Orgone Are Electrons. My Personal Research

as a foot note to this topic, (long foot or long note- take your pick ; Nonetheless; there are reasons pertaining to this thread topic for my posting this here)

I’d like to share details of a project that my father and myself decided to embark on.
Through our work with making and observing the interaction of various pipes and nozzle type fittings and blocks of orgonite,
we wanted to bring everything we’ve been involved with to the table and create something the effects of which,
yield an observable orgone field visible by anyone.
At the on-set, the means to achieve this (we thought) was a “funneling off” of balanced orgone into a relatively small yet very concentrated area.
(The idea was in step with Reich’s findings that balanced orgone tends to accumulate where it is strongest. I state that as truth but of course I keep my mind open to gaining a more in depth understanding than holding it as an absolute true behavior, or law of orgone.)

Various designs from over the years have been reported by many folks to achieve a concentrated “flame” or concentrated field of orgone.
We decided our goal was to produce an orgone “flame” visible by anyone.

My father and I tried using more orgonite and various sizes of nozzles and a huge amount of time observing what became a more and more visible orgone field.
One observation proved itself to us daily- for whatever reason, late afternoon through early evening gave us a much more visible field of energy to study around our experiments. ( approx. 17:00 – 19:00 o’clock)
We had begun thinking we might have a decent understanding of what we might need to do to obtain
a strong enough concentration of orgone to create an orgone candle, with “flame” visible by anyone. (to be used for “who knows what”)
(this exercise in applying our knowledge of the behavior of orgone continued from approximately late October 2007 through mid May 2008)

We sat discussing our ideas of what design changes might do one thing or another and then figuring ways to apply the changes in design. We kept to strictly unbiased observation (sometimes for days) before discussing what we had each noticed resulting from those changes.

-before i get too much more into this post, There is a reason i place this post here in this topic-
though this post could be at home in other areas of this forum and at Manfred’s forum

One aspect of these changes of design and minor adjustments, and so on… was that there hadn’t seemed to be a noticeable change in our desired “visible orgone flame” when changing proximity to the large (2 gallon block of orgonite we had used as our “base” and possible “supply” of orgone.
As a reality check, we decided to (for this experiment) remove the orgonite base and work with the rest of the design and observe changes. (this was in an environment having possibly 100 gallons of orgonite within a 200 square foot proximity)
Now we had a nozzle of sorts and crystals.
( crystals really weren’t producing any visible differences in the visible field and were removed)
That was a topic of curiosity and a source of humor ( for more than a couple reasons)
so we discussed the dynamics of orgone moving on, through and around metal nozzles…
even “absolute law” of having a source to move energy from seemed to go out the window [Image Can Not Be Found];

We found that a copper and or brass nozzle created similar visible fields of energy. copper appeared to help in producing a deeper indigo field than brass (brass had been showing us a more sky-blue field) neither metal seemed to lengthen or broaden the energy field around or continuing from the top of the nozzle.

  • so as a personal preference, we both liked keeping more copper in the nozzle so we could possibly see the energy field against the wall color of the room (more contrasting colors)

We discussed our ideas of what may be leading to the visible energy field. we contemplated additions to the design that might help funnel the (ambient) energy toward the nozzle… we tried some things but we found no design changes producing visible results.

Thus, we looked more at the nozzle system that had been developing. Basically, it was a larger tapered nozzle on the outside
(we liked copper, thick copper) with more nozzles, copper and brass both, inside the outer nozzle ( with a small gap between the metal nozzles achieving a more visible effect overall.) ( i’m going somewhere with all this <!-- sLaugh --><img src=“……&quot; alt=”Laugh" title=“Laughing” /><!-- sLaugh --> )

We were observing a paradox of “the laws of science/physics” (haha! what a laugh) the visible effects continued just right in line with the findings of Reich on the behavior of orgone, we surmised. But to test our own “mental programming from preached science” – we went ahead and tried another change to the design: we attached a sealed length of pipe to the outer nozzle.

…“would we notice a decrease in visible “flame” from the top of the nozzle?” that was one question we had.
We wanted to observe a change in behavior or effect to better explain what we were perhaps working with here.
Interestingly enough to us, we found that encapsulating the base of that outer nozzle with a copper pipe did not reduce the “flame” effect.
We added a copper cap at the base of the pipe but it really only changed the field just as adding a slight more copper (in the nozzle) might have produced.
i.e; perhaps a slight more indigo field around the nozzle… and around the added copper pipe, at this point.
… now we had a wand-type design… not the intention but OK, we went with it. it was visible to us that the changes over the months were adding more and more to the desired goal. A visible “flame”.

