Right now we have managed to gift the whole to Islands in the Lake Victoria that is Migingo and Ugingo the fishermen there really appreciated our effort of improving their standard of li8ving for orgonites is quite essential in improving fishing activities.Since the people who live there understand fishing as the basic in terms of sustaining life,so our precedence and the work that we managed to do there is quite a blessing to their lives.
We are through there and what are still concentrating in accomplishing is to make sure that we deal thoroughly with all the fishermen there then finally we will see in to it if we will proceeds to Uganda to continue gifting in the Lake Victoria.
In general the people in that place really acknowledged our effort and our pioneers who initiated the project.
I will will continue updating you about our progress
Bravo Chris and Nicholas! I am sure that your being in the highland has is a satisfactory to those who did not want me to leave the island during the time I was around there. I was there for a short while and talked to a good number. I left behind my contact to those whom I deeply interacted with. Today in the morning hour, I got a phone call from one of the residents coming from Burgi district asking me to tell you to reach the place in Burgi district so that you can give them the Orgonites. That was so inspiring and I gave them your contact. I hope you will soon reach the place. They leaed that you were around through the fame which am told has spread so fast. This tells me on how much people over there cherish your gifting. Is it so?
Today we went to Ugingo and we taught those people who are living on that Island how to use the orgonite.We also realized that in the areas where we have put the orgonite the fishing business do increase for the orgonites do promote the rapid growth of Algiers which are good food for fish.
We majorly concentrates in areas where fishermen do cast their nets while fishing.
That is the main two Islands of Migingo and Ugingo where we went and did most of our gifting the other photo shows a clear picture of fishermen at work.They told us that initially before Dancan took them the orgonites in the early years there were no fish,but immediately after Dancan went and did the thorough distributing of the orgonite life started and if you can see over the photo,all those boats shows the presence of the work and life in those barren Islands.
We are sure that as we will continue doing the gifting the whole of the place will be favorable and even tourist may also finally wish to put up there
Only that the work is tiresome and expensive for the condition forces us to commute to and fro everyday .But we hope that we will succeed.
Hallow readers
We really appreciated you much for that encouraging comment,Today Mrs O is traveling from Kisumu to Migori bringing us the orgonites that we will be taking to Migingo and Ugingo Tomorrow morning
It is pretty clear that all the work that we are doing in the twin Islands of Migingo and Ugingo in the mid Lake Victoria has got a great impact to us for through seeing the great success as people yield to the orgonite we also got encouraged, i hope the Western readers who followed our works are also having the same attitude.
Tomorrow we will go back to Migingo and Ugingo only to deal with hungry fishermen who after seeing the magic work which the orgonite has done in creating the two Islands a surviving zone by increasing the fishing industry.We are going to train the fishermen on how to use and when to use the orgonite especially when the waves and tides are very high that may disrupt the effectiveness of the orgonite by making them scatter thus render them less active.So we are to equip them on the right way of using the orgonite in the water for better outcome.
Chris, it seems clear, now, that Lake Victoria (in the heart of Africa) can be made a sort of ‘magnet’ for internatinoal public attention regarding your successful efforts. I believe this will follow naturally and in good time.
I often direct people’s attention to what you are all doing, throughout East Africa, as the best example of how productive it is to follow our instincts when we’re tossing orgonite in the world and giving it away to people
When i went to Migingo today i found a great work done by both Chris and Nicholas,they had been using a hired boat from a friend and tossed the orgonite in that area,when i tried to do the estimate i found that the the area covered is a proximately 100 km all round.They had been commuting to and fro so today we spent in Migori and tomorrow i will travel to Kisumu ,but they will continue going to Migingo and if possible proceed to Uganda .
Nicholas and Chris the orgonite that they are putting in the Lake will be great and will finally compared them with great men like Dr Betigwe.
When i arrived in Migingo i found fishermen very happy with the orgonite and fishermen from the three great nation now gather there for the benefit caused by the orgonite in those two Islands.Fish production have greatly increased to mortivate good and easy living standard.
Mrs O
Our arrival in Migingo especially at this time played a vital role in the lives of the fishermen.Through the orgonites that we effectively applied caused a double gain to those fishermen.The photo above vividly show multitude fishermen with their boats busy at work.We realized that after the introduction of the orgonite in the twin Island fishermen gathered from all walk of life that is from Tanzania,Uganda and Kenya. Right now if you can witness the work is quite effective.
