Please Help Boost A Public Officer Psychopath

i am sharing this cause basically it seems very obvious to me they are trying their best to sabotage my trip on boat in the Gulf by hurting my family.

About 3 months ago we had a daughter at home in a birthing pool. yolanda, i and her sister with no help from anyone else. We wanted it to be a natural birth at home and all went really great! Evidently Sybilla is an amazing sentient being who was born naturally and not in any CORPORATION OWNED hospital so she was born free under her own dominion from us, the parents as natural superior law has provided.

Since we decided not to register her and the the Spanish REgister cause it is a voluntary act and it is not against any law, specially the natural ones ;-d Registering anything in a CORPORATION, whicever it is, means you ar giving aways title of the thing or human to that Corporation and they let you benefit from their use as long as you comply by their estatues which you have apporved under contract. This means, you msut pay taxes for this, permits for that etc…and specially comply under their authority/jurisdiction cause you did not protect your own SOveregin one.

Not to derail much, suffice it to say that getting a birth certificate means that the governemt willl create the Alive being into a company PERSON and give you whatevr ID which demonstrates that you are under their control legally speaking. They consider people ¨abandoned chattel in the seas of commerce¨ and the good governemt rescues you from there and enter you into comercial law, their law as opposed to the law of alive humans, common law, the law of the land.

They also can now float a bond, debt your connutry with the criminal bankers , cause they have another human resource working for them (social security number).The Law certainly doesnt prohibit a sovereing being to live their life freely as long as you are responsible with your God given rights and others.

So we send a letter to the register estating under penalty of perjury (notarised) called ¨denial of consent to register children¨. One month later , without hearing from anyone who the letter was sent to, we got last thursday a theratening telegram from the local prosecutor ordering us to appear tomorrow at 1030am Madrid time with our daughter. If we didnt come she would send police to remove us.

Thursady was the very same day i got my ticket for the trip to gift so… coincidence? we decided to send two notices and i have delivered the personally today because i offered her a chance to explain herself as to why she is threatening our family. She denied to see me so i had to go downstairs to get an envolope and when i returned she was instructing an agent to let me know which time was convenient for us and some other instructions which wans the purpose of my visit. The door was half openend, no one else was in the office so i went in front of the door and ask her straight. What do you want? and what problem do you have with my family??

She was taken by surprise of course. She ordered again: Come back tomorrow when you were told to come.
I told her i came under my own volition and in good faith to settle the matter peacefully and so she could please take a moment. After much negating she said: ok. SIT DOWN!!! (see how pyschos work?) i asked her if it was an order, she said yes! i told her that i would write her a bill cause all orders produce services which requires bills… She was very angry of course. Then she oredered again: Don talk to me like that! i am an Auhority!! and i told her also : SO what? i am too!! and i am acting on my own jurisdiction! her face changed again. (see, she cant admit openly that i am not an equal) All the while a worker was present hearing all this.

So because she wanted for me to fall under her jurisdiction, under her authority, She was ordering me to do something. If i had complied right there, i gave up my Sovereing rights and enter their estatue comerce law game and she could do whatever she liked then, that was her intention. So as an equal she doesnt want me n her office, of course!

Since it was not possible to get info as to why she tried to contact us, i told her she is served notice and the agent signed everything. She has two now that in good faith she must answer.

Law in Spain says that you can only send cops to someones house if ruled by a judge with a good investigation , with a sufficently grave cause like a strong act of crime, dangerous to the public (think guns, bank robbery planing and the such…)

So anyway, I must thank DOn, Dooney and CArol for helping out on the etheric site of this planned attack to derail me and ask any of you to boost us and this prosecutor, lovingly, whose name is eva casado fernandez and works as prosecutor in MAhon. anytime the next few days.

if all is well. you ll hear better stories from me after from my gifting in the north. many people have been supportive and i thank them all. we ll see how it all develops.


awesome Fran! [Image Can Not Be Found]

I love how you’re standing “on” your sovereign rights and not “under” their fictional statute bullsh!t. I salute your courage and your determination to lawfully protect your child. Beautiful.



Thank you Mike. It is a double edge sword my friend and although there should always be remedy and natural law should be respected by all, it simply isnt.
I havent found any written law yet that says you are not a sovereign under your own dominion which means you are free in this world to carry on without basically hurting anyone.

