Despite the depresive, grey and rainy weather today, my powerwand managed to get a deep blue sky… this situational photo is after 30 minutes of the operation, powerwand turned on.
Michel, that’s true, that deep blue is amazing, with powerwand turned on, it is just ripping the chemistry apart. Today i had the best results, mainly because i have finally realised, that i need to go on the hill nearby my house, to take more strategic position. I was so much amazed by the the force of this little Miniwand - 28mm, which i bought from George (Orgonise Africa),
the result is the blue sky in the aproximate 15-20 km range…
I was wondering if anyone tryed this with an orgone candle(by Ben Morton)? Would this have the same kind of results? Since I have both a powerwand and an orgone candle, I’ll try this experiment as soon as I stop procrastinating… I’ll be back with the results…sometime.
Constable attacked our work several times when he was a guest on Rense’s syndicated radio show in 2002/2003 but all that stopped abruptly, we think because the attention had doubled our numbers
Even then, I refused to criticize his own work, which I think is solid. His books are well worth reading. I remember when he took a new approach, beyond Reich cloudbusters, because his assistant then sent me a scathing, ‘everytyhing you know is wrong,’ email in which the cone stuff was partly described.
The reason proprietary efforts haven’t done nearly as much good as thousands of cloudbusters and untold numbers of towerbusters have done around the world, though, is that the majority of people who can conceive our simpler approach won’t take an interest in more complex methods. Also, orgonite’s effect is perpetual but I don’t know of any other technology that can be set up and left running without conscious interaction. I think that Slim Spurling’s stuff is as good as Constables but if you don’t sit with it, at least once per day, it stops working.
Another handicap we have is that since anyone can do this work, there’s no mystique. The charisma element is almost non-existent. I see it as an asset but many people are more attracted to glamor than to substance, unfortunately, and these folks tend to talk a lot on forums.
If not for this forum, there would be absolutely no record of the miraculous work that we’ve all been doing and people like Trevor Constable could easily claim credit for what we’ve done and are still doing.
To promote Trevor Constable, here, probably isn’t entirely helpful since this forum is set up to promote orgonite. Bearclaw, if you’re keen to have direct knowledge of Constable’s new approach I encourage you to commit to experimenting with it in an appropriate way.
I do think a proper science forum could create the basis for a fair comparison of our work and Constable’s, though. We, at least, are pretty objective about what we’re doing and we don’t attack anyone else in the process, as Constable and others routinely do.
The wonderful thing about doing this work in Africa is that the confirmations are a lot more ‘lively’ and immediate than here in America. When Carol and I were in Namibia we saw the orgone ‘squiggles,’ both dark and light, were many times larger and more dynamic than what we’ve seen elsewhere. You don’t need to be psychic to see that orgone effect, by the way; it’s exactly like looking at those dot pictures while in an alpha state & seeing the image develop. I hope our readers in the West won’t have expectations, based on Bearclaw’s reports, of identical results to his in Africa with the Powerwand but I always encourage people to experiment. The parameters for all orgonite devices are so wide that precision is usually not needed.
Debates about which directions orgonite flows in the atmosphere are probably also better conducted in a proper science forum. If I were to allow idle debate on this forum our readers would quickly become confused about what we’re trying to accomplish and they’d also lose respect for us all and go away. I’ve seen it in the past and I want us to avoid that, if possible.
If is not filling the bill as a venue for proper science debate who will take up the challenge? Maybe Kozma has the stones for it. We know that anyone who starts an orgonite forum will experience no end of trouble from the sewer rat agencies, even on a very personal level & financial level. It’s a hard lesson but also an initiation. The rewards for having a successful forum, for me, outweigh the risk but I’m an oddball because I love it when those $#!+birds throw stuff at me . I think Kozma is similarly suited but that’s his call. I think we can get assistance for anyone who will commit to that.
Power wands are comprised of orgonite. This is an orgonite website. I don’t think this topic isn’t appropriate, otherwise I never would have posted. “results are all that matter” Trevor Constable(who cares who said it, if it’s true) Too bad he attacked orgonite. Makes me think he’s fearful.
Hi guys,
As I am new here I am going to share some older experiences with you…
Well, I made it and of course it was nice to see it worked.
I do not wish to affect the weather in general as the climate where I live is rather mild but, God! it was too wet during spring and June all over Hellas.
It was raining and raining almost every day.
The forecast on that Sunday, in June, was showing rainstorm in my entire region from 3pm to 9pm.
Around 12:30pm the first drops started to fall and I decided to stop what it was coming…
I took my PW (excellent work Georg) and I went upstairs at my terrace.
Then I turned my CB, which was already installed there, to face SW (towards the weather front).
Next photo is taken in another day but results are similar -actually the clouds were darker.
I started to make circles with my PW according to the descriptions posted above for about 25 minutes.
Before I leave the terrace clouds were already thiner. I could hear the thunders on the mountain tops around but not a single thunderstruck in the vicinity.
I left the CB aiming the weather front and I went for a coffee.
No rain ever came after that, not a single drop nor wind or whatever…
The dark clouds started to dissipate, the sky turned blue very soon and the sun was shining.
