Hi all! I’ve been gifting the Rotorua region for about a year and a half although not extensively, I drop a few bits when visiting friends there. They live on Lake Rotoiti which is west of Lake Rotorua and the two lakes are joined by the Ohau channel. The whole region is popular with tourists because of the geothermal activity resulting from the fact that the area is basically two large caldera volcano, the Rotorua caldera (Lake Rotorua itself) and the Okataina caldera (about eight other lakes including Lake Rotoiti). The last eruption in the area was from Mt Tarawera in 1886.
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Lake Rotoiti looking West. Lake Rotorua in the background.
The first place I gifted was my friends garden and surrounding area. (The garden has done very well but without controls it is impossible to evaluate. Subjectively they feel it has been doing better than usual). There are high tension power lines near by which received gifts and then the lake itself, although only the small part of it at the western end, about 25 TB’s and two over sized earthpipes that were too cumbersome to deploy quickly in the earth. I went into the Rotorua township and did the central city area – antennas, police and court houses, fountains, transformers and the hot springs in the Government Gardens adjacent to the city. I did the antennas at the airport and a couple of other randoms but most of them I have not done including the large one on Mt
Ngongotaha, which needs doing and is on my list for next time. I gifted parts of the high tension power lines and substation coming into the city from the west.
Next was the Ohau channel which I did by kayak (like all the lake gifting I’ve done) from Lake Rotorua. Lake Rotorua is high in nutrient pollution. At one time the sewerage from Rotorua town was dumped straight into it. Now it is better since they started spraying treated sewerage onto a forest in the catchment (about 15 years ago). High levels of nitrogen still finds it way into the lake from there, as well as farm run off. People don’t be fooled by this country’s bullshit ‘clean and green’ image propaganda. The only reason we are not swimming in a mountain of our own crap is the low population size. Many coastal towns still discharge raw (screened) sewerage into the sea! The lovely rolling farms may look nice but intensive dairy farming is wrecking land and waterways. According to the Waikato regional council, 86% of waterways in that region (heavily dairy farmed) are now not fit for human use. Not only that but those farms were only 150 years ago magnificent forests supporting a unique ecosystem. The colonialists made short work of destroying vast tracks of native bush (something like 70%) with policies and practices that were so negligent they bordered on criminal. In fact, knowing what I do now about how the NWO operates, I have to wonder if it was a deliberate plan, in line with their ongoing ATTEMPTED desertification of the planet. For instance, settlers were given or sold land (in many instances stolen from the Maori) that was covered in bush when they arrived leaving them with little option but to burn it so they could survive. This practice continued until after the 1st world war even though by the 1870’s a political movement was started trying to stop it. So much for our “unspolit beauty”, only small pockets that could be accurately described as such remain. I’m not an environment nazi nor am I necessarily opposed to farming (or mining), its just that it seems ironic that this stuff goes on under people’s noses, while on the other hand you have the media and politicians going on loudly about unquantifiable theoretical “global warming” like its fact. OK, rant over – back to the gifting! I dropped one TB in lake Rotorua by the channel inlet (I’ve chucked another couple in since but obviously the whole lake needs to be gifted) and then 12 half sized TB’s into the channel as I made my way into Lake Rotoiti. Because of the nutrients that flow from Rotorua into Rotoiti the council has built a wall in the lake (about the time I started to gift it) to divert the water into the outlet of the lake. This will make any assessment about the success or otherwise of the gifting difficult. The water in Rotoiti has definitely improved, but it could easily be attributable to the lack of crappy water coming from lake Rotorua. There used to be algal blooms in Rotoiti due to the high levels of nutrients. There seems to be some debate as to whether orgonite may actually encourage that since it is plant life.
At the end of last year I set up an orgonite cloudbuster at my friend’s property. It was basically the Croft design but with galvanized steel pipes instead of copper, which made it quite heavy. The skys in the following days were very interesting…. I had already seen sylph like creations from time to time since starting gifting but not much in the way of chemtrail activity. Occasionally in the west over Rotorua could be seen the long, thin line of a chemtrail, but after I set the CB up I saw several of the smaller trails they seem to try to make look like normal clouds. It did seem like they had noticed the change in energy and were trying to counter it, as I had not seen this kind of activity previously (in my admittedly limited time in the area). One day when this chemtrail was sprayed which ended up drifting right overhead. No aircraft were herd or seen so I can only assume that it was delivered by some other means. Or maybe it was “just a cloud” as some of my friends like to say to me.
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A few weeks ago I was back again doing some more gifting. I increased the gifted area of the lake and gifted an antenna I had previously tried to get to but failed, not this time! I also gifted some of the geothermal vents around the outside of the lake. I lay down under the tower and watched for a while. The buried cables feeding the transformer (I assume) at the base of the tower are 11000 volts. From time to time a fan that must be to cool the transformer would switch on. They certainly must consume a lot of power! After about 20 minutes a pair of swallows flew from one side of the antennas, looped around the top 180 degrees and back the way they came. I took this as a good sign. I didn’t notice anything else in the way of cloud activity.
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You can see more photos on my Flickr page, https://www.flickr.com/photos/lunchenstein/