Please report overt intimidation, like the following case in

sounds like we must hammer your government a bit more, Judy! Will do! Put orgonite around all important government buildings.


We’ll get busy with this problem on Sunday, Judy, but at least they didnt kidnap your husband and demand money for his release, as was happening, before. I think it’s a sign of progress, actually.So, perhaps, is the fact that one of those cops was friendly.

I do agree with Georg about gifting gov’t and police buildings but that’s something any of us ought to do where we live, of course, as a preventive measure. When cops were harassing us in Moscow, Idaho, a couple of years ago I simply tossed orgonite on the roof of the copshop and the problem stopped temporarily. Before, I’d only put it around that building but Carol and another psychic saw a dark thoughtform, created by fed magicmongers, sitting on the flat roof of the copshop. That was a lot of fun.

I don’t know if this qualifies as harrassment, but it’s a first. Here’s what Jacques just PM’d me:



Look like Sherry Shriner doesn’t like you very Much Don, LoL

She post this one, on a forum with your Name. [this part is the ‘first,’ of course; lots of people are saying I’m a menace to humanity or am just a jerk. ~D]

"……You’re right though, about bad orgonite vendors. I am one of them, in fact, and have sold thousands of dollars of (rather cheap,) orgonite. what you are wrong about, though, is that while I am happy to disperse bad orgonite amongst the human population, I do keep mass amounts of good orgonite for myself and my comrades. "

Do NOT buy orgone from Ebay! Do NOT buy orgone from anyone associated with Don Croft! Make your own! I have the directions on my website and some pictures at [link to]

Don Croft is pure evil! His entire group makes orgone that will destroy the health of those who buy it or make it as he instructs them to. It not only destroys the health of the people who follow or listen to him, it will kill their pets! He sabotages and makes BAD orgone. Just as there is good orgone, there is bad orgone. The orgone Don Croft makes and promotes benefits and helps the New World Order!!


Someone whom I don’t know emailed me, yesterday, with her quoted ‘warning,’ but that fellow didn’t mention what she alleged that I’d said.

In January, 2004, Sherry Shriner approached me with a partnership offer. She claimed that if I’d join forces with her she’d bring a whole lot of born-again Christians into the orgonite movement. I politely told her that this isn’t an organization or personality cult and pretty soon she was assaulting my character on her website. Anyone who reads my stuff understands that I consider born-again Christians (‘bornagain chumps’) to be on par with starry-eyed newagers in terms of potential assets to this movement. Rather, they’re generally liabilities because they won’t use discernment and they’re too easily manipulated by clever, charismatic people.

Pekka, we’ll also get busy with teh hacker horde again on Sunday and thanks for letting us know they got to your puter. Jacques is having trouble that way again, too.


This provokes me to respond and take a stand on this. I immediately became suspicious when Sherry Shriner practically stole the idea of TBs, changed it’s name (which nobody else would dream of) and on top of that, pretended that all of this came to her from Yahweh.

Yes, Don this is harassment! But what the heck, does it matter as long as she spreads orgone, and she must have studied everything very carefully to make any sense of it, at least WE know that!

Hi Everyone,

I have been sitting on this for a couple of days now thinking about it. Wednesday morning Nov. 1, 2006 an individual purposefully tried to get me into an accident on a very busy freeway. I was able to avoid it as I saw it coming. The man in the SUV I saw was looking at me and cursing me and giving me the finger and yelling out the window at me. The traffic then started bunching up and slowing. I was able to get away and ahead of him. He was trying his best to follow me and get behind me to do what I don’t know. He was behind the car behind me and was driving erratically to get behind me. At this point I felt I had no choice and I got onto the shoulder and drove on the shoulder to get away. He did not follow me up the shoulder. All the while I had to SP’s running in the car. He was never able to catch up after this and I got away. What an experience I have to say. Once I got to work I boosted the best I could but was nervous. Anyway no harm done to me or my vehicle.


Every time I get visited by unwanted or unexpected astral travelers, I feel uncomfortable, not scared and lastly, intimidated… because someone is invading my space.

I really don’t know for sure this person´s purpose on coming by to my house astrally, sitting in my bed and stareing at me, but I believe I should talk about this here, so this person knows for sure that I noticed everything.

Of course, as soon as I blasted and grounded, It disappear from my space. So the freak knows I know. Whats next now? More voodoo? More “coincidence”? Whatever it is, you know how to bother me…(and I know what to do)

By the way, I wont be able to be in the chat this sunday. Am going to the east coast here in Dominican Republic, to the beach so am taking orgonite with me and see if I get in touch with some of our friends, the cetaceans.

Am sure its going to be fun to gift that part of the island.

So this is my little latest story about “intimidators”…

Jose M.

I just got an armed robbery and lost a lot of stuff. I was threatened with rape and murder as I faced the barrel of a gun for the second time in my life. The last time it happened was a couple of years ago. The cops two days ago told me I’d regret not taking them seriously.


Hi guys, please help me as I am in a lot of pain; my stomach is on fire with microwave poisoning from the black ops or something. I am nearly fainting while writing this. I’m Elen Kirkaune, gifting in Scotland and at your mercy right now.



Thanks my friends, I felt the healing immediately. Feeling weak but OK. I will post more tomorrow about it.


Spoke too soon, I’m still in a lot of pain although not as hard as earlier. Please give me some more healing, please
