On The Importance Of Charisma

I had an informative conversation a few days ago.

A uniformed policeman stood at the front of the bus for my entire ride to the depot, after which I approached him & asked if I could question him. We eyeballed each other & sized each other up & seemed to come up okay, so he agreed to play along.

I asked him if our local PD had an official policy regarding the recently-passed NDAA “Guantanamo Everyone” policy.

I asked him if he, personally, had any feelings about the NDAA policy.

Having some concern about FEMA concentration camps, I asked him if he knew of any for our area.

I asked him about our local PD’s non-lethal exotic armaments.

He told me that his personal policy was to uphold the law, the constitution, & his superiors’ orders; it sounded as though it were meant in that order, & we had a short conversation about when the law conflicts with the constitution—his policy was to wait it out & see how others decided it. It was the first time he’d heard of the “Guantanamo Bill” & he thought it sounded like something he wouldn’t have to deal with. This was elaborated in our conversation about the incident with Yamamoto Motors a few years ago when a large number of illegal immigrants were captured by FEMA-people (I personally saw a fenced-off car-lot downtown that had FEMA signs on it. I don’t know if it was where the immigrants were held, or if it was used as a staging-platform, or who knows) & I was told that he knew as little as I, that the Feds basically swept in on their own & then told the police afterward what they’d done.

When I asked him about the exotics, he returned the question by asking me if I knew how much they cost, & then stated that the department was, on the average, underfunded, implying that they didn’t have any that he knew of.

It was an odd busride with a heavy cop presence; these issues had been bothering me a lot & I’d been kind of freaking out, thinking what is this something I’m gonna have to get used to? & ‘F’ that. So I decided to fire off a bunch of pointed questions & see what kind of response I got. But I didn’t just blast away questions & I didn’t shake him up; I spoke to him as if he were another guy doing his job, which of course he was.

I know many, many people who’ve gotten themselves beaten & thrown in jail by cops for mouthing off & acting like idiots. Sometimes the cops deserved being sassed (& often deserved much worse) but more often than not it was purely the idiots’ fault. Many, many times alcohol was involved, so you can guess the whole picture…

But my point was that these idiots were using a kind of reverse-charisma, “How To Make Enemies & Infuriate People”, which will almost never get you what you want, unless what you want is a long shameful ride downtown. On the other hand, the right amount of charisma applied got me a conversation with a cop in which I learned that at least one of them is actually thinking in terms of the Constitution & that our local police don’t have the beam-guns yet, which seems to me like reassuring information.

I’ve used this same exact charisma when answering farmers just what the hell exactly I was doing in their fields with a backpack full of TB’s. Not many strangers I meet are hip to orgonite & they never get it on the first explanation; the more I can boil the story down for an outsider, the easier it is to talk them into letting me go off their land without an assload of buckshot.

The easiest way I’ve found, in the field, to pass off your trespassing is to point out & focus on the potential health-dangers from cel-tower radiation, & the effect of orgonite upon them. I haven’t yet run into anyone, in this kind of interrupted-gifting situation, that was comfortable enough with what I was saying that I felt I could move on to the conspiratorial aspects of gifting. By the time I was done explaining the glittery puck, they didn’t want to hear anything about New World Orders or anything other than the sound of me leaving, which I was totally cool with.

I’ve heard Don speak strongly against people who are too charming & charismatic (with good reason, admittedly) but I’ve always taken it a little personally & have to take a somewhat different stand: I’ve found it to be an extremely useful tool, a survival-skill, especially when sometimes I may have nothing else going for me. Charisma is an awesome psychic glue & when applied properly says “Yeah, I think I’m totally great, & so are you!”. OF COURSE the bad guys learn how to fake it, but not everyone who has it is a bad guy.

Our conversation was cut short when my next bus arrived & we parted ways with a big, crushing man-hand-shake which seemed a little strained on his part, like he was really trying to put the squeeze on, but I put it down to the quirk in his personality that made him want to be a cop in the first place; he seemed otherwise like he could be a nice guy so I wished him well, thanked him for being honest with me & rode my bus off to work.

The other argument I can make for cultivating one’s charisma (& I apologize if I come across as having an axe to grind, its really not like that) is this:

I have a circle of close friends, more than a few of whom totally buy into the left-wing/right-wing, Republican vs. Democrat, blue-state/red-state mentality. As the years have gone by, I’ve done my best to ‘educate’ them & share some of the scary shit I’ve learned & that they need to get rolling on. We’re social people & if they start talking about things, things get done. But leading them down the twisty path of ‘conspiracy theory’ is a difficult business; no one wants it to be true so they kinda block it out. Some of them might even be ‘Manchurian Candidates’ themselves & I’d still love my friends anyway. Overall, it has been sooooooo much easier to get them on the same page when I massage both the message & my audience. No one wants to listen to the madman ranting on the soapbox, & God forbid they do because they’ll make a negative association with whatever they hear & take that away with them.
Let me just repeat that, because its really important: they’ll make a negative association with whatever they hear & take that away with them.
I cannot count the number of times I have done my cause more harm than good by giving too much advanced information all at once & coming across as a loon. Many people have to be held by the hand & led through the preliminary steps before you can get to the blood-drinking, demon-worshiping, child-raping, Nazi-flying-saucer Evil Overlords. They don’t know how to deal with it; charisma goes a long way towards getting these people to listen to you long enough to get to the point.

There’s a reason the bad guys study & practice the arts of audience manipulation; its because it works. Why shouldn’t the good guys get to have that in our tool-boxes?

Charisma as an ass saving emergency tactic? I think it’s valid.

And of course, being a jerk will never get you going anywhere else than jail maybe. This is just common sense.