What a wonderful afternoon and evening…
But… if not urgent need or signs of weather manipulation we better let the nature do its own…
Yesterday I did as instructed in this topic and it worked very well.
Since I gifted my neighborhood, the skys above have gone complety crazy! Every morning I go out to work, it’s completly messy by any normal weather standard! It’s pretty blue and sunny, with puffy clouds and lots of sylphy clouds too and them, in matter of few minutes, witheout! Another 20 minutes, blue with sylphs, sometimes hazy and with weather controll wave patterns and rainbow halos. Them witheout, them blue, and it goes on and on. It behaves like this mostly over the gifted area, around a 800 metres radius, the area around just clouded and smogy.
Yesterday morning the sky was blue with many huge silphy clouds. At the time of the lunch, thoug, whiteout. Them I decided to give it a try with my 0,8 kilo crystal succor punch. Since I live in the south hesmisphere, I rotated [u:1ir5kxqc]counterclockwise northward[/u:1ir5kxqc], to break the clouds open. I also asked the sylphs in my mind, if they could help me. After 10 minutes the clouds had already began to open and the sun shone trough the hazy artifiacialy clouded sky. After 35 minutes the sky was completely clean with sylphy clouds again, but only over the gifted area. I could easily see a borderline between gifted and non gifted, white, sky. I knew it had worked because i felt some psy attack pain while I was rotating the succor punch, but I just ignored it and it went away
The sky cleaning revealed a strange round dark grey cloud, while the white haze seemed to try to retake its place over the sky. It contrasted with the rest of the white sky and it was just a little behind the borderline. It looked artificial, too bad I don’t have a camera [Image Can Not Be Found]. I pointed my succor punch at it and boosted and it seemed to start to lose its round form and break into about 6 wispy dark clouds. An airplane crossed high the sky, and I boosted it. The psy attack came back like before. Them I pointed southward, rotated clockwise, past the white bourderline. The clouds there started to quickly break too, reaveling the HAARP like wave patterns ;. Many sylphy clouds apeared near the borderline as if they were trying to hold it. The dark cloud them seemed to regroup and it pushed forward past the bourderline, bringing the white haze with it and fading behind it. Whiteout again. Them I went out for a walk with a friend on another part of the citty. The sky was blue with many sylphs over, despite the fact that the area wasn’t gifted.
When I came back to my home 2 hours later, the skys were blue and silphy again. It seems to me that even my small gifting made pretty hard to them to whiteout the area. The sylphs have also been very active around here, I see them every day. It’s very encouraging to see that few TBs and a 9 volt powered device can have so much effect against chemtrails and kilowatts of death tower weather controll activity ; .
The next time I’ll try to do it a different way. Since the succor punch is activated by intent, I think it’s not necessary to point and rotate it physicaly. It’s not a gun. I think we should try to just direct it’s energy with intent through our hands, rotating it as if we were “waxing” the sky. I wonder if it i’ll work as good as before.
Glad you getting good results! It is a powerful tool. Don Croft deserves a lot of credit for creating the powerwand. It has more uses that originally thought which is great.(aim at pineal gland to transmute calcification)
I like to energise my chakras with my succor punch. I point it to each one of them and rotate the succor punch clock wise, one by one, for some minutes, starting with the violet chakra and going down. While doing this I imagine the chakra vortex also spining clockwise (seen from the tip of the vortex cone) with its correspondig color.
Here’s a video of a Powerwand Magic Machine we built. It’s just a little 60 RPM 12v electric motor altered to attach a powerwand to it. Since we’ve set it up we haven’t had a single white-out in the Milwaukee area, as it’s rotating in such a way where it’s constantly damming up the etheric field to the west of us.
[Powerwand Magic Machine/url:1wx7e4il
Great Sean,
I always had to do that to experiment clockwise and count clocwise rotation and they effect on the atmospheric ether. Wheere did you get such a motor?
I found the motor at a local science/hobby surplus store, called American Science and Surplus. I’m sure it would be easy to find similar motors online though. Just make sure to find one with low RPM, otherwise you’ll need to use a gearbox to slow it down to a reasonable speed.
[The following is from an anonymous orgonite flinger whose reports I have been posting. She asked me to add this one to the old PW thread. ~Don]
I tried out this technique of ‘damming the ether’ to clear the whiteout from chemtrail planes. This was early in 2015 when I first noticed chemtrail planes over my city. They criss-crossed the sky all afternoon and by the time I went home from work the sky was a white out. This made me angry.
When I got home I checked this article for details, went out to the back yard, and mostly aimed my power wand in the general direction of north, rotating counter clockwise in small to larger circles on a 45 degree angle. I had it in my head to do this for 30 minutes swapping directions, aiming south and using clockwise circles. Although I took several short breaks my arms only held out for 25 minutes and I had to give up.
About the 20 minute mark I had cleared off a large enough area that I could see there were still 3 chemtrail planes flying and laying down their trails. Well, they were trying to. As they passed by my place their trails were intermittent dashes. It made me think I was sending out waves of good orgone energy to slice through the chemtrails. For a first effort the results made me happy.
Next morning it got even better. The weather said overcast but there was a gigantic blue hole in the clouds. It was like a blue dome over the whole city keeping the clouds out. There were two silly chemtrail planes trying to fill in the hole.