Operation Live Free Or Die: The Gifting Saga

Hey COTM, good job on those towers. I noticed you mentioned they looked ‘brighter’ after you gifted them. I have been reluctant to mention it but that is an effect I have also noticed when the tower energy is well-flipped.

As a matter of fact, this has occurred on such a regular basis I am starting to use it as a gauge on whether the job is complete.

For me it works like this, when I look directly at an active tower panel or antenna they have a very minor blurriness to them, almost like they are slightly out of focus. I could be starring right at them and feel like my eyes cannot make out the detail at the top clearly. When I have placed the right amount of TB’s (varies sometimes) I can usually see every panel and antenna very clear and sharp, and like you said they are almost ‘bright’.

This came in handy last night when I drove by a particularly nasty tower that I had several TB’s gifted nearby. The outline near the top was still slightly out of focus to me so I decided to give it another large TB, and within a few minutes I could make out everything at the top of the tower with complete clarity. Even the sky right above it gave a really cool confirmation.

I’ve never seen the black outlines that some folks notice around active towers, but this out-of-focus and in-focus technique has happened enough times that I’m using it to evaluate any previous gifting work of mine.

Nowadays, I re-check some of my previous gifting by staring at the top section and if I can’t make out all the detail clearly, then I give it another TB or two until it looks sharp and focused.

I wonder if anyone else has noticed this.

Hey Toby, you’re seeing it.
A gifted tower shines and ungifted remains blurred. You’ll get to where you notice that blurred-out look and see more places to gift. In traffic, you can observe the dark blurred energy coming from the top of most every vehicle- while they are moving. It tends to come off the top-rear of the vehicle. Same as the towers.

It is exciting to read your observation of that. It is that easy.
You’ll get to where you see more and more and then be able to discern the difference at a glance.

Quick Note On Sleep Deprivations and Dream Attacks

Alright, I’ll post about my dream experience that I had last night.

First off, being very high energy (having high volumes of energy flow through oneself) makes one more susceptible to lack of sleep, because having high volumes of energy flow through me, after being blocked for ages, is very exciting [Image Can Not Be Found] Thx again Dooney for unblocking me : ) Also, relaxation is key, the second you start to tense up, flow constricts.

Second off, I’m just guessing some kind of high frequency (outside human hearing range) brain pattern disruptor is used. If this is the case, then sound can be used to counter act these effects.

I was lucky enough to obtain a CD of quartz singing bowls from the husband of Nancy Risley, because the universe made it so, and it was so.
I play this music and it helps me fall asleep [Image Can Not Be Found] I was also lucky enough to hear the music in the form of a woman singing once.

I also got the tip from Gene (thx) to ask for divine assistance in getting to sleep, I use this too.

I did all this the previous night, and then there was a typical dream attack. I actually don’t mind the dream attacks because they are a huge conformation for me, and then lovely beings come out of the woodwork to help heal me it seems.

So, I won’t go into detail about the type of disturbing imagery is sent my way, needless to say it always seems to follow the pattern
A) Lure my interest into a certain area / person in my dream
B) Bad things happen to person

But this time, as the bad things started to happen, I would just start drifting away from it. Then I was taking on a loving flowing river, upon which I had joyful experiences. At the end of the dream my spirit was laughing and joyful. Following the above, the attack was a complete and utter failure.

Now, I believe myself that frequency is the basic building block of the universe, vibrating little strings or whatever. Frequency can be used to heal or damage. Frequency is the basis on which geometric patterns are built, see:

From there, it is easy to understand the principle of resonance, which works for so many different things.
Frequency in time is a wave form.

Now, quartz crystals vibrate at a certain frequency, and when bowls are made from quartz, the frequency moves in a circular motion around the rim of the bowls. This frequency is audible to human ears, but it also has an effect on our entire being, as the frequency / energy travels through our bodies.


Needless to say, the energy is very powerful, uplifting, and helps one get some sleep, to counteract the negative freakquencies [Image Can Not Be Found]

Sample music can be found here, and I liked the energy from the little samples I heard more so than others, but I don’t want it seen as endorsement.


Looping sound like this in sleep is good stuff.

Oh, and lots of exercise does not hurt either.

So… I thought I could enjoy a little break from harassment, but their harassment starting up again is what’s going to start up my gifting some more.

I don’t think I’m worthy of such harass (lol)

I’m being directly psychically harassed by Draconians. I don’t know why exactly.

They attacked me at 3:00 am today, its 3:47 am now. 3:00am is their magic number.
Perhaps because I sent the fat CIA man packing so long ago, with a little boosting session (1hr long), after he sent me horrendous imagery.

They failed to create a dream scenario that would allow them an easy in, so to speak, and at the end of the harass my spirit’s expression equaled that of, “f you Satan.”

I saw the winged draconian symbol then in my mind, and felt their etheric fingers dig into my 2nd chakra.

Still my spirit is much stronger than theirs. Perhaps the consistent failure of their chain of command to neutralize me has made me a threat. Perhaps they’ve realized that their absolute worst they can throw at me is just not going to cut it, and have sour grapes.

Interestingly the harass coincides with the time I am pretty damn sure I’m some sort of etheric troop / galactic being. Maybe a certain level of spiritual self-realization simply makes one a target, or put on ‘auto-target.’

When they do break someone down on the physical level first, then emotional, but afterwards realized that break down process has made someone stronger, instead of weaker, their efforts have backfired, hard.

I have already experienced the equivalent to both physical and emotional torture, and I’m more isolated than a bag of rocks.

There is no possible win-scenario for them harassing me, I ensure it [Image Can Not Be Found]

Next post will be about more gifting.

/end rant