming back to the places on the web that proposed real action/responses to the evil practices going on in the world.

In November I knew I must ‘get in the game’ and determined to add my strength to the strength of those who have been fighting this battle for much longer than I.

I immediately ordered 2 CB’s, a SP, SBB, TB’s, and an HP. That followed with establishing a workshop to make my own orgonite. My home and yard were soon filled with orgonite and I started gifting my area on a steady but not spectacular basis.

My strong sense of that evil will lose if properly resisted, lead me right away to visualization and boosting. I read more about boosting and sending energy for offensive and defensive purposes. Coaching sessions with Dooney have helped me to cut a CIA psychic energy cord, remove an entity parked in my sixth chakra, restore my ‘sand-blasted’ aura, and built my confidence to boost more effectively.

I ordered many and different HHG’s, TB’s, Zappers, Crystal Points, Shavings, etc. I now own a large Lemurian crystal, several Herkimer Diamonds, a Lapis Lazuli, and a beautiful big PW. We have orgonite in the vehicles, on key chains, at work, etc. We have a mini-108 inside and a large-108 outside. I have been taking Wake-up & Chembuster to help digest more information before getting overloaded and assisting my body to be completely fit for the task. My Zapper is on me virtually 24/7 as well as the HP. I feel empowered and growing as a force for good and it has been exhilarating.

I did all this because I personally made the decision to do so. No person told me to or insisted I must do so to be ‘part of the club’.

This is my humble attempt to let you know that for your part, you are making a difference. To you and all the others who are standing up for the good that humanity can represent I say “Count me in and many more are coming”. Something tells me that my fellow sleepy-heads are getting restless in their beds and are opening up for ‘real information’. The lies are getting too disturbing for folks to brush off any longer.

I could not have come this far, this fast, if it was not for all of the trails that have been blazed ahead of me. Others will also get up-to-speed quickly as a result of the in-roads that have been made.

Don, I can imagine a huge array of souls that are poised to ‘come-alive’ just like I have, and in a mighty short-order. Can you see it?

Many dozens, hundreds, and thousands more folks similar to me are on the cusp of waking up to orgonite, I believe. I think our hopefulness and belief that this is the case can be fertile ground for it to happen.

It feels good to be associated with this effort. Thank you for your positive influence on it.

I wanted to share a little visual evidence to bolster my statements which are attached.

Best Regards, Dennis