Orgonite Has Been Sreading in East AFrica!

I don’t know if I posted about our successful remote healing work on Christine Onyango in Sudan after she was poisoned and nearly killed a few weeks ago. Her husband, Salva Kirr, was murdered this way, last year along with David Ochieng and his wife, Emmah in Kenya. Mrs Odondi in Kenya adopted DAvid and Emmah’s children after that. She was helping Christine’s family in Sudan when Christine was in the hospital. Mrs O is an angel. I always refer to her as Mrs Odondi because she’s a widow and life is tough for widows in Africa right now but she somehow found the will and commitment to advance this effort where she lives. I want it to pay off for her and the rest of our associates, there, as it has been for so many of us in the West, South and in Asia.

A couple of months ago things seemed pretty bleak to our surviving comrades in East AFrica. Judy Lubulwa in Nairobi narrowly missed being sentenced to eight years in prison for gifting, then. After we worked on her situation in a chat session the police and courts simply stopped bothering her. It’s kind of like what happens when a person in America wins a case against the tax gestapo [Image Can Not Be Found] . I hope Judy will be able to connect with Mrs O and crew soon because that would be quite a dynamic synergy.,
Larry Odhiambo, who lives in Kisumu, Kenya, and has met Mrs Odondi, first contacted me about his interest in zappers, last year and is now going to participate in distributing and experimenting with orgonite, too.

He sent me the following news about the quiet spread of orgonite in that region, including Rwanda and Tanzania. Dancan Omolo, a fisherman on Lake Victoria who also lives in Kisumu (port city) has been a close friend and supporter of Christine and Salva since the time that couple and their family were refugees in Kenya, a few years ago.

If you’re as naturally curious as I am, you’ll dig out your world atlas and take note of the position of these countries around big Lake Victoria. I think Doc Kayiwa in Uganda, who expedited our (German Georg’s and my) working visit to that country six years ago, was the first to gift that lake. He hired a boat and gifted from Uganda to Tanzania, producing astonishing visual confirmations in the sky and water in a short time and attracting the attention and interest of a lot of fishermen along the way. Doc Batiibwe and Mr Kizira later hired a boat and gifted the waters around the Ugandan islands, over to the headwaters of the Nile to the west. Dancan Omolo is going to start posting photos, including some of his boat. I love to see those sturdy, graceful boats on Lake Victoria and the northern Nile. We all gifted those headwaters (even tossed some by the the bronze statue of Gandhi, there) and a sacred vortex and island downstream and I think most of that, perhaps also David’s and Mrs Odondi’s reports about their dolphin interactions in Mombasa, is in my journal reports, which have survived the hacker hordes as ‘The Adventures of Don and Carol Croft-- a link at the top of EW’s homepage. Several of our associates’ reports are in that file.

Carol spent her time in Kenya in the vicinity of Kisumu and Migori (David Ochieng’s town) and this is where AFrica received its first orgonite gifts–September and October, 2001. One doesn’t have to be a mystic to see that opening this etheric door in Western Kenya inityiated the present interest in orgonite, there, and the spread of this empowering material throughout the neighboring countries. Carol is as astonished as anyone, by the way, that this is happening, now [Image Can Not Be Found] . Young David was the first African to email me to request information about orgonite, a couple of years later. He hadn’t heard of Carol’s visit but the fact that he lived in the small area she had gifted was a clear indicator, to me, that the two things were closely related. Mrs Odondi contacted me for information shortly after that and she didn’t know about Carol or David at the time.

Here’s Larry’s report and please note, if you ever responded to David’s solicitations for money in past years, that your contributions to him probably played a big part in this happy development, after all. Our African friends have become a lot more prosaic since they’ve begun to see that their efforts are now paying off, by the way, and some of them will be posting informative, illustrated reports on Etheric Warriors in coming months. If you’ve been there, you’d know that for anyone to express such enthusiasm is a small miracle because the conditions in that region are atrocious. The population was decimated by AIDS and other bioweaponry and every other conceivable calamity has been visited on them by the corporate world order’s death-dealing agencies (not only the World Health Organization) in recent decades. I told them that I expect the Africans to lead the way for the rest of us, this year [Image Can Not Be Found] and I want to be sure that David, Mrs Odondi, Emmah and Salva will always be credited with having initiated this powerful grassroot network in East Africa.