Problem we all know what it is, one thing is the word spoken or written and another the actions of actually honoring those words. You can see the estate of affairs about hijacked and controlled governments that at some point in history, very very long ago, took control of the private issuing of curency and made it legal everywhere.

So no matter what the law, there s not so much remedy for important things, in my opinion. I just do not take very well the misuse of authority and threats and this is a personal issue. To involuntary accept serfdom ¨ignites my fumes¨

I have been succssefull with penalties and fines, little things but when you get high enough on the corporate dung heap as DOn mentions, i think is best to probably retreat in case you actually may loose your freedom or they destroy your family.

i will also share that these public officers have been trained (brainwashed) to think that they are acting according to the law and that they have Authority over anyone. Nothing could be further from the truth but their mindset is so engrained and fixed that they simply cannot look at truth and justice anymore from the point of view of common sense, compassion and love. No matter what arguments you may bring and that you can even prove with their own law, they are blind and may even think they are acting honorably.

When i met Don, after a while of my own research to try to understand how society had been artificially molded to the needs of a few parasitic psycopaths thru lies, subterfuge and even dark magic, i told him i was looking for remedy, to try and bring solutions to those artifical problems and help with a small contribution to the betterment of this planet and the estate of affairs of humanity.

I told him i was convinced that the remedies he was offering were simply amazing and probably one of the best things human can use to free themselves. One was the Terminator Zapper which cured Yolanda in times badly needed, it felt like a miracle. This brought remedy to illness and protection from it in a cheap simple way that everyone can afford. The other remedy is gifting orgonite because is simple, cheap, and it doesn require to talk to any Authority, nor it requires that you join any organization, NGO, protest and the like. It is a spiritual healing tool to bring change also on this physical world. It protects from the wrong uses of technology against people, helps ¨heal¨ the weather and has spiritual effects on the people as well. The more stable and loving energy there is, the less room this parasites will have to live off people and continue their deception. You cna do this openly or quietly but this might be on the best remedies to exercise your free will and actually make a big difference.

In the end, the root cause of the problem is actually an spiritual one with obvious consequences or manifestation on this physical plane. So it is only sensible to put remedy at the root of the problem, my views in any case.

all the help much appreciate it. Thank God we are not alone and more and more decent human beings are doing the same, put remedy directly.


Fran’s warrior stance sure sweetens this forum! It’s been said that if one will not stand for something one will fall for anything and in the case of people who will not consciously struggle against tyranny according to the dictates of their hearts, as Fran and Yolanda are doing, the two most popular snares are theosophical and bornagain-chump dogmae [Image Can Not Be Found]

I’ve often felt that Spain’s bureacracy is the most entrenched and anti-human one in Europe. A Spanish gifter once sent me the section of Carroll Quigley’s book, Tragedy and Hope, about the short era in Spain when a constitutional republic had replaced the old imperial regime. It didn’t take long for London and then Rome and Berlin to shred that briefly-successful effort, which was bringing prosperity and harmony to Spain in the midst of the Great Depression.

Fran recently provided the link to a PDF version of that history book, which I made into a link in the upper left side of EW’s homepage. I always hope that more people who read these postings will also read books by legitimate authors instead of trying to get their info from YouTube or charismatic disinformants. I have a lot of faith that the printed word will not die [Image Can Not Be Found]

Dooney, Carol and I worked on Fran and Yolanda’s dilemma on Monday night, which was probably a couple of hours before they met this bureaucrat in her office. I assume it’s the same bureaucrat that Fran mentioned, above. You might be delighted to know how that went if he posts about it.

I stand behind my few real friends, including Fran and Yolanda, no matter what they decide to do and when Fran asked me about my feelings about struggling against the regime in Spain as the very first people to advocate personal sovereignty in the matter of deciding not to register their child, I suggested that the American Gulag Archipelago is populated by people who justifiably won their first personal sovereignty court battles against this satanic regime and then eventually lost because this corporate order isn’t bound by the rules they hold us accountable to. I won’t call them ‘laws.’

