Hey COTM, good job on those towers. I noticed you mentioned they looked ‘brighter’ after you gifted them. I have been reluctant to mention it but that is an effect I have also noticed when the tower energy is well-flipped.
As a matter of fact, this has occurred on such a regular basis I am starting to use it as a gauge on whether the job is complete.
For me it works like this, when I look directly at an active tower panel or antenna they have a very minor blurriness to them, almost like they are slightly out of focus. I could be starring right at them and feel like my eyes cannot make out the detail at the top clearly. When I have placed the right amount of TB’s (varies sometimes) I can usually see every panel and antenna very clear and sharp, and like you said they are almost ‘bright’.
This came in handy last night when I drove by a particularly nasty tower that I had several TB’s gifted nearby. The outline near the top was still slightly out of focus to me so I decided to give it another large TB, and within a few minutes I could make out everything at the top of the tower with complete clarity. Even the sky right above it gave a really cool confirmation.
I’ve never seen the black outlines that some folks notice around active towers, but this out-of-focus and in-focus technique has happened enough times that I’m using it to evaluate any previous gifting work of mine.
Nowadays, I re-check some of my previous gifting by staring at the top section and if I can’t make out all the detail clearly, then I give it another TB or two until it looks sharp and focused.
I wonder if anyone else has noticed this.