On June 22, 2015, Michigan Live’s Steven Kloosterman said “White perch are an invasive species and are less sought after for their taste than yellow perch.” When, in fact, Michigan has a white perch state record from 2002, albeit a fraudulent one

“What one man can invent, another can discover.”

Sherlock Holmes, from “The Adventure of the Dancing Men”, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 1903


From January 2014 to June 2015, the Michigan state record white perch increased in size by 3.6%, from 1.93 pounds to 2 pounds.

From January 2014 to June 2015, the Michigan state record white perch increased in length by .9%, from 13.25 inches to 13.37 inches.

In 2014, the white perch winked into existence in Michigan, in Muskegon Lake, at a weight of 1.93 pounds and a length of 13.25 inches.

On January 21, 2014, Aaron Slagh caught the first-ever Michigan state record white perch. It weighed 1.93 pounds and was 13.25 inches long.

On January 29, 2014, Rich O’Neal, a DNR fisheries biologist for the state of Michigan, said “The previous state-record white perch was caught by Kyle Ryan of Reese on Lake Huron in Tuscola County on July 13, 2002. That fish weighed 1.88 pounds and measured 13.25 inches.”

The only problem is, there are no independent media accounts corroborating this claim, nor are there any photographs of the fish, or the angler.

It is a false record, made up out of whole cloth to blunt awareness of the fact that the white perch winked into existence in Michigan in 2014, in Muskegon Lake, at a weight of 1.93 pounds and a length of 13.25 inches.

From 2015 to 2024, the 19.7% increase in length of the Michigan state record white perch was 2,088% greater, or more than twenty one times greater than its .9% increase from 2014 to 2015.

From 2015 to 2024, the 18.5% increase in size of the Michigan state record white perch was 414% greater, or more than five times greater than its 3.6% increase in size from 2014 to 2015.

The growth rate of the white perch in Michigan is increasing exponentially, going forward in time.

That’s not scientifically possible, at least not according to the rapidly-collapsing false Orthodoxy which holds that organisms increase in ever-smaller increments to a genetically-programmed maximum size, and that there is “no such thing as the ether”.

The truth is that the health of the ether is inexorably increasing, and the size, fertility, longevity and very existence of any organism varies directly with the health of its etheric environment.

From 2015 to 2024, the Michigan state record white perch increased in length by 19.7%, from 13.57 inches to 16.25 inches.

From 2015 to 2024, the Michigan state record white perch increased in size by 18.5%, from 2 pounds to 2 pounds, 5.92 ounces.

A near-20% increase in size, and also length, in just nine years? What gives?

Organisms are supposed to increase in ever-smaller increments to a genetically-programmed maximum size.

From 2015 to 2024, the Michigan state record white perch increased in size by an annual average of 2.2%.

From 2015 to 2024, the Michigan state record white perch increased in length by an annual average of 2%.

In 2015, Cindy Cordo caught the Michigan state record white perch, in Bear Lake in Muskegon County. It weighed 2 pounds and was 13.57 inches long.

On June 22, 2015, Michigan Live’s Steven Kloosterman said “White perch are an invasive species and are less sought after for their taste than yellow perch.”

Where “invasive species” is a false, general meme, put forward to blunt awareness of the fact that the white perch is winking into existence in areas in which it never had previously thanks to the improvement in the health of the ether there.

If white perch are an “invasive species” in Michigan, as alleged by Michigan Live’s Stephen Kloosterman in 2015, then why does Michigan have a state record white perch on the books from 2002?

Where did the white perch invade from, prior to 2002?

The white perch record from 2002 is fraudulent, as is Kloosterman’s claim that it invaded from somewhere.

It’s a cloud of propaganda, put forward to obscure the fact that, in 2014, the white perch winked into existence in Michigan, in Muskegon Lake, at a weight of 1.93 pounds and a length of 13.25 inches, as the etheric environment there improved in health to the point where the species could manifest within it.

In May 2024, Scott Smith caught the Michigan state record white perch. It weighed 2 pounds, 5.92 ounces and was 16.25 inches in length.



On January 29, 2014, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources said “Second state-record fish caught this month, this time a white perch in Muskegon County”.

