Since its under general observation and experience that orgonite create and maintain peace in the regions where it had been adopted.Right now i m in the boarder of Kenya Somalia mobilizing farmers to adopt to the use of orgonite in their farms since it has adouble benefit interms of improving the farm production and maintaining peace
Now in this my first attemp.i have noticed apositive reception towards the message of this product.Many people have started developing interest and i,m very sure at the of the day, the whole of this region will emphatically adopt to this less expensive but very economical and number one in production maintainance and increase.
Another importance aspect of this product is that when odopted especially in the wartorn regions especialy as in Mandera in the Northern Kenya,peace will be realised soon.Like in Kisumu region where nowadays peace prevail due to orgonite adoption and now people enjoy safetyu and freedom.
Otherwise hope the best out of everything.