Some peaceful personal sovereignty advocates have also been murdered by police, of course, and never made it as far as a kangaroo courtroom. Stevo and Dooney (two more of our real friends) like to say that ‘Friends help you move; real friends help you move bodies.’ We aren’t killers, of course, but my faith in my personal friends is so strong that if they had to kill someone I absolutely would help them dispose of the body, fully confident in their innocence. Or, as Thomas Paine advised during the early period of the American Revolution, when most Americans still supported the City of London: If we don’t hang together then we shall surely hang separately.

Some folks on EW don’t even realize (and a few even deny) that we’re enemies of the corporate world order simply by committing the act of drawing breath but these few are prolific orgonite-flingers and their gifting reports are valuable for the record so I don’t bust their chops about it publicly (I often do, privately). I’m hoping that Fran’s experience with this obviously vindictive, hungry, bureaucratic behemoth in Spain will shake some of their beatific complacency a bit. When that mean-spirited gal threatened to have them ‘dragged out of the house by cops next Tuesday (today)’ I was pretty sure that it was mainly to prevent Fran from doing that very important orgonite work in the Bay of Biscay (on the other end of Spain) from his boat. Now I understand that someone in France is going to do the coastline that runs north from Spain’s.

Will someone please extend a hand and drive Fran’s car along the route, hopefully flipping the death towers and weatherweaponry along the shore, as Fran painstakingly makes his way from Portugal to France? I know the material resources are at hand because some very kind and generous European orgonite makers and flingers have been very, very supportive of this effort. Their generous support has been crucial, in fact. If anyone in Europe can take a week or so and do that for him (and for Europe’s climate) it would really sweeten the coming victory. I’m one of those (few?) who believes that our Creator especially loves and assists people who work closely in groups.

The sort of ‘extracurricular’ posting that Fran exhibits, here, is what I encourage and it’s what our readers appreciate the most, by the way.

The Babylonian banksters (Spain’s oppressive, spirit-destroying gov’t is just one of the many hydra heads of that make up this old order that infected London in the late 1600s after prudently distancing themselves from the Turk a century or so earlier, after the fall of Constantinople. Real history is pretty simple and easy to understand but one really needs to get it from legitimate books, unfortunately, and not from loudmouth, charismatic-faker media personalities whose mandate is to spread fear and hopelessness by painting the corporate order as more than mere parasites. Nobody gets a clear picture of history from school, including universities. Professor Quigley had noted privately that real history is not made by people who are powerful; it’s made in the streets. The global orgonite revolution is a case in point, though we might substitute the word, ‘internet,’ for ‘streets.’ [Image Can Not Be Found]

Thomas Paine, who inspired the American Revolution and evidently wrote most of the Declaration of Independence, was just a guy whom Benjamin Franklin discovered in London and sent an informal letter of introduction to his son in Philadelphia, who gave Paine a job at his printing establishment in April, 1776. The City of London arranged for Thomas Paine to receive the death sentence in absentia a few years after the War for Independence was won. In those days, the private printing press performed the same function that the internet does, today. Just about everyone on the continent read Paine’s pamphlet, Common Sense within a few months after his arrival in America. The pamphlet was printed by a large number of privately owned presses throughout the colonies. Paine’s legacy was later almost completely destroyed by outraged clergy, by the way, whom he rightly criticised for being corrupt and self-seeking.

I mentioned him because his life exemplified personal sovereignty, which is surely the spirit of our present era even though most people are blissfully and completely unaware of their own state of corporate slavery. You can think of a lot of historical figures like Paine and Reich who are ignored or damed with faint praise by institutionalized historians but we need to know about these people because they’re our exemplars.

I believe that violence has no place in the current, succeeding global revolution against parasitic tyranny, unless you consider tossing a towerbuster from a moving car in the vicinity of a death tower an act of violence [Image Can Not Be Found]


Thanks Don,
yes, i have bases on the way (house) which will make it more comfortable to leave and pick up stuff when needed but as you can see much better two people than one since it can be done in one go. I may get some help along the way for some areas but nor all as of today. This means leaving port, do the gifting and come back to the same port against wind, for instance and double time /gas. Not complaining but much nicer is if someone leaves from the same port tossing orgonite from the car along the coast as i make my way to net port where he/she can pick me up.

I ask anyone who may feel to boost us to please help since threats are escalating to remove our daughter all together from us. This woman and the judge above her need all the boost as well as Yolanda that after 3 months sleepless and giving so much milk during attack, her energy is very depleted an easy target.

Thank you for any help you can give us.