(remember here, these are my accounts of 2 people’s observations. think for yourself and please continue the work and make your own observations rather than taking anything i’ve shared as fact )

So, my father and I discussed our theories of what was happening to achieve the desired effect.
below is just a sampling of questions we had and ideas we discussed in an effort to gain
a better understanding (through the use of logic) of what we were witness to.

*what if the “laws” of physics were not thrown out the window and the metal itself was the “source” of the energy…

*what if the behavior of orgone energy didn’t see the “solid metal casing” as an obstacle at all… and funneled ambient energy with no regard for the witness’s ideas of a solid object being a barrier, of sorts…

*did the entire design appear to require a period of time to, perhaps, build a “charge” and produce the visible “flame”?
(we noticed a very negligible period, a few seconds at most, when putting the entire design together from pieces to “assembled”)

*what were the visible changes when this design was set in close proximity to a 2 gallon block of orgonite…
(we noticed no visible change)

*could the addition of a zapper (electrical) pulse to the outer metal casing create any visible difference to the overall goal of achieving a more visible “flame” from the top of the nozzle…
(I cannot personally say, with certainty, that it did not.
However; we (2 of us) didn’t see a substantial addition or increase to the “flame” effect or field of energy around the entire nozzle/wand design)

Overall, what we noticed was a behavior of the energy to move or perhaps accelerate itself around (or through) the various nozzles to the point where the apparent highest concentration of energy was at- the tip of the outer nozzle, with visible energy protruding about an inch at minimum from the top of the nozzle. There is also a noticeable field of energy surrounding the outer casing, especially around the nozzle area.

This visible effect was a constant with replicas made and even with various sizes made the same way.
(sizes ranged from an outer pipe diameter of 3" and 6" overall length, with most observations done with a 1" outside diameter pipe and nozzle outside diameter approximately 1 1/8" with overall length being approximately 10")
The more copper and brass used in the device seemed to be in direct correlation to the field/flame produced.
(sliding 1" copper butt fitting over the entire length of the outer pipe section made the field stronger and the flame more noticeable)
Keeping slight gaps between the nozzles used inside the outer casing helped produce a more visible effect as well.
Pouring clear cast resin inside the entire design appeared to make no difference to the visible field or “flame”.
Adding gemstones, coils, and crystals produced no difference to visible field or “flame”.
(copper coils always added a slight more indigo color to the “flame” … any copper did, not just coils)

One oddity worthy of mention here was an effect observed many times over the months without regard to the changes of design:
although, our goal was to produce a rather small visible “flame”……
-from the nozzle, there was a stream, or line, observed from the top of the nozzle to the ceiling of the room. At times, stepping outside the building, i could see the line extend beyond the roof line of the building but not nearly as prominent as the observable effects noticed in the room with the device.
The flame seemed to taper into a less visible line of energy. I was unable to discern the end of this line (or effect).

I mention this due to the observation of a behavior most noticeable within the room at about 22:00- 02:00.
The somewhat visible line from the “flame” to the ceiling would come in and out of sight. We sat looking at this after several nights of noticing, yet not mentioning it to one another.
Finally, we were both looking at each other, smiling in humor. My father was the first to say something
“what? what do you notice about that” (he said with a grin)
I told him it is like a timer is turning it on and off… a rather slow timer… but it wasn’t coming on and off- it was fading in and out of sight.
Him and I laughed because we were seeing the same thing. We surmised that perhaps we were seeing a buildup and discharge of the energy or possibly the energy just changing in and out of a visible wavelength. ?? we really don’t know. but the effect/behavior has been observed over the course of months, mostly between 10pm – 2am ( we were always in bed and didn’t make observations past 2:30 am)

Ok; my reasoning for placing this post here in this topic is multi-faceted.
First of all, I won’t directly correlate orgone as being electrons based on my observing the visible effects of adding a zapper to this unit.

The effect of adding a zapper pulse to the outer casing seems more felt as a noticeable increase in “buzzing” with my hand (above or in the flame) than for that of producing an effect seen Visibly with my eyes, in this case.
( the zapper didn’t seem to make the visible energy more visible but feeling the energy with my hand was very different with the zapper applied and turned on)
There seems to be an interaction. I’ll say that much with reasonable certainty.

Another reason for placing this post here in this thread is to perhaps demonstrate bringing all we have to a “science” project.
Where one sense might lead us to one conclusion, another sense can pickup and develop more questions for someone to explore.

Field testing or observing by many people- with all (observable) details reported, can aide the development of our understanding of the potentials and means useful for – who knows what for <!-- sEmbarassed --><img src=“……&quot; alt=”Embarassed" title=“Embarassed” /><!-- sEmbarassed -->
If orgone is in fact electrons, then can we move the orgone and produce an electrical current?
That should be measurable, I would imagine.

