It might not be so easy to believe this, on account of history. Kenya had a general election On. 4th March of this year. This was an election that was and is still feared most, since the final result is contested, following what many believe that it was rigged, just like that of 2007, when the presidential results led to death of more than 1500 people loosing their lives on account of demonstration. More than 10000 families were displaced and many still live in refugee camps as Internally Displaced People. Many women suffered sexual assaults through rape and a lot of properties destroyed.
With this weight of information in our mind, the Kikundi decided to spearhead Orgonite distribution across the country, so as to avert the predicted violence. We have distributed many Orgonite across the country, and this is the most wanting time to distribute even more, since there is a lot of tension mounting across the country at this time when the matter is in the high court in order to determine the winner.
I believe that it is because of the Orgonite that we distributed across the country that has maintained the prevailing peace. There is a lot of hatred and personal abuse spreading through the social media, especially Facebook and twitter. If violence arises now, very worse is expected to happen than 2007.
I therefore appeal to our readers and warriors to boost our country Kenya as much as they can, as we also do our part, through gifting, especially the most volatile regions, with more than one different communities.