Novices experience - energy changes, Sylphs, ear-tones, intuition

Hi all,

I’m new here and new to tower-busting and hope you will excuse me if some things I post have been posted elsewhere.

I have just done a number of sites in areas near me to see what occurs.

I am energy sensitive and on Don’s suggestion, have tuned into energy from towers/stations. I feel pressure around the third eye and discomfort in the solar plexus area, and typically feel the energy in my field is perturbed/chaotic to some extent (from mildly to severely).

Here are two different images of a Sylph at a site I did a couple of days ago:

(images missing)

I get ear-pressure/tone signals in the right ear before significant energetic/spiritual things happen. I had one such signal two hours or so before this. When I pictured the Sylph, I’d just busted two towers in close proximity to one another behind me (as I’m facing in the pictures). The towers were emanating horrendous chaotic energy that was doing my head and stomach in (or the Chakras in those regions). I don’t think it is a meaningless coincidence that a Sylph was so near this particularly bad site as I ‘hit’ it.

The change in the energy at this site was astonishing–it went from noxious and even slightly sickening to smooth and tranquil in a matter of minutes. A number of birds flew in as I was finishing and some even perched on the tower. A flock of birds came in after I’d done two of three pieces at another site the week before (is this common?).

Last night I also did another site at which the energy was noxious and very hard to take for me and my little companion. The energy at this second site started to become ‘smooth/harmonious’ soon after I’d done the third piece, within about 15 minutes or so.

In these early days for me, I have noted that at other sites the energy may not seem particularly noxious; nevertheless within 15 minutes or so I can sense the ‘smooth/harmonious’ orgone-energy.

Also in these early days, I’ve found that online telecom registry maps help me find sites but there is no substitute for intuition once I’m at the site. I have a strong feeling for where I need to go when there’s a tower to be done. This was the case where base stations were high on a hospital building. (What kind of people put these things in a hospital? Still, I feel so glad I could feel the orgone-energy emanating from them as I left the site).



hey steve, I don’t think I’m quite as energy sensitive as you are but i can feel it too, and sometimes see it if i pay close attention and focus on the area in question. i read somewhere in Don and Carol’s adventures that birds are a good sign and after flipping stuff birds often show up. I have seen a lot of birds in my immediate area lately and around downtown when before i rarely saw them in these areas. I am new at this too, hopefully we can learn our way around all this. I wish you well in your endeavors.