Hallo, Don

As Soon as i will receive the package [basic zappers for Larry’s research, like Andy’s little zappers on ~Don] from you i will let you know.

Some news Don, a friend came to visit me from Rwanda and i started telling her about orgonite only to learn that she knows so much about it.

She took me into one of the beaches she has friends who sprinkles it in the lake for the purposes of fish bumper harvest.

She talks of David Omollo from Migori who first introduced her to orgonite business although she has opted so much to supply the glass fibres [resin?] for that purpose. She tells me that the idea first is to make the orgonite and give fishermen for testing and later the catch will be abundant and this will prompt them to ask for more hence finding market far and wide.

She is asking me to travel with her to Rwanda for fibres and a sample ofthe orgonite so that i come back to make money.

She is called Linda and is willing to supply us. I was trying to create time so that i go to Rwanda and see for my self and if possible to purchase the glass fibres but the travel expenses are high I cant afford though i am really eager to get started soon. Thank you for inroducing the orgonite bussiness. She says some people she knows uses orgonite for fishing in Tanzania, Mwanza, and i may soon travel to such places.



Larry is acquainted with Mrs Odondi but evidently doesn’t know that she has been to Migori this week to consult with DAve’s broher, Fred, who still makes orgonite and he’s returned to Kisumu with her to teach her to make it. She’s gathered the materials and has gotten access to a workshop where lots of people are now participating in the effort. A wonderful thing about Africa is that people enjoy working in groups–the more the better. They do this so spontaneously and efficiently that it reminds me of dolphins. David, Emmah, Mrs O, Salva and Christine went to Mombasa, a few years ago, rented a boat and took buckets of orgonite out to give to the dolphins, who showed up for them in large numbers, astonishing the local fishermen.

I posted about it, also about David, Emmah’s and Mrs Odondi’s earlier successful gifting trip to Mombasa and another dolphin encounter, but I don’t know if those reports survived the subsequent NSA hacker onslaughts, so I’m mentioning it again. David, a peerless expeditor, was severely poisoned on that trip and was unable to leave the hotel. He had to be carried onto the bus for the return trip and when we found out about it we immediately worked on him in the international chatroom. He recovered right after that but our three comrades died, last year (poisoning, according to the psychics’ clear impressions) before we knew they were sick. The surviving gifers became pretty dispirited, as many of us also were about the prospects in East AFrica. Meanwhile, the money people, CIA/MI6, Triads, Jesuits and their local dirty-magic affiliates, filthy politicians and corporate/military weather weaponry trashed that region after the initial successes and confirmations of their gifting efforts in previous years. Watch for a dynamic rebound, shortly


Dancan Omolo, whom I mentioned, is about to start posting reports, here, as soon as he returns from a fishing trip near the Tanzania shore of Lake Victoria. Those traditional AFrican boats are so cool Even with outboard motors on them [Image Can Not Be Found]

Would you please boost him and also each of the fellows he mentions below, as I’m doing as I post this? Let’s help them turn things around in Africa. All of these folks are feeling quite enthusiastic and Mrs Odondi has dispatched some of the new orgonite they’re making to Rwanda where it will be compared with what people are making there.



Hi Don,

Thanks for again for your email wanting to know the people I am working with here ,they are dedicated and good and wonderful people as you have said.

Here are the some of the Names :

1.Erick Otieno
2.Kennedy Ongaro
3.Jim Ouma
4.Oketch Lawrence

This people will do well in the business because I have talked to them about the business of Orgonite .
Tomorrow I will be at Odondi’s place [They’ve acquired a shop area to make it in].
