Farmers in Kisumu are very much happy with orgonite for it really improve their yield for Kisumu is avery dry region .These has really increased the damand of the orgonite at ahigher rate.In our country Kenya eventhough many people had not started using orgonite but many people have known about it.Am sure we will go well with the business.Eventhough little we have done about supplying orgonite in East Africa as awhle but we are triying our level best to supply it very effectively.
Thanks Mrs O
Congratulations on your success in posting, Mrs Odondi, and I feel very relieved that you were finally able to do it. Our readers probably don’t realize that there’s been a lot of hacker interference directed at you, apparently to discourage you from posting here.
Remember that the Africa section of is for reports about the work being done in Africa. I hope to read your views and observations in all the other sections of this forum, too. The same goes for Christine, Dancan, Chris, Nick and anyone else who may be invited to contribute reports, here, in the future.
I forgot to mention that Alejandro has had to reset the user-ID and password for Mrs O and Dancan several times. Dancan is still struggling to succeed through all this but will prevail. I think telling about the aggressive hacking will help ‘discourage’ these CIA thugs, too, by exposing their activity
The other three people who are going to prevail are Christine Anyango in Sudan, Chris Onyango in Kisumu, Kenya, and Nick Odiyo in Migori, Kenya. I look forward to corresponding with one or more of the Ethiopians whom Christine knows and works with.
These folks have opened new markets for orgonite in half a dozen countries by now and the demand for their orgonite is growing quite fast. When you see how they’re doing it you’ll probably feel envious if you’re in business . I sure do.
By the way, in Kiswahili, which is the lingua franca of much of sub-Sahara Africa, ‘orgonite’ is ‘Mbolea.’ Let’s watch this word become more common than ‘CocaCola’ in coming years.