The completely gifted area of my state (WI)has been in a massive drought. Grass was brown, trees were dropping their leaves,ponds drying up, farm fields withering in hot sun.Very bad situation! Considering I busted every tower in the lower half of state,(5,000 tb’s) as well as 8 cloudbusters ….Yes, chemtrails are basically gone,sylphs in sky dailly. haze is gone,but rain would dissipate soon after it would develop. I watched numerous storms dissipate on noaa radar. Finally it hit me! It’s dor coming from underground!I could see pattern of storm destruction. I even had dreams of hitting specific targets. I knew what to do, but was not looking forward to the making of earth pipes. Then I saw Toby’s procedure posted here and took his idea and modified it for my pipes.I took a shallow plastic storage bin,drilled 25 holes on cover. Now I had away to hold pipes up while catching all the mess. We made 150 ep’s. 100 are 12 inches,40 are 24 inches, and 10 are 3ft pipes! All ep’s have a lot of quartz and shungite crystals for maximum power. Here’s what we did : Took every highway out of Milwaukee 60 miles and EP’d every energy line.(7 highways) ( larger pipes for stronger lines)Second: we ep’d all power plants, cemeteries, native burial mounds, landfills,hospitals,rivers and suspected D.U.M.B’S etc. Third: ep’d entire stretch of of windmills. The windmills are all built on a high ridge of sandstone (quartz). By the way, the worst drought occurred near those damn things! THEY ARE EVIL! [Image Can Not Be Found] we did it all in 3 weeks, and results are very positive. Area is getting green with rain every few days, cells pop up over area(not predicted)Example: Horicon marsh had received .5 inches of rain this summer.(wind mills near) Last 2 weeks they have had 6 rainfalls for a total of 4 inches Too bad all the fish died before we got there [Image Can Not Be Found] I am so happy end this drought [Image Can Not Be Found]
Congratulations on the success.
I am humbled you mentioned me, so thanks. The tutorial was meant to provoke the imagination of fellow gifters. You were not limited by the example, but expanded on it, excellent work.
The intriguing part is how much can be accomplished when everyone contributes their piece to the puzzle. Ego is diffused since no one can take full credit, but everyone (heart-based) benefits as a result.
Earth Plugs in open fence poles or in short buried pipes seem to be giving me more bang for my gifting efforts, so I am extremely pleased to contribute to their popularity.
I’m proud to know that there are people like Bear Claw, who are taking responsibility for their area and demanding their right to a healthy environment.
Individuals have a lot more power to impact the planet in a positive direction than they realize.
Bearclaw, I think you’ve indicated a trend that anyone can follow in drought areas to bring rainfall. Thanks a lot for posting about it!
After you emailed me about this project I reviewed the late Stephen J Smith’s material on our link, ‘NSA: Citadel of Evil,’ (these documents are now hosted on–thanks, John Scudamore!) and he described extensive weather warfare apparati working from underground.
I think this is distinguised from ordinary underground bases, though each location might host a base, too. The range of earthpipes is quite far so working outward in a spiderweb pattern, as you’ve done, is bound to catch all the undergound bases in that radius around Milwaukee. The clincher will be for you to recognize a pattern of rainfall, centered in the earthpiped area, that is distinct from the rainfall in the larger region. If you can provide that information it will be stronger evidence of your success. Weather radar records have been used to show similar evidence for some of the network’s specific projects here and abroad.
In some cases ordinary towerbusters on the surface can flip underground weather weaponry, as Carol, Jeff and I discovered in the Gulf of Mexico and the Bahamas in 06. In those cases there were constant, spiral dark storms being generated from both areas and we crisscrossed both of them and dropped hundreds of towerbusters, total. Maybe that worked underground because the orgonite was in water. The generated, perpetual storm in the Gulf was centered over a death tower that was about 40 miles off the Florida coast from the vicinity of Ft Myers, standing in about fifty feet of water. Jeff and I gifted that tower right after we encountered a pod of extremely friendly dolphins in some pleasantly bizarre circumstances [Image Can Not Be Found] . They were obviously pleased to have us there and the water was quite clear (uncharacteristic of the Gulf), so we could watch (and appreciate) them around us and deep below us. . The tower mast was about ten feet in diameter and had a sealed door like a submarine’s in it at the platform, about 20 feet above the water so we assumed it was one of the entrances to the undergound facility. We climbed up there and examined it. Too bad we didn’t take photos, that day.