Charisma as an method for passing real information? I’m not really sure.

People that go after charisma are more concerned with the messenger than with the messenge itself. I guess this doesn’t change much the way things are, because they will be still rellying on information chewed by someone else istead of thinking by themselves. They will rely on you to say what to do and you will end up with the very pyramid system you had from the beggining. And that’s the kind of situation where the shitbirds really feel comfortable.

But it’s right to assume that some people aren’t ready do digest truth. But what isn’t ready for them to be digested doens’t realy matter for them. They don’t realy care. Even if it’s killing them! Sad but true.

When talking to my PJ friends I try to lure them into searching the rigth info, try to give them some incongruous facts about their beliefs, some open ends, things that are awry and out of place, and them leave it for their own curiosity. If it matters for them, they will seek the knowledge. NEVER DISCUSS! They will turn off to any logical argument you show and you will end up wishing to put the info inside their heads with a hammer (wich obviously violates free will [Image Can Not Be Found];). They just want to be normal, and you are weird telling them this things. It has nothing to do with logic or argumentation, it’s emotional, it’s fear from the unknown, the unsafe, the uncommon.

If they can’t think it out by themselves, can’t get past trough the charismatic disinformants, it will worth nothing at all for them. It may even dam them, lead them into fear or paranoy.

The last thing you will want to have is PJ people relying on you while you are fighting the shitbirds. They will screw it all, panic, act like children, think the same way they’ve been thinking through their entire lives, they won’t defend themselves, and finaly, they will put the blame on you for putting them into a hard situation!

If you care about them but know that they won’t pick up the fight or at least defend themsleves properly once the shitbirds start harassing them for being your friends, leave them out of the way! Unless they show some genuine curiosity and wish for empowerment of course. Let them proceed as far as they wish, for there is a point of no return where you will not wish to throw them caresly. Like Don says, we are riding the tiger.

You can leave the door ajar to them, but you can’t walk them trough it!

Thanks a lot for discussing this, guys! I take your point, Boris, and I was relieved by the very substantive content of your post after my initial ‘Schphincter Flexen’ response from seeing your post’s title [Image Can Not Be Found] Very good work with that cop! Some cops are gifters, by the way. I know one (a police chief) in Tennessee and there’s one in Dallas, whom I met in 2003 and one in Spain that I know about.

I absolutely agree with what you’re saying about charisma in this context and I also always seek to charm my listeners, most of whom can be relied on to have accepted the ‘non-conspiracy theory’ view of reality, after all. Having orgonite around always seems to cause the PJ folks, which includes 99.99% of every white person we will ever meet, to experience less fear, which is to say they may experience natural curiosity, at last.

Too bad you weren’t in AFrica when encountering farmers who are paid by the sewer rats to host death transmitters on their property. YOu probably could have sold them thousands of dollars worth of orgonite for their fields. Don’t expect these American farmers to thank you for stopping he death towers in their yards from destroying them with cancer, by the way

Prejudice, to me, is a spiritual handicap and is no more deserving of judgement than a club foot is or back acne. PJ folks are generally made up, mostly, of programmed prejudices because they refuse to take a peek at why they believe as they do. All of us are spiritually handicapped in one way or another so that ought to inspire empathy rather than judgement.

On the other hand, the corporate world order rouinely use charismatic individuals to hypnotize people, which is why most of their spokespeople (clergy, politicians, corporate arch-parasites, academics; disinformants) are charismatic.

Hitler was meticulously trained to be charismatic, evidently by an American, after his ludicrous Beerhall Putsch and subsequent jail stint. Mein Kampff is a tale told by an idiot, literally.

In the eleven year history of this unorganized movement there have been a parade of very charismatic people who took a shot at derailing this global effort and turning it into a personality cult. That’s how the corporate world order was in the habit of destroying progressive movements until the internet came along. They even tried to convince me that it was appropriate, which only reinforced my commitment to keep the focus away from mere personalities [Image Can Not Be Found] .

The record will probably show that every time a charismatic individual comes forth, here or in any public forum, the noisy sycophants can be counted on to rally around and celebrate that person, instantly, which is nothing more than a big distraction. It hasn’t happened here in several years, fortunately, and people general laugh at the idea of me being charismatic. I see that as a protection. I"m treated more like a cheap whore by sycophants who seek charisma, in fact. Not my loss. I’ve always instinctively known that flatterers are essentially backstabbers.

I need to order the book, HItler’s British Training, by the way, because I think that has some more good data to expose the corporate order’s ancient and still secretive modus operendi. Stalin’s British Training, also by Gregg Hallett, has a lot of really good circumstantial historical evidence in it. I sent that one to Genghis Kilroy after I finished it. I regard books like this as ‘battlefield intel,’ certainly not a means to persuade the PJ folks to open their eyes. You might have seen, Boris, that attempting to wake up PJ folks, even in a charming way, only tends to make them hate you, unless you’re one of those extremely rare people who can tell the truth about the world in front of them without making hem feel like hitting you. I personally rely on the internet, mostly, to find people to talk about this stuff with. I don’t know anyone in my 3D life, other than Carol and a few orgonite-flingers around the world whom we’ve met, who are even remotely interested in knowing how the world operates, much less wanting to fix what’s wrong. Thankfully, it only seems to take a handful of mostly-quiet, committed people to fix this world, now.

To believe that we need to ‘wake up the masses’ is probably a corporate con job. We need to avoid the masses, I think, and keep our noses to the grindstone. Meanwhile, there’s a steady stream of newly arrived, balanced and committed people who manage to find this site and others like it and then get busy with us. So there’s no reason for anyone to feel alone, now. Remember what it was like before the internet? Ugh.