Those are just but a part of the the by product of the orgonite,if you can see the bunch of fish ready for market you can clearly read from the back of your mind what the orgonite have done to the fishermen in the twin Island that is Migingo and Ugingo in the Lake Victoria.
Our main effort is to make sure that the whole of the Island of Migingo is completely gifted and peaceful environment created fully.We had done with the old fishermen and since that place people normally come simultaneously it forces us to stretch a little bit further to make sure that we cater for the needs of both new and old comers interest by serving them all.
As you can see over the photo of Migingo in the Google map and on that photo, it is a rocky place we want to try and see if orgonite can do something,by changing the rocky place to a productive place.Previously i had gifted Macalder mine and the dry and bare rocky place around there received life in the sense that the soil nutrient was finally regained and farmers start to benefit by planting short season plants and now they gain.
So in the case of migingo which extremely bare and dry place the major experiment that i majorly want to find out is if the orgonites can effectively react with the minerals in the rock and there after cause a positive change that would finally impact the lives of the people in that place.I know that the change might be a long term but i m sure and persistently waiting that ,that change will be realized.
What Chris post is a vital reality it,s possible for with orgonite ,with time every thing will just be possible.All leaders from the whole East Africa gathered i In Tanzania to bring a lasting solution of the crisis in Migingo.That photo which Chris sent i will tell him to post it again for it,s not visible.
Thx Dancan
That first photo clearly shows the status of Migingo.In real sense the whole of that Island is rocky almost all over.Through the application of the orgonite ,it’;s my ambition to try at all cost to transform that place to become agricultural in some areas so that people may not only depend on fishing alone.Even though it’s almost rocky all over soil can still be found in a few places and thus through the use of orgonites we can try by all cost to change the status of the place.
That other photos shows areal photo of Ugingo,as we can see it the Island is not rocky as Migingo and for sure it can be good for agricultural activities.We are trying by all our level best to transform the area to be suitable for crop production.Soon we hope to have another shape and nature of these two Islands.
We want to deviate their attention not depend only on fishing but also to do farming.
Hallo Don
For sure Don you are very right the media is totally contrary to what is taking place on the ground.When you went to Migingo is when you will witness the exact thing. Even though their speculation is out to diminishe our progress but we will excell. Wost of all the politicians who wants to be heard even if they are vocalling out something that may in return trigger anxiety in the community.
We are sure all will be well
Thx Dancan
Thanks for the assurance, Dancan, and thanks to Chris for being persistent in getting some photos available. I tried to use PhotoBucket years ago but they didn’t let me post more than one or two photos, so I gave up.
Ugingo is only 600 feet from Migingo and is mostly uninhabited, I see. Maybe it can produce a lot of food, beyond the needs of the people who are packed on Migingo. You’ll no doubt show us what you can do with orgonite, there, Chris. From the photos you’ve provided, it looks like the islands need more rain so maybe you can make that happen. The water sure looks clean!
Pyramid Island, which is a lot bigger that Ugingo, is not far to the south. I don’t think there are many people on it.
I think it’s brilliant that you guys chose to make Migingo a personal project, on account of the international attention that’s being directed, there.
Our hope, effort and prayer has now made the people living in Migingo Island to experience a hope and a glimpse of peace since as per now the Kenyan Government who for many years had been silence while their citizens plus other beloved people are being frustrated as people without proper background.Now it had bee declared that proper protection from the Kenya forces are going to be deployed to propagate an environment of a lasting peace in the region.
I m optimistically convicted that there is nothing that would be impossible, we can even flash back a case of the Southern Sudan who suffered under the tyrannic leadership for decades but finally liberation came at the right time and now they are enjoying an environment of peace . [Image Can Not Be Found]
Now our lasting ambition in Migingo is not only peace and stability but also we want to change the economic status of the those Islands if possible to adopt to agriculture and be among the fortunate regions who will be producing crops for both subsistence and for cash so as to be stable in both sectors. [Image Can Not Be Found]
Also just to mention a few problems that we will be dealing with ,there is also another pyramid at the same time a bigger Island also known as Migingo.From the beginning of time this Island had never be favorable for human habitation for it had been known as demons invaded area and an example [Image Can Not Be Found] [Image Can Not Be Found] is it’s own habit of shading off the plans and grasses by setting of fire by itself that ends up burning the whole Island. We want to try by gifting on this Island from afar distance for people are quite afraid of moving closer to this Island.We are going to hire some fishermen and help us to gift this Mt. [Image Can Not Be Found] We are sure that after a period of time there will be a proper change and even that place which had been barren will be change to agricultural and fit for human habitation.