I believe we are still in the “toddler” stage of orgone research and understanding.
It is intriguing to me, how effectively we’ve been able to thwart the DOR agendas to date with what we do know.
is any observation to little to share then? i don’t think so. General observations, i will post in Orgone experiences and at
Manfred’s Forum. Please don’t overlook why i posted this here. [Image Can Not Be Found]


Thank you Don Croft and thank you Ben for your messages. Im very sorry that cost me both understand your English.

I have read many books by Reich that circulate on the Internet, I have concluded that they are totally manipulated to mislead. I do not think Reich thus write.
Most of these writings have not the slightest sense and do believe that this man was mad that a little known physical laws. I suppose that is the end.

Don Croft, i am totally sure that orgone are electrons and i am totally sure that Reich know it and call POR to anionizating ambient.
The image of Manfred’s Forum isnt orgone, are plasma, and plasma are electrons flux.

For understand it maybe is necesary study the Joseph John Thomson Cathode rays tube, or Tesla plasma lamp.
The electrons flow into the empty space as in that vacuum tubes because electrons can flux in vacuum. The electrons are flowing in electromagneticwaves form. All the universe are electrons not orgone. Tesla designed a method to take electrons for ionosphere movign to ground and using in the middle for freeenergy (I think HAARP is it), its a very simple method and i am totally sure that all orgone theory is for mislead. Wake up ! For ex, HAARP its an electron receptor in the Arctic Circle. You are selling free energy! XD

The blue color os sky in the day isnt orgone, is the electrons traping for magnetosphere or ionosphere and moving to the poles creating Ozone(O3) with the friction with the first atmosphere gases.The boreal aurore isnt orgone, ist plasma (electrons flow). No mistery energies or ghosts, simply electrons.

If you investigate the orgone you’re looking for ghosts and hardly get to the truth.

I do not believe in ghosts, and sincerely Don, I think a lack of respect towards me to try to make believe I’m mentally manipulated.
I do not believe in psychism, if there mental power most politicians, bankers and businessmen who tyrannize the planet would be dead for decades.
I think that only some people may have the psychic power is unfair and despicable.

Is very rare that you are not paying attention to my theory, then, I’m quite sure that is so, and anyone who will do a little research at my conclusions.

While losing time, big radars and anthenas facilities are still active and stealing our water. All facilities working together, y gifted Spain and Portugal but only a few fronts scape to the big power of England, Canada, Greenland and Iceland big radars that are moving the air mases with microwaves.

Please true gifter, remove the mistic scales from your eyes and get to work, please help us to stop this barbarity !!
Search all military, meteo and aeronautic radars, big mountains cell and tv installations and put around it a lot of electronite for stop electrons of electromagnetic waves go out and destroy or move H2O molécule.

Thank you for reading.

The Spanish meteorological lies


According to Quantum Theory (which is not even the deepest level, most fundamental domain–which, aproximately might be characterized as mind/consciousness, but is actually that which is utterly unqualifiable), electrons are continuously blinking in, and out, of ‘existence’. What is it then, Je, that electrons are, when they are not here, when they do not ‘exist’? When they are not in this ‘universe’? In fact, the current ‘Scientific’ consensus is that they are not ‘real’, at all, but a cloud of wave like probability, that ONLY coalesces into ‘materiality’, upon being observed, and their quantum state ‘fixed’. So then, what is it about material reality that can be reduced to a ‘particle’–an instance of apparent substantiality–that we might characterized as an electron? What is this ‘universe’ in which an electron is, apparently embedded in (at least part of the time)? And what is time, for that matter? When non-spacial, non-temporal, phenomenon of mind, is so utterly provable by experimental data as to be beyond denial? Even by the white coated buffoons in the University Systems that can only ‘harrumph’ such experimental data away by ignoring it, as they assiduously refuse to ATTEMPT to disprove it (as they know that they cannot, and the embarrassment of their failure to do so would destroy their professional reputation, let alone their funding, tenure, and livelihoods).

Tragically, I fear that you are not seeing (or refusing to see) the forest, for the trees. Any and all attempts to reduce reality to some manner of materiality are internally inconsistent. Who is the you, that perceives the world? Does the world even exist without your perception of it? LoL…. Or is that material realm only an aspect, a partial but incomplete model of reality? I would say, and the experimental data backs me up, that YOU are inseparable from the universe. You neither arise in the universe, nor does the universe arise in you, or neither or both! LoL. EVERYTHING/NOTHING/NEITHER/AND BOTH arise from the singularity–again an inadequate term (singularity), a mere approximate reference to the unqualifiable referent that is consciousness. Matter/Engery/Information/Consciousness are inseparable, irreducible aspects, of ‘reality’. It is ultimately ridiculous, and illogical, (Read Nagarjuna’s 70 Stanzas, where Nagarjuna, approx. 1800 years ago, logically obliterated Scientific Materialism) to assert that any one, or thing (that arises in this universe, or any universe) is fundamentally separate from anything else.

