Peace On Horizon For Sudans?

Sorry Don, if this is too off topic because it’s not a gifting report. But it’s certainly a consequence of gitings over there to not to mention it.

Besides that I remember of a Salva Kir posting on Ew monthes ago. Coincidence? … B520120714

I appreciate your comment and the link that you posted,really Sudan is always in our heart and the link really re-kindle all our hopes for since April those two president had never been in a close range talk like even what took place when they met in Adis-ababa Ethiopia.Their meeting and talking is a true sign of a new dawn and anew chapter of success and unity.
Really your message send a rays of hope to the whole kikundi for we now determined that their is light and life through the tunnel.
Chris [Image Can Not Be Found] [Image Can Not Be Found];