NSA Voodoo and More Parcel Interference

I get most of my field orgonite from my ‘partner in handcuffs,’ Francisco of orgonita.eu on Menorca. It’s handy because he sells our zappers and we simply barter from time to time. I’ve got a huge stock of towerbusters for my next big campaign and I’ve been able to help out some dedicated but financially-challenged orgonite flingers, here and there. One of them gifted himself out of a job as a bail bondsman because the crime rate fell out from under him Cool but I think that simply caused him to pursue a higher calling. I was forced into my calling; ‘If one can’t be led, one may be driven.’

We had a terrific chat session in Dooney’s chatroom on Sunday. Some MKid smashed into the rear end of Carol’s truck when she was at a stoplight in town and it distressed her neck quite severely. That was six months ago and the kid’s insurance paid for treatment. She chose chiropractic, of course and was getting better with the help of a local chiropractor whom we visit regularly, also help from Dr Steve Smith, our old friend in Montana, three hours’ drive from us. A couple of months ago her health started declining rapidly, though. Fortunately, the insurance was still paying and she started getting more frequent treatments from Stevo, including his amazing, new Pulsed Electromagetic Therapy device. It was more like a battle than a healing process, so I wondered whether the NSA were trying to murder her in the way that the late SJ Smith described to us in 2009, a year or two before they evidently killed him, that way: when these sewer rats are intent on neutralizing an activist they shackle someone to a bed and induce a fatal illness after strongly linking that person to the victim, psychically.

It’s apparently quite a process to find a suitable ‘human voodoo doll.’ Naturally, a death of this sort is completely untraceable in an autopsy so the NSA baby eaters presumably only do this when they’re afraid that people will call ‘foul!’ on the internet when an activist is murdered. I wonder how many good people these sewer rats destroy, this way. Not long after Carl and I met with SJ Smith Dooney evidently came under attack this way. She had already started teaching people how to fight back effectively when the NSA and other criminal syndicates use psychics to assault them. At the time, she was the only person doing this, as far as I know. That was around the time she set up donebydooney.com.

We usually like to pay attention after a chat like that to see whether we’ve been effective. Carol’s health and demeanor has improved since Sunday, for instance, though Stevo reckons that a full recovery is going to take several months. In 2008 he pulled me away from death’s threshold after the FBI’s beryllium poisoning event in 2004 had damaged Carol and I. Dr von Peters’ initial help got the beryllium out of us in 2005 and enabled us to go to Florida and ruin the then-escalating hurricane agenda but I was on my way to congestive heart failure, evidently due to the damage that the beryllium had done. There’s no heart disease in my family and I’ve always been more careful than most about diet and avoiding destructive habits. Stevo even cured my lifelong heart murmur, a birth defect that MDs (‘serial killers’) claim is untreatable Wink

On the upside, I tell Carol and Dooney that only the most hated and feared (by the enemy) activists get this treatment, which is an unwitting kudo from the enemy. It reminds me of one of Carol’s visit to England when Gregg Hallett, who had masterfully exposed Hitler’s and Stalin’s intimate connection to Churchill and the City of London (and each other), was jealous that the MI5 thugs in a pub were trying hard (and failing) to intimidate Carol but were ignoring him.

The other sabotage update is that the latest shipment of towerbusters from Francisco is being interfered with (this has happened several times):

Don, 41 ones days ago i sent you 210Tbs in this box CC008382711ES and i lost track offf it. I already made a complaint see if we can find it.

ANother one is on your way as far as i can tell and it is code CC008519009ES

Maybe next time you go to post office they might be able to tell you more.


I forgot to add that the psychics found a peculiar draconian heading up the murder project in her case. I don’t usually mention aliens and such, any more, since we rarely have those 3D encounters, any more, but Edu in Brazil has been reporting interference of this sort and I want to back him up a bit in terms of validation.

Remember that all psychic pursuits are highly subjective by nature, of course; we categorize all of it as battlefield intel and this sets us apart from the fear porn purveyors and other internet histrionics, most of which is no doubt created by the enemy.

Discernment is more a function of the nose than the brain, as always, and please keep treating our offerings as personal views and not authoritative. There are enough reputable people, now, who are having these experiences that I don’t think we’ll be effectively written off as kooks, even though I have apparently earned a position in the Kook Encylopedia and similarly obscure CIA publications. I even got a little article in the French WiCIApedia Cool.