Hallo readers?
It’s nice to share with you in this forum. The country Kenya where I come from is a thirdworld country. The goverment has made several steps in stoping anger. Recently, there was a seminar called by te goverment, aimed at evaluating the best way of stoping anger. Among the few chosen, I was lucky to be one.
A time came when there was need to suggest the best way foward to impvrove the farming output in the country. I was lucky for having got a nice chance tyo explain the magic I had. Though a few had herd of the Orgonite application, to our seniors it was a neew thing. I was given a forum of two consecutive days to explain and verify various magics as some called it. After the evaluation, on the last day of our seminar, a report on the few backed-up suggestions were given. Orgonite issue was prioritised, and currently, the goverment sent the few research team to evaluate the fact behind its success. There should be a report released, which shall be incooperated in the ountry’s budget in the next financial year. I will keep you informed of every other move.
Benedict, congratulations for being selected to participate in the government forum and in your apparent success in explaining orgonite.
This is a fantastic development!
Could you take a moment and tell us how much orgonite is recommended for a typical farm? Do you suggest that the farmers place the orgonite around the perimeter of the fields, in-between the rows, or both?
Thank you, Toby
Great news and major progress made.
Bizarrely (or not) I’ve told GreenPeace people about orgonite and even gave a TB to one and they weren’t interested. The Greenpeace woman actualy said she couldn’t take it.
Benedict is a consummate networker, in case you didnt’ notice. Today, he told me that information about orgonite is spreading among the youth of Kenya like ‘a dry brushfire’ which, of course, is the proper way for a genuinely progressive movement to spread.
Mrs Odondi puts quite a lot of stock in him and told he he’s the hardest working orgonite-maker in the entire crew.
When Benedict wrote that the conference focused on the issue of anger, it reminded me of Mrs O’s comment that the crime rate where she lives has gone down dramatically, this year, simply because the drought finally ended and farmers were able to plant, rather than stand idle as in past years.
I can’t say definitely, since I’m not there, but the end of the drought corresponded with some very extensive work by a lot of fishermen: tossing orgonite into those big lakes in the region to improve fishing. In the West, we end droughts by ‘flipping’ all the death towers and weather weaponry in the region. I haven’t even spoken to these folks about doing it where they live; a yeasr ago they were on the verge of starvation due to the synthetic drought and when they started experimenting with farming and fishing with orgonite there was a snowball effect in terms of success and enthusiasm–the deadly drought had quickly ended, too [Image Can Not Be Found]
Dancan Omollo, who has fishing boats on two of the lakes, initiated and sort of directed all that lake and river gifting. The late David Ochieng, and now his younger sister, Nancy, have been taking loads of orgonite to ocean fishermen in Mombassa. Further lake and river ‘magic’ work was done in Tanzania, Uganda, Chad, Sudan and Ethipia in short order, much of it under the direction of Christine Anyango in Sudan, whom you know. Benedict is Dancan’s younger brother.
Our friend and cohort, Doc Batiibwe in Uganda visited Nairobi about five years ago for a medical conference and had brought a lot of orgonite with him, so he flipped many of the death towers and weather weaponry in and around the city. If memory serves, he focused mainly on the urban HAARP arrays, then. When Carol was there, 9 years ago, she could barely breathe on account of the dense smog, which was worse than Los Angeles’ smog was before DB erased most of it in 2002/3. Judy Lubulwa got rid of the rest of the smog in Nairobi a year or so after the Doc was there and she did most of that on foot–a LOT of hard work! She was even jailed, briefly, for tossing orgonite in the vicinity of some high-placed evildoers. We worked our butts off for her in a chat session, then, and she got free–she was about to be sentenced to prison. Women in Africa, these days, have a harder life than women in the West, due to colonialism/missionization.
Carol and I noticed, during our trips to Africa, that people relate to magic the way westerners relate to electricity; a commodity, convenience, necessity and just something that’s all around. Not even corporate missionization, which created brutal misogyny in Africa for the first time, made a dent in people’s awareness of magic. We found it refreshing and I suspect that this is one of many reasons suicide is almost unheard of in Africa, no matter how rotten life might become. In the village where Carol worked, for instance, there had been thousands of deaths due to AIDS and a large crowd of orphans lived in the jungle. She said that they were cheerful. Most orphans are taken in by relatives, of course, but that just illustrated the extent of the effects of biological warfare, there. Fortunately, even the simplest zapper routinely cures AIDS, also malaria, which is the other big killer in Africa. There are other easy cures but before people can be open to new information they need to feel pretty good–same as here.
Lest we forget, America was a third world country until the industrialization that accompanied the Civil (sic) War, after which America was degraded to predator/jingoist status on behalf of London. Watch how fast the fortunes of East Africa will actually improve after more and more youth like resourceful, energetic Benedict put their shoulders to spreading this empowering information!
I told him that he’s a true pioneer. These are the good old days.
Speaking of pioneers: Mark Bennett has been busting his hump for a couple of years to bring attention to orgonite as a cheap, easy means to multiply a garden’s vitality and productivity. He’s even been featured on BBC, some newspapers and magazines and has been invited to speak at international conferences.
I bet Secret Intelligence Service is running ragged, trying to prevent ordinary Brits (most passionate gardeners on the globe) from taking notice of this modern miracle but he soldiers on. I suspect that as the pressure builds on the people who are trying to stop orgonite from getting into popular Western culture we’ll soon witness a sort of dam-bust in terms of general desire to know more about this magical stuff that perpetually turns the energy of death and decay (coin of the corporate realm) into life force.
There probably are people of conscience who work for Green Peace, at least as crew members on those boats that get in the way of whalers, but the Rockefeller clan are mandated to run all these Green groups, after all. Some Greenies were trying to get people arrested for swimming with dolphins when Carol was on one of her trips to Hawaii. One of the schizophrenics who was watching for opportunities to report people to the police was approached by some of those nice dolphins near the beach and when Carol met her, afterward, the gal was sobbing and said, ‘I didn’t know!’
When the corporate world order dries up and blows away, so will all those cushy salaries for Greenie executives and so will Tavistock, which produced and maintains the brainwashing protocols that have militarized environmentalism and made it look like Mao Tse Tung’s ‘philosophy.’ We didn’t see a speck of that craziness in Africa–that was refreshing, too. It’s a culture shock to me every time I encounter The Green Boots, frankly.
I know that a lot of environmentalists have made orgonite out of curiosity. They seem to approach this in the same way that a preacher’s kid masturbates. They won’t be telling the congregation