While gifting Northern WI, I met an organic farmer. I saw his sign along the roadside and felt compelled to stop. I’m glad I did. His products are the best. Natural bug off that actually works. WOW! and the best tasting produce.I gave him some orgonite, and explained to him about my tower and water gifting and orgonite cloudbusters. He was open to it, even though he said he’d never seen a tower or chemtrail. He did notice other more specific changes in his region. Other then the drought of 7 years, the disappearance of plant and animal life , bogs and lakes drying up.I could tell he was very distraught by the effects of the geo- engineering. [Image Can Not Be Found] Most people are not aware of earth changes like an organic farmer.He said he’d be happy to make some observations. He sent me a report on changes he has seen since his region has been hammered with orgonite [Image Can Not Be Found]; I’ll copy it here verbatim:
Dear Carl, Was great meeting and talking with you. We have over 23"of rainfall which started in early June. (That’s when I set up the first cloud buster.) After suffering 7 years of drought, new plant growth of blueberries, raspberries and blackberries. First time in 7 years I saw flowers on the dewberries. Many wildflowers and mushrooms have re-appeared, which I thought were gone forever (wild larkspur, bergamot, many daisies, clovers, marsh thistle, spiderwart, starflowers, skullcap, queenanne’s lace, peppergrass, goldenrod, fireweek and many others.) I hope the moisture remains so that all the rest of the early bloomers can re-appear too, next year. More wildlife is present. Lake levels are rebounding. It is so nice to see things the right colors of green. Everything has come alive again. Plants like wintergreen now actually have berries on them. I put one of your organites in my greenhouse. I recently put one in my bee yard, as they have been struggling for years also. The last one of the three is saved to put in my pond once I install the pond liner so that For sure I never have to go without water again. Hopefully that will be installed this Sunday if I can get enough help to do it. Thanks, God Bless, Thomas