No more storms have been seen over those two locations since we did that and we assume those two bases were an integral part of the hurricane-generating capability of the corporate order for the region–maybe sort of like pilot lights [Image Can Not Be Found]
But lots of people in the drought areas have flipped all the death towers and distributed thousands of pieces of orgonite, as Bearclaw and crew did in that region, and that didn’t prevent the drought.
It may be that the US Air Force is putting extreme effort into generating and maintaining a Midwest drought on account of their tornado agenda having failed, last spring. They were on a roll, the previous spring when they murdered hundreds of people with super tornadoes across the Midwest and South US (Tornado Alley). The USAF and the CIA are beastly twins, born in 1947. I don’t think either could have come into being without the vast influx of SS scientists, spies, assassins, engineers, etc. Before that, the American spy agency was British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6: Big Brother [Image Can Not Be Found] ) and Herbert Hoover’s thugs, blackmailers, assassins and fearmongers.
The orgonite-flinging job obviously isn’t done in any region until the underground bases are flipped and I’m hoping that Bearclaw’s report will stimulate a lot of our readers to start doing this as one of the basic routines. He has freshly inspired me.
Whether fancy stones are put in the orgonite might not be important, by the way, though energy sensitives can’t seem to resist doing it–perhaps it makes them feel even better in the field? I never use fancy stuff and the quartz that I add to my field orgonite is minimal and funky. I doubt anyone will argue that my orgonite field work falls short of the high standard we’re keeping, here.
I need to stress that every time this question comes up in someone’s report because too many people are too inclined to then disregard the simple basics and to blindly imitate others by employing expensive and arcane elements in their field orgonite. What I’ve seen over the years is that this immediately discourages people who can’t afford the fancy stuff to do this work and that’s a crying shame. The fakers do nothing but recommend fancy and arcane stuff for field orgonite because they’re mandated to drive people away from doing this work on a large scale, of course.
As always, all one needs to do to see the raw power of ordinary orgonite is to read the reports from East Africa. I’m really grateful for the kikundi.
A fellow has just created a forum where people can tell all about their fancy orgonite and he’s also registered to post his gifting reports on EW, where I’ll have a link to his forum. After he posts the announcement I’ll promote it. My enemies have been slandering me for years for discouraging arcane pursuits on this forum but enough of our friends understand the situation that these character attacks aren’t doing any damage.
If the new forum stays on an even keel and doesn’t get loaded up with chest pounders and false claims, a la the professional fakers, I’ll keep promoting it. Im obviously not opposed to that exploration because my wife has made a career of it [Image Can Not Be Found] and our zappers even employ those elements.
EW simply can’t handle that sort of discussion because too many readers would be confused by it and we intend to keep inspiring folks to do the basic, empowering work (that’s what I do in the field). Having seen Bearclaw’s success, though, you can bet I’ll be deploying a LOT more earthpipes in the Untied States of America (The Fourth Reich) than before [Image Can Not Be Found] .
Neo is finding out about this curious sabotage dynamic on the Croatian forum because since I posted an introductory report there, last m month, the agents and their screwball, chest-pounding Greek chorus are all coming at him with all their claws and sharpened teeth exposed, now. I told him that it’s probably pointless to answer back, any more [Image Can Not Be Found] but I do encourage him to promote his lovely, fancy persnal orgonite on his newly EW-linked site:…..rgonit.htm . He’s evidently very energy sensitive and/or psychic so I think he’ll be very successful. There’s enough interest in former Yugoslavia for the agents saboteurs to have populated that forum and drowned out Neo’s quieter voice of creativity and rationality (as was done to me on an earlier, now defunct cloudbuster forum), so I assured him that if he starts his own and only invites a few reputable people to post it’s going to grow and prosper, as EW has done. Anyone who starts or engages a forum for orgonite is going to get that unpleasant initiation.
