Paging Ai Wei Wei in Beijing

I’m at my (older) daughter’s place in Cambridge, Massachusetts, this week and picked up a NEW YORKER magazine to look at the cartoons. Along the way I found an article about the Chinese artist and activist, Ai Wei Wei, who is doing with his art what we’re doing with orgonite.

I’m hoping he’ll find out about orgonite because if he’ll start using it he’s going to find that his efforts to politely hold the government accountable for their actions are going to pay off in a BIG way.

Mr Ai has become quite effective with Twitter, having discovered the power of the internet a few years ago. Twitter is banned in China, so millions of Chinese simply go to a foreign server and are using Twitter to their hearts’ content.

Ai Wei Wei attracts people like you and me and from what I can gather, his networking is Tienanmen Square Two: decentralized and effective [Image Can Not Be Found]

He’s fluent in English, having spent some years in New York. Other popular artists in China, allegedly progressive, are sore at him for ‘rocking the boat.’ Go figure.

What are the odds that he’ll get my message?
