Orgonite about somali land

Hi,Today we are planing to go to another place which is quite necessary according to its historical record we are going to make it to Merca. This time we are going to use a boat along the Ocean shore.Through using the boat it will be quite advantageous to us for we will be able to toss the orgonites in the Ocean water.
After this we proposed that by next week to make areturn journey back home.

Thanks Mrs O.

Today we are at Merca and the state of Magadishu which is next to this place we cannot risk to go there due to the state of insecurity in the Capital.We have done all the gifting here at Merca and now we only have a decision of coming back to Kenya. Right now through the influence of Fatuma we managed to get another prudent man whom we gave some orgonites to continue tossing them in the Ocean water,within his neighborhood market places and in all the areas where people normally gather in a large number.They even offer together with Fatuma to take the orgonites to Magadishu and do all the necessary gifting there.

We found that Al-Shabab normally trains at the Southern parts of Somali land but most of their operations which includes hijacking the cargo ship they do them at the Northern parts of Somali Land at Gulf of Aden next to Berbera and Bender Cossim.At the same time some of them target other cargo ship along the Indian Ocean .
So through all the works that we have done i now have immovable hope that soon the state of Somali Land will change.
I will give you the feed back on how Fatuma and our new friend succeeded in their trip in Magadishu.Me together with Benedict we remain at Merca

Mrs O

Fatuma and our new friend had managed to reach the most sensitive part of Magadishu and really did their work of gifting where necessary.Right now they are back in Merca where we did our temporary camping for the time being.They only managed to succeed because of the effort of Fatuma and that our new friend who knows most of the Somalian customs
They went in Somalian attire they spoke Somalian language which further awarded them an added advantage to explore many sensitive parts as the police station,army barracks and other sensitive regions.They hired a car for that operation,now we are completely assured that all those areas where we have done the appropriate gifting peace will be reclaimed and even areas which previously had been dominated by the hostile groups will be now be friendly for human habitation.Benedict also assisted us a lot for he knows how to interact and train those Waislams very well on the important of the orgonites. That our new friend who assisted us together with Fatuma for taking the orgonite to Magadishu i never had any zapper left that i could give him but i m sure that zappers that you promise that you will send i will send him.

Thanks Mrs O.

Mrs O, I get a lot of emails from readers who are astonished by what you have are doing in East Africa, especially in Somalia right now. I think that all of this success is also encouraging to those of us who find it more difficult to acquire good, positive confirmations that our orgonite in the field is achieving success.

It’s so much easier to see the results in Africa and a few other places, evidently including Greece.

The element of danger that’s part of your Somalia effort is something that none of the rest of us have experienced, yet. Carol and I encountered a lot of interference and threats from federal agents and there was some risk involved in our first efforts in Africa but all of that pales in the face of what you, Benedict and Fatuma are risking in Somalia.

We’re gratified to get a report about the true conditions in Somalia. According to our media and government, for instance, Somalia has no government at all but a police station and army in Mogadishu are evidence to the contrary [Image Can Not Be Found]

I hope that one day we’ll learn more about what Fatuma and your other Somali friend observed and accomplished in Mogadishu, in addition to the reports that may be available after the orgonite has done its work, there. Over here, it takes quite a large number of pieces of orgonite to show positive results in a city the size of Mogadishu but I see that Fatuma and friend have performed some ‘surgical’ gifting in that city that may show some dramatic results in a short time.

It’s good that they’ve distributed orgonite around the market place in Merca and your are all are taking steps to get more orgonite into the Indian Ocean.

I understand that all of the reports of the Somali efforts are coming through Mrs O’s cellphone.

Kudos to Billy (Mrs O’s son) and Nancy (David Ochieng’s sister) for keeping the orgonite factory going in Kisumu, Kenya, to supply everyone’s ‘extra’ needs in Tanzania and Somalia and to sell to farmers and fishermen in the region.

Merca is the next port city south of Mogadishu on the Indian Ocean coast.


Hi everyone,
We are planning to go back to Kenya Thursday next week.We have explored most part in Somalia and under courage we have tried to gift most part.We have found a good response and have established friendship with a few including the likes of Fatuma and a few others like the friend we found recently.Definitely,there is promising hope in sucess of Orgonite application in the entire Somali land.Most of the important historical sites had been gifted including the dangerous Al-Shabaab training ground had been gifted.
We have done a lot of this through a serious courage, that we have done in hope that the divine protection through the chat room have the control over any danger that we may encounter. It has been a good ground to realize our potential about the much we can do especially when it becomes to an external country. That have shown us how much we are becoming very powerful in the entire region. For this matter therefore, we are planning to establish a stronghold in the entire Africa. This has made us believe that we can actually do quite serious in the continent, since among the countries that we feared most had been gifted. Just like normal, we do establish serious friendship with those whom we come accross in the entire region.
In our case, we have made serious relation with Fatuma and a new friend who will take care of every other thing that we need to do in promotion of this magic in the region.
We expect to succeed and I hope this is the prayer of everyone in the entire site!!!

Benedict, you’re fortunate to realize your destiny as a young man and I have no doubt that everything you envision will be accomplished. Thanks very much for sharing your impressive progress reports on our forum!

Most of history’s truly inspiring and great movements are started by little people like ourselves who simply commit to fully following our instincts and our rational faculties, as you’re each doing so impressively in East Africa.

Thanks, again, to Benedict, Mrs Odondi and Fatuma for setting such a dynamic example for all of us! I hope to also do something as courageous as that before long [Image Can Not Be Found]

When you return to Somalia you will probably have a LOT of new, genuine friends to tell us about and hopefully, one or two of them will also start posting reports on this forum. Please pass an invitation along to Fatuma, for now.


Today is the day we plan to stay over here for the last night in Somalia. We plan to travel tomorrow back to Kenya. However, we are very much happy for the great effort that we have made in line with promotion of Orgonite in the region. An African proverb goes: The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. We are already several steps ahead. The first success was finding our friend, Fatuma, who has played an exemplary distinctive role in our future success over there. Among the great steps we have made is visiting and gifting the most dangerous ground in Somalia by Benedict and Fatuma a couple of weeks ago, that’s the famous AL-Shabaab training ground. We we hope that the Orgonite that was placed in that camp will soon change the way things work over there. Among the strategic plans that we have is to get one of the Al-Shabaab member who in already recruited in the camp to continuously supply Orgonites in that camp secretly, and you all accept that this can not just be a smaller achievement if it is let done.
Through Fatuma, we plan to send several reports as posts through a coordination that wehave already established. Keep watch to know more about what the effects Orgonite have in the Somalian country.
Mrs O

There is a greater change in Somali especially areas where we have gifted with the orgonite, there is no incidents of frequent attacks and due to this we hope that soon peace will be realized in the whole of that Nation.
Even farmers in Kisumu we realized that the demand of the orgonite has increased in a good number and as to such orgonites will soon going to dominates.

Migingo in the lake Victoria Chris and Nicholas are really supplying with the orgonites they are going to and fro.Today they are in Kisumu they came to collect some more orgonite for the mission.

Mrs O