Orgonite in turkana-1

Hi we are happy that the rain have started falling here in Turkana more so the parts where we spread orgonite we hope it will keep on raining so that we start planting.we are mplanning to spread orgonite in the remaining parts Thx Dancan

Turkana was turning into a desert and we’ll probably be getting more reports of rainfall from there, after this.

Judy Lubulwa in Nairobi described the conditions, there, in some posts about five years ago, after she visited friends, there. People were facing starvation due to the long drought, which was probably artificially created.

The fact that rain is returning right after our friends distributed orgonite, there, is a clear indicator that nature wants to establish the proper balance again.

We saw the same situation in the American Southwest before people started flinging orgonite around that region, ten years ago. Much of Utah was literally dead, then, as was Death Valley and I had never seen grass growing in parts of Nevada and Arizona where there are now pastures all year long.

In areas where no gifing has been done, yet, it’s still ugly and relatively lifeless, so of course orgonite is responsible for this positive shift.

In the future the media and the Rockefeller-funded Greenboots will probably put a lot of effort and venom into discrediting orgonite. There will be no end of the number of white-coated pedants and esteemed experts who will clamber to insist that crooked is straight and that truth is a lie, then (their jobs will be on the line) [Image Can Not Be Found] but I don’t think it will last long for two reasons: 1) the global warming scam is already being discredited by genuine scientists who were afraid to speak out, before; 2) all that sudden attention will increase our numbers exponentially and will probably put us over the top in terms of there being enough people making orgonite that tyranny will be decisively undermined. I love the way that this is so unorganized, too!