Where, under the false guise of familiarity, author Rich O’Neal omitted the name of the state, to make the subject almost unsearchable.

That is an example of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

For the record, it’s Michigan.

The staff writer from the state of Michigan who couldn’t type “Michigan” went on to say “The white perch was caught by Aaron Slagh of Holland, Mich., on Tuesday, Jan. 21, on Muskegon Lake in Muskegon County at 11 a.m. The fish weighed 1.93 pounds and measured 13.25 inches. Slagh was ice fishing with a spoon when he landed the record fish.

Where the Michigan DNR’s Rich O’Neal said “caught”, “fishing”, “spoon”, “landed” and “fish” to reinforce the false meme that far-larger white perch had been out there in Michigan, all along, only nobody pursued them with the proper skill or assiduousness, previously.

As a bonus, and despite being employed by the state of Michigan, Rich used the false guise of familiarity to redact the words “Michigan” and “state” from “Michigan state record”, to make the subject far less searchable.

That is an example of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

Aaron Slagh, Michigan State Record White Perch, 2014
(Aaron Slagh, with the first-ever Michigan state record white perch, 2014.)

The article goes o not say “The record was verified by Rich O’Neal, a DNR fisheries biologist, at the Muskegon field office. The previous state-record white perch was caught by Kyle Ryan of Reese on Lake Huron in Tuscola County on July 13, 2002. That fish weighed 1.88 pounds and measured 13.25 inches.”

On January 29, 2014, Rich O’Neal, a DNR fisheries biologist for the state of Michigan, said “The previous state-record white perch was caught by Kyle Ryan of Reese on Lake Huron in Tuscola County on July 13, 2002. That fish weighed 1.88 pounds and measured 13.25 inches.”

The only problem is, there are no independent media accounts corroborating this claim, nor are there any photographs of the fish, or the angler.

It is a false record, made up out of whole cloth to blunt awareness of the fact that the white perch winked into existence in Michigan in 2014, in Muskegon Lake, at a weight of 1.93 pounds and a length of 13.25 inches.

JUNE 2015

On June 22, 2015, mlive.com said “State record white perch caught by Muskegon woman”.

Where, under the false guise of familiarity, Michigan Live’s Stephen Kloosterman omitted the name of the state, to make the subject almost unsearchable.

That is an example of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

For the record, it’s Michigan.

The staff writer from Michigan Live who couldn’t type “Michigan” went on to say “North Muskgon’s Cindy Lou Cordo has caught a state record size white perch, according to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources.

Cordo reeled in the 2-pound white perch measuring 13.57 inches while fishing with her husband Jeff Cordo on Bear Lake the afternoon of Saturday, April 18. The two were baitcasting worms and “blind man”-type spinners, she said.”

Where Michigan Live’s Stephen Kloosterman said “reeled in”, “fishing”, “bait casting” and “spinners” to reinforce the false meme that far-larger white perch had been out there in Michigan, all along, only nobody pursued them with the proper skill or assiduousness, previously.

In 2015, Cindy Cordo caught the Michigan state record white perch, in Bear Lake in Muskegon County. It weighed 2 pounds and was 13.57 inches long.

Cindy Lou Cordo, Michigan State Record White Perch, 2015
(Cindy Cordo with the Michigan state record white perch, 2015.)

The article goes on to say “The previous state-record white perch was caught by Holland’s Aaron Slagh on Muskegon Lake Jan. 21, 2014. That fish weighed 1.93 pounds and measured 13.25 inches.”

There’s no mention of the margin between the old record and the new.

That is an example of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

From January 2014 to June 2015, the Michigan state record white perch increased in size by 3.6%, from 1.93 pounds to 2 pounds.

From January 2014 to June 2015, the Michigan state record white perch increased in length by .9%, from 13.25 inches to 13.37 inches.

On January 21, 2014, Aaron Slagh caught the Michigan state record white perch. It weighed 1.93 pounds and was 13.25 inches long.

The article goes on to say “White perch are an invasive species and are less sought after for their taste than yellow perch.”

Where “invasive species” is a general meme put forward to blunt awareness of the fact that the white perch is winking into existence in areas in which it never had previously thanks to the improvement in the health of the ether there.

