People Attacked for Visiting EW

I got an email from this fellow in Germany a few weeks ago and answered it fully. I simply suggested that he contact Dooney at and learn to hit back effectivcely. It’s really the only humane way to deal with the enemy when they intrude this way. It’s entirely harmless to boost the enemy from the heart and it’s effective because one can’t get those jobs without a withered, atrophied heart energy center Cool . They won’t assimilate the energy, simply stated, and the experience is so unpleasant for them they have to withdraw. My response email was intercepted (not surprising & I think he’s getting a lot of hacking, now) but I was happy to see that he was persistent and also wrote a note to Carol, which she shared with me:

Hello Carol,

did you know that anybody becomes a target for psychic attacks, just by searching for “Etherich Warriors”? No? I talked to my friend about EW, and she just searched the Internet and WHAM!!! She was attacked in a energetic way. Not only my friend! Also a college of her, who only was connect via a energy band to her! that’s weird! But since, we noticed that attacks, and I tried to get in contact with EW (i.e. Axel, Dooney, Don) i am under heavy attacks. “They” are attacking me now the whole day… it’s hard to block… Do you have a some advice for me? Or can you seek for the attackers and destroy the source of that attacks? My friend says it is possible in the Astral Layer… but i have no experience with that… maybe YOU?

I wrote Don an Email, but he didn’t not answer so far. This Mail has more valuable information… Maybe you have use for it… (I can resend it, if you want! Just ask)

Thanks for reading this and for any help/advice…

The only reports of this have come from Germans, so I naturally assume that the corporate terrorists are trying to isolate German gifters from this forum. I guess they’re still afraid of Germans’ surviving, primal mandate of freedom from the Venetian parasite Wink


@Psychiatrist who posts here and lives in The Netherlands mentioned that he’s also seeing increased sabotage and psi assaults of European gifters, now. He’s one of the psychics we’ve worked closely with over the years.

I got the following update and comments from the German fellow who I mentioned previously:

The assaults to my friends who tried to find some information of EW stopped… so far a success, I think…

The assaults to myself: ok, one week ago I intended to write you back, just to say the assaults have been stopped…

BUT after that weekend, I definitely know that the assaults still here… not only back again… the assaults are much

Stronger… the assault on Saturday was really heavy… I think dying can’t be more painful than that…

But meanwhile I can deal with that… I know how the assault are being planned and that’s really weird, because the assaults are never

direct hits… no, the assaults always use a person as actuator… of course this person don’t know anything about that…

My problem is, I can’t find the energy band, which are connect to me, not by myself… I need a friend, who can do that… it is a rare event, when I

find such an energy band, so I can cut it… but I am training myself to improve that skill… needs time, but I think I can handle this…

I know I can create a sphere to protect myself, but my enemy seems to be very powerful… the experience, when my shield (=sphere) is being

break through, is nothing which should being desired… (my friend has made some experience to that…)

The question is, WHY I am under attack And by whom???

But I will find out… the sooner or later…

So far. my report to that topic…

Here’s what I told him:


There are so many sewer rat agencies around the world that we haven’t considered it more than a curiosity to know which one is hitting us in the moment, though it’s fun to find out, sometimes. It was nice when the psychics eventually stopped seeing the Jesuits among the frequent assailants, for instance, also interesting to note the steady increase over the past ten years of the participation, then the usual overseeing of the Triads, who are apparently the top of the occult/military dungheap for now. It’s like a Secret Policemen’s Ball sometimes Laugh

I think it took us about five years of weekly ‘counterterrorism’ (the only overt terrorists on the planet are the US/UK/Israel regime) group psi efforts to develop the simple and powerful protection techniques that Dooney teaches on and she’s helped hundreds of people get out from under these parasites over the years. It’s not the only way to do it, obviously, but I think it’s the easiest and most consistently effective because it’s based on striking back from the heart, with clean energy.
