Yesterday I actually just drove around being busy with my normal work and stuff, but with my big laod of orgonite in my car the shitbirds do never know what I want to to next…
So maybe they wanted to slow me down, anyway here is what happened:
You all know this, some days it is like “they” throw all the bad powers they have into your way. Eyery single traffiy light was red. I began counting after about 20 traffic lights, after 40 I stopped it. If you like, do the math. The probability of green is sometimes 50%, sometimes 33% depending from the number of streets crossing or deviding, say on average it’s 40%. The probability is very, very low for this is to be a coincidence.
Another strange thing happened to me somewhere at a very remote place in the black forest, where there was nearly no traffic and this time a was at a minor giftingrun. After flipping around a very strange little antenna that seemed important to me and already being on the way back about 30 seconds later (I always try not to loose time, that’s why you never get photos from me…), there was a car heading to this antanna with the number CW (for Calw) – … (forgot the letters) – 999.
O.K., not that special so far, but directly after this car there cama another one with the number CW – … – 999. Yikes! 10 seconds later there came another car with the number S (fot Stuttgart) – … – 999. Again, do the math, if you like. There was no other car for minutes! By the way, the symbol of the district of calw is the all-seing eye. They have no place to hide left now, it’s all gifted!
More stories and information later,