ALL Interiority has material correlates, all materiality has interior correlates. Despite your assertions to the contrary, you appear blind to the data–data that is freely available in GREAT quantity–of the irreducible nature of the relationship between consciousness and materiality. Is it that you refuse to challenge your ‘Sacred Cows’, by reading the data? I hope, rather, that it is because you have, as yet, not had such experimental data, and the theories arising to explain it, sufficiently well positioned before your face such that you read it [Image Can Not Be Found]

All attempts to reduce the world to the relationship: MATTER <—> ENERGY fail. Only by extending such a relationship to: MATTER <—> ENERGY <—> INFORMATION <—> CONSCIOUSNESS can there be any approximation of theory that can hope to model reality, as we experience it. Again, a VAST body of experimental data supports this. Go no further than the Technologies of Mind, that the Masters of the very Miscreant Spook agencies that oppose us (See Skip Attwatter, below), and all of mankind, our fellow intelligent cetacean, and all of the planet’s myriad developing animal intelligences, use to maintain their very own control!

If you have the courage, and the Intellectual Integrity, to HONESTLY look, and I certainly hope that you do, then I would challenge you to read:

William A. Tiller (Professor Emeritus of Materials Science, Standford University)
Ken Wilber (Contemporary Philosopher, Luminary of the Integral Movement) read “Sex Ecology Spirituality” in Spanish:
F. Holmes (Skip) Attwatter, former US Army Captain and Training Officer of the US Army Stargate Program (Remote Viewing in Counter Intelligence against Soviet Attempts to Remote View US Installations) his book: Research Papers:
Lynn McTaggert, Author “The Intention Experiment” a very thorough, and highly annotated, compendium of experiments and Research over the Years (couldn’t find it in Spanish, sorry):
Her book, “The Field” translated in Spanish as “El Campo”: Her website’s list of experiments: and a list of their researchers:

This is the tip of the Iceberg. Nothing that I have linked, above, is ‘Wooo Woo’, New Age Crap, but the work of highly intelligent, exceedingly well educated, and scientifically trained individuals. Frankly the evidence is beyond dispute, unless you are unwilling to entertain it.

Je, I mean no disrespect. You can chose to delude yourself all you care to, and as a human being, I am your brother… And I have nothing but gratitude for your work on the Iberian Peninsula. However, your intransigence, and apparent (At least to me) incapacity/unwillingness to “look in the Telescope” (in reference to the Clergy, in the time of Galileo Galilei, who refused to look through Galileo’s telescopic instruments and SEE, for themselves, proof of the heliocentric nature of the Solar System) is frustrating, and saddens me, as I am sure it saddens most members of this forum.

In any case, this is my last attempt to reach you in this matter–after this, I wash my hands… I urge you to pursue the links and books which I have enumerated above. Regardless, thank you ever so much for all of your efforts.

Thank you for your message Azti.

Quantum Theory is for me mislead, i think before Ernest Rutherford atomic model where he discovered the simple true of materia (with simples experiments) a very strong disinformation campaign occurs.
Rutherford works discovered that the particles of atoms (proton,neutron and electron) are the building blocks of matter. He discovered that for example, Nitrogen exposed to radioactivity, turned into Hydrogen and Oxygen, he was the first alchemist in our moder age.

Look, inmediately Niels Böhr, aristocrat of that time, enunciated theories that could not be demonstrated and that were the basis of mechanics and quantum physics. Even many people are surprised that gave him the Nobel Prize too soon.

I think the secret of matter needed to be locked for control the world, and the best method will be creating an alternative and irreal theories mathematically (invented mathematical constants for it) proven to be nothing more. So we have a lot of researchers looking for ghosts while only a few own the world that they alone know how it all works.

OF COURSE, i think in mental intention, but not in garbage actual theories of quantum Theory that i think are incorrect.
I know Lynn McTaggert (and others) and her work, and I think it is a joke. One of her xperiments (complicated as she) its trying to shine a geranium leaf with the mind. Definitely a joke and i dont belive anythink. (I know, now you’re going to say, of course, is that as you do not think you can not see)

I believe in metal intention but not that way. The same way as a tree does not grow in an instant but that takes time, thought not immediately obvious, but is a process. All the universe works well.
These new theories only seek to misinform, confuse, disappoint, its my opinion.

Incidentally, while we are debating about ghosts, they collect free energy in the polar circle (HAARP) then we paid.

I find it very difficult to explain in English.

Humanity is recovering a truth. Only the truth will set us free.


For spanish, look as some persons make rain: