I recently moved to Pittsburgh…
Gifting run day one:
1 TB off the 16th Street bridge into the Allegheny River.
1 TB at the base of a gigantic, red and white, two-horned tower bristling with panels, and also drums, on top of Polish Hill, within sight of my house. 1 TB at the base of another gigantic, red and white hilltop tower, within a quarter mile of the first.
Day Two:
2 TBs near the base of a very tall, red and white tower at the top of ‘Television Hill’ on the North Side of the Allegheny
1 TB near a smaller ‘neighborhood’ tower about a mile from my apartment. There’s a pretty significantly sized electrical substation connected to this tower. The tower is maybe three stories tall, with a black drum with a red lightning bolt on it. Sixty years ago, folks saw lightning bolt runes on black SS uniforms and sensibly got all afraid, while today much or most of the populace numbly sees it as an innocent corporate logo.
3 TB’s near the three towers of a major television station North of town, I believe it might have been Troy Hill/Mt. Troy. Giant towers. 2 more TBs at the two towers of the TV station on the top of the hill directly across from the first one, less than a quarter mile from the first station. 1 TB at the corner of the old graveyard across the street from the TV stations.
Into a valley North of town, up and back, 1 TB each for the three cell towers ‘servicing’ that valley. Tried to reach a line of five huge towers over a ridge ahead of me, couldn’t get there, turned around, chucked one in a little creek I crossed.
It began to rain lightly as I came home from this sortie.
This day also, learned that a company I’d applied to (using a very good local reference) inexplicably rejected my candidacy after a very strong initial interview. ‘Weird’, an associate said when I related the facts of the situation.
I intuit malign etheric monkeying with my situation. I post for the record that I actively gift, boost, and post this to count coup against said monkeyers. Going back out for another run when I finish this post.
Day Three:
Strange, hazy weather at the start of this day, almost a whiteout, definitely struck me as ‘weird’. 1 TB at the base of a gigantic red and white tower at the top of Mt. Washington, on the bluff across the West End bridge, directly overlooking downtown. At the end of this day, a beautiful, soft rain began to fall, rain like in the old days. It rained softly on and off through the night last night.
As I was about to post this, I began to get a ringing in my left ear, like a tuning fork, a distinct sign of etheric attack I’ve become well familiar with. I grabbed one of DB’s large HHG’s from next to the TV, held it up, directed the energy I felt coming in back out, while boosting and also further requesting assistance from the guardians of the creator vortex. I also used the Hawaiian kahuna command ‘that which you have given to me I return to you.’ Ringing stopped instantaneously.