Orgonite in kisumu-1

Orgonite for the last few durations that we have used it in our farming activities it has really brought a lot of changes and has actually cause a lot of improvement in very many fields.In the fishing sector ,it has really improve the fishing industry,even today areas where the water hyacinth had been removed we gave some fishermen the orgonite so that they may go and apply them in those areas to increase the breeding of large fish as the Tilapia and the native Nile perch.To some extent it increases the growth of algears which is the best food for fish of varied kinds.

In the farming sector we now experience a stiff competition from another company which previously had been supplying the farmers with the fertilizer.That company had been giving farmers molasses which they normally apply in their farms.But still ours still out weight theirs since we have not lost of our clients who had known the benefit of our orgonite. On this concept, orgonite is good for its less economical but high in increasing the productivity.

Right now its raining and its the best time for planting and we will supply many farmers with the orgonite.

As Dancan had told you about how it rained in Lodwer and Turkana,for sure those places they normally receive inadequate rainfall and what took place must be as a result of the orgonite that through our joint effort we manage to supply the place
Thanks Mrs O

Thanks for the update, Mrs O. I think it’s very important to get these progress reports into the public record. I’m particularly encouaged by all that new rain in Turkana, where people have been in a very bad situation on account of the long drought.

The fertilizer companies are evidently feeling threatened by orgonite, now, thanks to your successes. I wonder if they made a deal with the sugar processors to get that molasses

Maybe selling or giving orgonite to some sugarcane growers will be another good way to ‘answer back.’


Actually, Orgonite has been fairing well in major production areas in East-Africa when perfectly used. Turkana, especially has is a perfect example of the most successful areas where Orgonite application has drastically changed the lives of the people hence making them self reliance.
Meanwhile we’ve convened a meeting in which we’ll have to discuss how to supply and educate the Orgonite to sugarcane farmers in major sugarcane plantations in Western Kenya. This I believe will change the rate sugar production within this region.
Mrs O

Right now we are almost through with our gifting.Farmers in Kisumu are very much happy are have none a little bit step ahead due to the adoption of the orgonite.Even fishermen after the official opening of the fishing in the Lake by the Government.The fishermen now really benefit a lot for the orgonites have really increased the multiplication of fish in the Lake water.More so our native Tilapia fish have really increased in number ans due to that the fishing industry have really boost up.
Still we hope in the near future to have more fish that before for what we have realized is that orgonites when put in the water it’s effectiveness can last for even up to three month.Therefore we hope the best out of the work

Mrs O

Hi Readers,

It’s true that nowadays the fishing industry has expanded high to the extent that it can now accommodate and sustain quite a number of people in the region and beyond. Right now we want to start a small fish ponds where we can try different breeds of fish using the orgonite as appropriate agent to promote the growth of different varieties of fish .In the near future we just want to have fish farming in large quantity if all go well.We want you to assist us with prayers for that our dream to come true.We want to put them in areas far a way from the lake.We will tell you after we shall have decided the appropriate areas where we will build them…


Orgonite has now made farmers of Kisumu area to benefit a lot for now they receive much rainfall that really improve agricultural sector.In Bumala where we have taken the orgonite they are also very happy with the orgonite fot it made their farm to be fertile and thus improve crop production.
Mrs O

Mrs O, the way that you all are carrying out the expansion and consolidation of your business is something that will be studied in all of the world’s universities one day. The sugar, tobacco and tea plantations are big businesses with a lot of capital available and this also adds to your status in the eyes of potential customers, I’m sure.

You all are the very first in the world in this vital industry and are true pioneers whom future generations will hold in awe

Thanks, again, for posting these reports on EW!


Farmers who used the orgonite in Kisumu area are now in the better hand for even though some parts of the nation of Kenya never prospered in their farm produce but to them they highly succeeded.Even right now many farmers have applied in a large number for they wanted to be included among the lot who were going to receive the orgonite.
Since the area of Kisumu include rice growing in a large scale,we have tried it in a water logged place ie the place where rice can grow well.We are still investigating to see the impact of the orgonite in these places.
What we have come to realized is that it worked well to improve and sustain crops like Maize, millet and some root tubers cassava potatoes.

From all these it’s clear that this orgonites in the future will dominate for many people will finally resort to use it and in return abandoned the other fertilizers which had been very expensive but less productive in terms of crop production.

That’s why when Carol Don’s wife came to Kisumu, by then Kisumu had been very dry place but the introduction of the orgonite in the place marked the beginning of success especially in farming activities.So now the whole area of Kisumu had been turned into paradise where good things can be found
Even me when i went to Somalia the major thing that i had campaigned for is adoption to farming and after the introduction of the orgonites now i have been getting good news that they have started farming mostly at the boarder of Kenya and Somalia
Mrs O

Mrs O, I think that as the farmers’ orgonite draws more and more rain to Somalia it will revolutionize the economy, there, and bring a lot of stability. I’m still trying to understand why orgonite has such a special positive impact on East Africa but now I’m wondering if areas in the world where there is more suffering show faster and more dramatic results with distributed orgonite. I once read something about ‘chaos theory’ in regard to the natural process of creating order from chaos: the more chaos there is in the beginning, the more order will result. I wonder if orgonite will end up proving that theory in a dramatic way.

When Dancan was arrested the psychics got a sense that the fertilizer sellers were involved and that they were also implicated in the earlier theft of his fishing nets. Since he was vindicated it hopefully backfired on the plotters. Over the course of the past year and a half, since you all started experiencing success with your orgonite sales to farmers, it looks like you’ve been hit with periodic personal and financial calamities in order to slow you down or frighten you away from this work but you’ve been incredibly resilient and committed. Some of us in the West are similarly targetted but not nearly as severely as you all have been.

I’m eager to know how the business will benefit the rice and sugar growers. How are the tobacco and tea farmers faring with your orgonite?
