Those are the mountains where we did our latest gifting and tomorrow we shall continue on the other remaining parts which we never had the opportunity to supply.What i come to realized is that the more we supply these people with the orgonite the more we get many with a burning interest.For sure i believe that the work that we have done there will benefit not only the people of Moshi but the whole East and Central Africa as a whole. I will feed you with more reports soon
I think Nicholas got poisoned because his recovery with the zapper is slower than if he had gotten malaria or typhoid. I need to make sure he has a Terminator, which speeds this up a bit.
Carol and I also feel that the gifting of Kilamanjaro and the support of the Mchaga People may ensure the faster spread of orgonite throughout the continent.
I finally heard from someone in West Africa who has expressed interest in doing this work! His email disappeared from my mailbox before I could reply to him but I remember his name, so can get his email from my address book
Gifting mountaintops is something we found to produce extraordinary effects in the atmosphere, which are no doubt reflected below and kudos to Nicholas for doing this hard work in spite of his temporary infirmity! Thank God for Chris, too.
Thanks agan, Billy, for your timely help with the orgonite!
Here’s what Nicholas sent me yesterday:
We thank Mrs O very much for having sent Billy to pack and send us more orgonites.For now Billy had sent to us orgonite to Namanga and we have got them so tomorrow we shall do the distributon in areas where required and you will get the result of our work soon.
Those Mchaga people were very happy on hearing that we are going to add them more orgonites which we shall toss on various Mountains.
Mt Klimanjaro is abigger area such that we must go and add more orgonites, right no we have hired motorbike for that operation even though here in aforeign country hiring motorbikes are very expensive but we are forced to do that.
It had been a tough work but very successful for Nicholas whom probably was poisoned recovered just through the application of zapper.Now seemingly its just like we are on our last lap with our mission .Today we managed to cover a bigger area for we managed to hire a vehicle that we used to distribute the orgonites.Our Mchaga friends also played a bigger role towards our mission for they enabled us to explore even areas that we would have not managed by our self.
Tomorrow we will do much of the training Nicholas will proceed towards the Mchaga people while me i will go to the areas mostly hit by the drought for we have realized that through training people is when most of them will get to know the use and the benefit of the orgonite in crop production and rainfall attraction so tomorrow we will concentrate more on that.We will continue posting good reports frequently
Billy had been helpful to us for he normally supply us with the orgonite when necessary thus his work had been a blessing to us