If white perch are an “invasive species” in Michigan, as alleged by Michigan Live’s Stephen Kloosterman in 2015, then why does Michigan have a state record white perch on the books from 2002?

And where did the white perch invade from, prior to 2002?

The white perch record from 2002 is fraudulent, as is Kloosterman’s claim that it invaded from somewhere.

It’s a cloud of propaganda, put forward to obscure the fact that, in 2014, the white perch winked into existence in Michigan, in Muskegon Lake, at a weight of 1.93 pounds and a length of 13.25 inches, as the etheric environment there improved in health to the point where the species could manifest within it.

Here’s Stephen Kloosterman’s picture, where the image is blatantly constructed to focus attention on his left eye:

Stephen Kloosterman
(Stephen Kloosterman, who said in 2015 that white perch were an “invasive species” in Michigan, when Michigan has a state record on the books for them from 2002.)

MAY 2024

On May 22, 2024, Michigan.gov said “Achievement unlocked: World champ reels in state-record white perch”.

Where, under the false guise of familiarity, the uncredited author from the state of Michigan omitted the name of the state, to make the subject almost unsearchable.

That is an example of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

For those unaware, anytime an author is uncredited, it is proof that said author is an Intelligence operative.

The uncredited Intelligence operative from the state of Michigan who couldn’t type “Michigan” said “achievement unlocked”, “world champ” and “reels in” to reinforce the false meme that far-larger white perch had been out there in Michigan, all along, only nobody pursued them with the proper skill or assiduousness, previously.

Scott Smith, Michigan State Record White Perch, 2024
(Scott Smith with the Michigan state record white perch, 2024. Scott is wearing a Satanic purple shirt, and the image is constructed to focus attention on his left eye.)

The article goes on to say “While still-fishing with minnow bait recently in St. Clair County, Michigan, an angler from Adrian caught a state-record fish: a white perch weighing 2 pounds, 5.92 ounces and measuring 16.25 inches.”angler”, “caught” and “fish” reels to reinforce the false meme that far-larger white perch had been out there in Michigan, all along, only nobody pursued them with the proper skill or assiduousness, previously.

In May 2024, Scott Smith caught the Michigan state record white perch. It weighed 2 pounds, 5.92 ounces and was 16.25 inches in length.

The article goes on to say “Scott Smith was fishing with a friend on Lake St. Clair, the expansive freshwater basin that connects Lake Huron and Lake Erie, the afternoon of Thursday, April 25, when he reeled in what he called a “monstrous” white perch. Their last catch of the day, the fish ended up being a record-breaker.”

Where the uncredited Intelligence operative from the state of Michigan who couldn’t type “Michigan” said “fishing”, “reeled in”, “catch” and “fish” to reinforce the false meme that far-larger white perch had been out there in Michigan, all along, only nobody pursued them with the proper skill or assiduousness, previously.

They said “monstrous” to imply that it was a genetic freak.

They said “record breaker” to obscure “Michigan state record”, and to downplay the margin between the old record and the new.

The article goes on to say “This fish beats the previous state-record white perch – 2 pounds, 13.57 inches – caught in 2015 by Cindy Cordo out of Bear Lake in Muskegon County.’

Where the uncredited Intelligence operative from the state of Michigan who couldn’t type “Michigan” once again couldn’t type “Michigan”.

It is yet another example of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

The propagandist used the general “beats the previous state-record white perch”.

That is still yet another example of the propaganda technique known as “compartmentalization”.

So, I had to do the math.

From 2015 to 2024, the Michigan state record white perch increased in length by 19.7%, from 13.57 inches to 16.25 inches.

From 2015 to 2024, the Michigan state record white perch increased in size by 18.5%, from 2 pounds to 2 pounds, 5.92 ounces.

A near-20% increase in size, and also length, in just nine years? What gives?

Organisms are supposed to increase in ever-smaller increments to a genetically-programmed maximum size.

In 2015, Cindy Cordo caught the Michigan state record white perch, in Bear Lake in Muskegon County. It weighed 2 pounds and was 13.57 inches long.

Jeff Miller, Honolulu, HI, July 3, 2024

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