I haven’t been able to reach Manfred Hotwanger, who has --that forum was created for hard-science research but nobody’s contributing to it, aside from some of Kelly McKennon’s old offerings. Of course, ‘hard science’ in our case includes subtle energy dynamics (including the use of psychics).
The focus on EW will remain on simple orgonite, though. This unorganized network has to remain as inclusive as possible if it’s to survive. The corporate order has ignored us, so far, except for trying to murder a few of us and to try to infiltrate this forum from time to time. They’re evidently content, for now, to field a few chest-pounding fakers who have the top positions on all of the search engines. When they can’t ignore us any more they’re probably going to throw all they have at us (and among us) to destroy this movement so now is the time to set and keep some reasonable standards. Imagine how it’s going to be when the nightly news features slanderous assaults on orgonite and a few of us, for instance. I keep saying that these are the good old days, when we can network with each other in relative obscurity.
I hope more people will read and re-read S J Smith’s important material because now we’re all ready to absorb more of it. He was a close friend of Phil Schneider’s and was with him the day before Schneider was strangled to death by CIA wetworkers in Portland, 1997. Schneider’s material is also of that nature: simply too much bizarre data to absorb in one or ten sittings. Another close friend of Schneider’s, Al Bielek, fits that narrow category, too. Everyone’s imagination is strained to contemplate what the corporate order is actually up to but if we don’t adequately examine reputable data, then expose them they’ll just keep on doing what they do, of course.
Stephen was murdered in a much more creative way than a NSA/SS garrote a couple of years ago and that was even after he taught our psychics how to counter the sort of assault that later led to his untimely death. We saved Dooneys life in early 2010 because of what we learned from Stephen in a timely way, a few months before that in Portland.
The NSA truly is a citadel of evil–a continuation and vast expansion of Himmler’s SS. Evidently, what triggered the murder of this genius was his recent perfection of a free energy engine after about a year of R&D. He wanted to bring down the NSA with that invention. Lots of inventors have succeeded with this, by the way and lots of them are still alive.
I wish he’d been more receptive to orgonite, networking with us and zappers but the suffering he had gone through, since early childhood, at the hands of the NSA buggers the imagination so Carol and I didn’t hold it against him for being so cautious about our offerings after we met him in Portland, three years ago.
I think my report about our visit with him was a casualty of a subsequent NSA hacker onslaught but I’ll tell it again in another thread. I mentioned the NSA in Bearclaw’s thread in order to underline the essential importance of driving these rats out from their underground bases as soon as possible. We reckon that it’s human suffering that is the basis of these artificial droughts and that means the NSA and other nazi organizations are slaughtering countless children undergrond in order to generate and use their favorite and most versatile subtle energy: deadly orgone radiation.
Another inspiring source of reliable information and history about underground bases are Dr Richard Souter’s books. He once contacted me to ask if I had any hard evidence of the underwater/unerground base near Andros Island that’s indicated on all of the nautical charts for the Tongue of the Ocean but I told him what I saw, there, in 2000 (support infrastructure on South Andros Island) was only circumstantial so of course he couldn’t use it. That’s how reputable research jounralists operate and I hope more people will just abandon the noisy plagiarists and will start reading these books, instead… A Bahamian friend told me that the Queen of England goes to that base periodically, perhaps to get a new meatsuit. The deep, perhaps ancient underwater/underground (well-flipped) base next to Carol and I is equally creepy.
I hope to inspire our readers, as Bearclaw has done, to get busy with earthpipes. I can’t think of anything more empowering than stopping the underground fun of the corporate world order baby killers, can you?