Now after thoroughly gifting in Migingo,Ugungo and Migingo Pyramid it’s appropriate that now you proceed to Uganda. I’m very happy that ,that your mission to Uganda will have a great impact both politically and economically across the lake to the other.
I once gifted up to Uganda and i know how important that the mission will contribute to the entire East African nations not forgetting the great lake which include Rwanda and Burundi.I can remember a friend of mine whom i had given some of the orgonite for trial but of late i got a report of the success and i send her some more to continue distributing.
Now if Chris and Nicholas could mean to did all the gifting across the lake would be of greater value. I hope if possible they may travel next week
When Nicholas and Chris were going to Migingo i gave them some zapper so that they may give those who are severely affected by HIV Aids for that place is quite notorious in that menace.So i hope all the operation will yield much fruits
Mrs O
Chris sent me good photos of Migingo, which is a rock, literally covered with corrugated metal dwellings, and of Ugingo, a few hundred meters away, where there is plenty of arable soil. I saw, on Google Earth, the much larger Pyramid Island a few KM south of there and that seems like a very inspired plan to attract farmers after changing the energy to positive with your orgonite.
Chris told me in an email that every dwelling on Migingo now has orgonite in it [Image Can Not Be Found] and that’s possible to do in Africa but so difficult to accomplish in the West.
The grand sweep toward Uganda is going to create a tide of positive, perpetual energy along the shore of that enormous lake with your orgonite, tossed from the boat. This is absolutely the best and most powerfl sort of juju!
It’s with a lot of hope that our Uganda mission will be of a greater impact to all the great Lake region which include Kenya ,Uganda ,Rwanda and Burundi.So by next week we will try by all our possible means to make sure that we accomplish the mission successfully.
Today we gifted around the Pyramid Migingo which for many years had been known as (Juju) or evil spirits habitation. [Image Can Not Be Found] The Mt. for many years had been problematic such that no human being could withstand the effectiveness of the demons which had been on that mountain.They had been notorious such that at times they even set the whole mt. ablaze. Now it become our concern to try by all the possible means to gift on this mountain with an intention of bringing a complete change. Our main intention with this hazardous Mt . is transform it to be best for agriculture.The place has got good soil and through the application of the orgonite the whole area will be rich in crop production.
If Carol would help us with some insight on how to deal with the worst juju in Pyramid Migingo that would be fine.All the work that we have done there is worth appreciating for even today we met some geologists from Migingo and ugingo who gave us a good report that since the components of the rocks in Migingo is very much acidic and as to such since the components of the orgonite is a mixture of basic and alkaline we hope the reaction will produce the good result
The jujus in the Pyramid Migingo will soon respond to the effectiveness of the orgonites that we have tossed there.
If Carol may make a return visit to Kenya that would be very good.
We have managed to make remarkable mission for now we have gifted almost the whole parts of Lake Victoria from Migingo Island.On our way we managed to gift Bovuma Lake Shore which was one of our safe landing shores.People who were there were very much happy but surprised by how we managed to risk our self by sailing through that high tide zone. We found that orgonite was not so new to them because fishermen who were there some came from Kisumu Kenya where Mrs O and Dancan had earlier introduced the product.Some of those fishermen were from Uganda where fellows as Dr Betibwe and Nancy had introduced the product before.They really welcome us and on that concept gave us an easy time by helping us to enlighten their fellows on the impact of the orgonites to fishing industry.
Another place where we passed again is called Kihind Landing Site,there again we found some,Fishermen from Uganda Congo and others from Burundi and not many from Kenya when we tried to inquire why there are no Kenyans in this place they told us that it was due to some conflict which come up a couple of weeks ago bit it had been resolved and soon they will just come back.Here fellows from Uganda who had earlier known the orgonites made our works to easier than before. They even told us that ,in that region that earlier before hero of success like Dr Betibwe and Dancan introduced them the orgonite along the shore of lake Victoria there were no fish but after their effort the fishing industry now changed and took another flamboyant course of success.Now since we approached them again now with a full surplus and with good motive of making the whole Lake Victoria areal zone of hope they were very very happy with us.
In general the mission is just okay only that the boat which belongs to one of Dancan’s friends that we hired had a lot of mechanical problem that forced us to take a longer time than we expect
in the Lake but all in all we are sure that we will accomplish the mission
My health had not been very well due to the weather change and the poor sanitation but the Zappers which we had managed to sustained my life well.Nicholas is going well.
Otherwise i will continue up dating you for every success that me will encounter.